Big Lies Ahead For Arctic Experts

Arctic sea ice is growing very rapidly, and will almost certainly reach a decadal high in a few days. This will necessitate that government funded experts lie about the Arctic even more than they usually do.

ScreenHunter_3077 Sep. 26 06.41 COI | Centre for Ocean and Ice | Danmarks Meteorologiske Institut

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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10 Responses to Big Lies Ahead For Arctic Experts

  1. nigelf says:

    You will not be disappointed.

  2. omanuel says:

    BIG LIES for BIG BUCKS is the foundation of postmodern consensus “science.”

    Thanks to you, Climategate, and a few other brave and talented citizens, the entire postmodern consensus “science” structure is crumbling before our eyes.

  3. Stephen Richards says:

    Greenpiss and the BBC have been ferrying the stupid celebs around the arctic, the UN again.

  4. darrylb says:

    All of this, marches in New York and around the world, etc, makes one realize that humans really have not changed very much. We have more stuff and the possibility of more knowledge, but we have not gained in wisdom, or in things of the soul.
    For many, this is an ideology or a religion which is filling an empty space and we are seeing at the same time the extremes in human action based on some kind of ideology or religious fervor of a different kind.
    On thing that has not change is love or money, power, and ego .
    And, many would still burn the witches among us ( if they could get away with it) because of simply being honest with ourselves.
    Herd instinct, mob mentality, lemmings into the sea, call it what you like, but a sad part of human nature is again surfacing..

  5. Jason Calley says:

    “Arctic sea ice is growing very rapidly, and will almost certainly reach a decadal high in a few days.”

    Well, that must mean it is time to revise the area estimation algorithm to show lower area!

  6. woody188 says:

    Or they will raise the prior years ice data based on their assumptions, so they can claim it’s the least amount of ice ever. Like they are lowering old temperature data right now based on their assumptions, so they can claim it’s the hottest year on record.

  7. bit chilly says:

    from john bilsky on the arctic sea ice blog :

    Good and proper science takes time. A good scientist must be completely above “ego”. EXPLAINING good and proper science to those with little understanding takes even more time. Deniers are a hard lot to teach. Explaining good and proper science to those who DO have some understanding but who, for whatever reasons, (ego???) cherry pick information to obtain results they prefer to have is practically impossible. It IS however highly entertaining to watch the process unfold.

    I wish I was still in the classroom teaching. This entire thread would be mandatory reading as an exemplary example of the scientific method in action.

    Thank you Neven for this incredible resource you have created.
    Now it’s back to lurking and my coffee which, BTW, was not grown in Greenland.

    all i can say is, i am very,very glad that john bilsky is no longer in the classroom brainwashing students.

  8. Andy DC says:

    Winter is coming! We are doomed!!

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