Arctic Sea Ice Is The Same Thickness As 1940

According to figures from the University of Washington and the University of Illinois, Arctic ice thickness is averaging a little over two metres, down from a little over three metres in 1979.

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In 1940, it was reported that Arctic sea ice thickness was two metres, down from three metres in 1900. In other words, the past 35 years have been a repeat of the early part of the century

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23 Feb 1940 – THE NORTH POLE. Is it Getting Warmer. | BUNDABER…

By 1958, scientists reported a 50% reduction in volume – and predicted an ice-free Arctic in the next generation.

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The Changing Face of the Arctic – The Changing Face of the Arctic – View Article –

Bottom line is that the Arctic is cyclical, forecasts by Arctic experts are cyclical, they have absolutely no clue what they are talking about – and never did.

The most important thing to note is that starting graphs at the peak year of 1979 without bold warnings or disclaimers, is scientific malfeasance. Based on my reading, I would estimate that ice thickness has done something like this since 1940.

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About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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13 Responses to Arctic Sea Ice Is The Same Thickness As 1940

  1. stpaulchuck says:

    gee, cherry picking the data, who’d a thunk it?

  2. nielszoo says:

    The most important thing to note is that starting graphs at the peak year of 1979 without bold warnings or disclaimers, is scientific malfeasance.

    No, it’s perfectly in line with main stream climate science’s strict Peer Reviewed™ internationally acclaimed best practices.

  3. Don says:

    Has anyone done any looking into this chart which they claim is a reliable measure of Arctic sea ice back to c.1952? Any rebuttals as to reliability, etc.? Thanks.

  4. Andy DC says:

    It is settled science that the world began in 1979.

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