Geologists have to understand the relationship between CO2 and ocean temperature, because it controls limestone formation. That is why very few geologists believe that climatologists are real scientists.
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Geologist also know the oceans are well buffered and ROTFLTAO at the idea of ‘Ocean Acidification’
The buffering is complicated and as yet it is a long ways from being fully understood, too many processes happening simultaneously.
It’s not very complicated to understand that if coral evolved when CO2 was 4000 ppm, raising CO2 to 400 ppm is not going to harm it
I’ll bet no climate scare promotion group will host an “Askageologist” Twitter evening as they tried to do with that recent and funny Mann fiasco.
However, they don’t really want to learn science they just want to appeal to the lefty money crowd. So facts are out, and emotion and politics rule the day. Quite sad really.
Do we want to have our future scientists taught by Leonardo di Caprio just because he’s good at acting like one? The world is dumbing down unfortunately.
But Neil deGrasse Tyson told me on the “Cosmos” remake that Earth will turn into Venus, the oceans will evaporate, and no new limestone will be formed by marine animals.
And, if Tyson gets anymore confused, his head is likely to explode.
(Either that, or he will bite someone’s ear off….)
Neil deGrasse Tyson is the Barack Hussein Obama of science. The guy, with lots of help, spins a good yarn but much of it has nothing to do with any reality. He is, like Obama, a consummate liar that continually makes stuff up with the intent of elevating himself.
In other words deGrasse Tyson has got into his current position through a silver tongue and a large affirmative action
deGrasse Tyson is the affirmative action scientist of our times. Like Obama doing little, but apparently achieving greatness with it.
I remember reading in Chuck Yeager’s “The Right Stuff” how he had to fight AA way back in the early 60’s. Here’s the story:
The fact that earth is much further from the sun and has about 1/1,000 the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere should make absolutely no difference!
1/1000? Venus actually has 223,000 times more CO2 than earth has.
I’m so dissappointed in Neil deGrasse Tyson. I can understand why Bill Nye believes in Global Warming, but I thought Tyson was smarter and more honest. I overestimated him.
Good gravy, don’t get me started on that Cosmos mess. The tech geeks were falling all over themselves rushing to fellate Tyson and the show. He seems a decent fellow, but I don’t get the personality cult that’s arisen around him.
The actual scientists I know made it about five or six episodes in before bailing out from boredom. Ooooo, science is cool! The universe is a wonder! Ooooo! All right, we get it. Maybe I wasn’t the target audience because I could have written half the episodes off the top of my head.
Example peeve: he goes to Titan in his CGI ship, and shows a CGI moon. No actual pictures of Titan or its surface that a lot of folks worked very hard to achieve. No mention of the Cassini or Huygens probes. Perfect chance to show what humanity can accomplish, and do can you, kids! Science and engineering rock! Stay in school! But, no, we need another minute of Tyson staring in moody awe at a green screen.
Ah, I’ll stop now.
Of course we know that it will never get very much like Venus (or Mars for that matter). Venus is a lot different to the Earth.
~ For example, it doesn’t have strong magnetic fields to help protect the planet. Therefore the solar wind stripped it of gases like hydrogen, helium, and oxygen ions, leaving the higher-mass molecules like carbon dioxide. The atmosphere became very dense, with 96% CO2, and 92 times more than Earth’s pressure at the surface.
~ Also, it is considerably closer to the Sun, at about 0.72 of the distance from the Sun to the Earth, and it rotates very slowly at only 6.5 km/h or 4 mph. Therefore a Venus day is very long! Venus takes 243 Earth days to rotate once.
~ Naturally given the above, Venus does not have biomass (or oceans) to absorb some of the CO2, and it does not have a carbon cycle to lock carbon back into the rocks.
Geologists are also informed by 4.5 billion years of planetary history and real ‘climate disruption’ which has never had a thing to do with carbon dioxide.
Geologist know that it has been much warmer in Earths past and that CO2 was present in the atmosphere at much higher concentrations than are present today and there was no runaway greenhouse effect.
And that allowed the fossil fuels to form. The result is that atmosphere lost most of it’s CO2. Let’s get it back where it belongs!
In my experience, geologists are the single largest group of experts skeptical of anthropogenic CO2-caused global warming. I know excellent physicists who have not looked into the matter closely but believe the climate science propaganda. They do not seem to be naturally inoculated against it like geologists.
Unfortunately some of the trade organizations, like AIPG, started falling in line withe the AGW meme, contrary to their members…..of which I am no longer.
Geologist need funding too. I am speaking mainly academics here. Many of them starting seeing CO2 ghosts everywhere they looked. In the old days they just saw gold, or oil…..
Ah, inflation! I heard it originally as a mere $1 million.
I’ve heard it about Lord Beaverbrook, circa 1937, 1 million pounds sterling. That would be close to $80 million today *).
There is inflation, for sure, but it seems the price went down by an order of magnitude. It could be there are too many climate scientists and somesuch, and not enough Beaverbrooks.
Supply and demand.
And Geologists actually do science.
It’s been a long time since I studied any geology. I seem to remember that there are three broad classes of rocks: ignorant, metaphoric, and sedentary. Maybe I should wiki that…
By a strange coincidence, those are also the three broad classes of “climate scientists”.
You, geran, are obviously a person of great wisdom and insight! 🙂
According to a comment Mosher made yesterday at WUWT, Jim Hansen was the first to predict a lag in the CO2 response to warming. I questioned him but he was doing his usual hit and run.