Climate Science Integrity In A Death Spiral

Check out this spectacular piece of work in the Sunday Times

ScreenHunter_3152 Sep. 28 10.31

THE Arctic ice cap has melted so much that open water is now just 350 miles from the North Pole, the shortest distance recorded, scientists say.

Arctic ice cap in ‘death spiral’ | The Sunday Times

Let’s look at the fraudulent science one piece at a time.

The amount of ice has increased by 60% since 2012, shown in green below. Scientists cherry picked one spot which lied along a boundary between high an low pressure system, where the winds blew persistently towards the pole all summer. Most of the Arctic saw a huge expansion in ice.

ScreenHunter_2359 Aug. 27 19.30

Next they quote Wadhams saying the Arctic will be ice free in 2015.

ScreenHunter_3153 Sep. 28 10.36

His credibility melted away quite suddenly in 2013.

ScreenHunter_3156 Sep. 28 10.46

BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | Arctic summers ice-free ‘by 2013’

Then they claim that the ice used to be five metres thick

ScreenHunter_3154 Sep. 28 10.37

Unfortunately for these crooks, we have actual records showing that the ice was only two metres thick in 1940 – the same as it is now according to numbers derived from PIOMAS and UIUC.

 Polar Meltdown

The whole Arctic scam is a complete fraud. There has been a massive increase in extent, area, thickness and age of the ice over the past three years. The loss of ice from 1988 was due to winter winds which pushed huge volumes of ice out in the North Atlantic, and have since reversed – and the ice is growing back. These scientists are either incompetent, dishonest or both.

Temperatures near the North Pole were below normal every single day of the melt season this year, and first or second coldest on record.

ScreenHunter_3158 Sep. 28 11.04 COI | Centre for Ocean and Ice | Danmarks Meteorologiske Institut

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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23 Responses to Climate Science Integrity In A Death Spiral

  1. daveandrews723 says:

    From “scientists” who believe the deep ocean is hiding all of the “global warming” for the last 18 years “death spiral” predictions are to be expected. There is no acountability when it comes to faith and not facts.

    • omanuel says:

      The “death spiral” for western science began with a news blackout of CHAOS and FEAR of nuclear annihilation during these UNREPORTED events in Aug-Sept 1945:

      1. Japan exploded an atomic bomb at Konan, Korea
      2. Stalin’s USSR troops captured Japan’s atomic bomb plant
      3. Stalin’s troops shot down an American plane and captured the crew
      4. The American crew were held for questioning and negotiations until Sept 1945:

      STALIN WON WWII and formed the UN on 24 Oct 1945 . . .

      To prevent public knowledge of the energy that destroyed Hiroshima: Neutron repulsion in cores of heavy atoms like uranium and ordinary stars like the Sun.

  2. emsnews says:

    They have gone quite mad.

    Phoenix, by the way, got yet ANOTHER flood! So much for the drought.

    Here in NY it is quite dry but this is common during harvest time.

  3. Centinel2012 says:

    Reblogged this on Centinel2012 and commented:
    The bottom line today is that science no long exists in the field of Climate Study. The sole purpose of what use to be climate science appears to be fining a way to make the “party” line appear true by the misuse of of statistics and facts!

  4. squid2112 says:

    I noticed they used 1976 for their 16.4ft gauge .. that seems a bit like cherry pie to me.

  5. njsnowfan says:

    Keep an eye on the AMO and PDO.
    From what I have read the PDO does not include the NPacific SST anomalies in the PDO index.
    Warmer waters have been entering the arctic waters between Alaska and russia recently from the Bearing Sea seen on water temp satellite loop. That is why that very thick ice North of Alaska coast melter faster this year.
    The AMO has been showing signs it may be getting ready to flip to cool ring tone in the next year and earlier then all are saying. By December or January I believe the data should show if it will happen like I feel.

    I do believe the PDO will also go back to – by January-March 2015 based off the solar data and stay negative for many more years leading to the longest ever droughts in the SW and CA in modern history if solar cycle #25 is as low as #24 or lower. Current spike in the PDO to Positive phase is giving the SW some needed rain but I feel it will only be short lived.

  6. Dave N says:

    That the article was published just last week astounds me; actually, I guess I shouldn’t be surprised.

    To Wadhams: keep changing that goalpost; perhaps in a millenium or a hundred you might have it right.

  7. Andy DC says:

    The alarmists refuse to let go of their stale, old discredited views. Yet they still claim to have moral and intellectual superiority with respect to “deniers.” They are clearly the true deniers, denying that their past predictions are not even coming close to panning out.

  8. Anything is possible says:

    Since Wales now appears to be the preferred metric for Arctic ice, it is worth pointing out that the Arctic is currently gaining ice at the rate of 4 Wales’s per day.

    • nielszoo says:

      Didn’t Global Warming and the Russians killed all the whales? I could have sworn that Crosby and Nash told us that back in the 70’s.

      The currently approved alarmist metric is Floating Polar Bears for ice loss measurements. The more swimming bears and bears clinging to the shards of icebergs, the less ice there is. Each photograph of a bear on a ‘berg equals a loss of at least 75k km² of ice. If it’s a mommy bear and a cub it’s good for a loss of 100k km². Photoshop is acceptable at 25k km² per image unless it is a mirror image of a real photo used elsewhere, those are worth 50k km². (Sorry, YouTube videos still only count as one photo unless you can make screen grabs from them look like different bears.) As always, pictures may be reused year after year and screen grabs from old Christmas movies about the North Pole and Santa still count as well. (Al Gore wearing a bear costume no longer counts due to complaints from real bears and female zookeepers avoiding his chakras.)

  9. Robertv says:

    Polar bears don’t like five metres thick ice. There is nothing to hunt on five metres thick sea ice.

    • DedaEda says:

      Seals have to breath so they chew out breathing holes. Thicker ice means fewer holes used by more seals more frequently. Thick ice makes ideal hunting ground for bears, all they have to do is sit and wait.

  10. dp says:

    It is never mentioned that the satellite era began at the end of the “New Ice Age” panick of the 1970’s. The reason being unexpected cooling in the years prior. The satellite era is what it is but the unfortunate beginning of it came at an atypical time of cooling. A fact quietly exploited by the climate warming hysterics. One gets a sense that these hysterics would like to have the arctic ice extent return to the days when it was popular to fret over a pending plunge into another ice age. This is an indication they cannot be pleased by anything the climate does.

  11. Billy Liar says:

    Wadhams is a person who has spent his life studying the Arctic:

    What a waste! You’d think by now he could come up with something useful. He was funded for many years by the oil industry: He received continuous support from British Petroleum Co. from 1976 until 1992 … ibid. Is playing up ‘Arctic meltdown’ designed to appeal to oil companies thinking of black gold from the Arctic ocean?

    PS great slide by Wadhams – straight out of the ‘How to Lie with Statistics’ textbook.

  12. Billy Liar says:

    Corrected version:

    Wadhams is a person who has spent his life studying the Arctic:

    What a waste! You’d think by now he could come up with something useful. He was funded for many years by the oil industry: He received continuous support from British Petroleum Co. from 1976 until 1992 … ibid. Is playing up ‘Arctic meltdown’ designed to appeal to oil companies thinking of black gold from the Arctic ocean?

    PS great slide by Wadhams – straight out of the ‘How to Lie with Statistics’ textbook.

  13. Robert Lande says:

    You must first have something in order to lose it.

  14. Cheshirered says:

    It really is the greatest scam around. Must be great fun if you’re riding the climate gravy train.

    • Mark b says:

      Not sure what you mean by greatest. Marxism is still the biggest scam going. The NYC march showed the CAGW is just a small part of the Marxist agenda.

  15. DedaEda says:

    Who needs facts when you have faith.

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