President Obama has placed his crack Obamacare team in charge of protecting America from Ebola. They will start working on it just as soon as they get the web site up and fully functional.
Disrupting the Borg is expensive and time consuming!
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They got the “like” button working for Twitter, so that’s most of the job done.
The “donate” button is the hard part… They can never tell if it’s working or not…(ba-DUMP-bump).
This from Drudge:
In 5 days we will know if it spreads. If it did, then the panic will start.
Interesting that it showed in Texas. Notice how details about the person (is he/she and illegal?) are being withheld.
One commenter brought up a good point:
“And just how do you know whether it’s the flu or ebola? The initial symptoms seem to be the same. With flu season approaching, how are doctors supposed to tell the difference?”
The CDC also says “Symptoms appear anywhere from two to 21 days.” So that leaves plenty of time for carriers to spread the disease.
Now add in the start of school, children’s usual disregard for the issue of not transferring ‘bodily fluids’ and the “no child allowed to stay home sick policy of US schools”….
We should immediately enact a 7-10 day curfew. Effective Saturday. Everybody go buy your groceries and nobody leaves home for any reason except maybe health care workers. Day 11. Everyone is checked for fever. Any sick people picked up on a bus and brought to a hospital or just brought to once central location and nuked.
We do not have the guts to treat this disease with the seriousness it deserves. Millions will die. Mark my words.
Why punish a virus just because it’s undocumented?
What happened to the principle of quarantine? Why are persons traveling from these 3 countries allowed entry to the US?
What happened to the principle of quarantine?
Quarantine went out the door with globalization and the World Trade Organization. WTO has substituted traceability for quarantine in animals, plants and other traded goods.
When you search for “USA international travel quarantine” all you come up with is information on Pet Passports.
Sending 3000 US troops over there to run field hospitals and nurse sick people does nothing to stop spread of disease. Quarantine, teach people how not to spread it, and let it run its course.
Sending 3000 US troops over there to run field hospitals guarantees that some of those people will bring the disease back to the USA. Disease is a great method of population control especially when you have a vaccine that protects those you want to protect.
Remember Obama’s Science Czar John Holdren co-authored the book Ecoscience
Zombie Time has Direct quotes from John Holdren’s Ecoscience
His Co-author Paul Ehrlich, also wrote:
“Never let a crisis go to waste” comes to mind….
The man, Mr. Duncan, helped bury a dying woman of ebola and then fled Liberia when the other man, her brother, suddenly died this last week. According to the Wilson family who were his landlords in Liberia, he was showing symptoms when he left.
This means he was able to spread the germs when flying through London, DC and then in Dallas!
This is a catastrophe. He spread throw up and other fluids all over the place.
Where did you find this info?
Found it.
Why is the USA allowing those with passports from West Africa or passports that have gone through West Africa into the country? Why aren’t these people at least quarantined before being allowed contact with the general public?
The Federal Government just lies, lies and lies about everything and anything. DC is killing us.
From Joanne Nova blog
And there is the nasty part – all viruses mutate, with this one it is known that with more infections, the more mutations, the more likely it will become an airborn infection.
It’s not if, it’s a when situation.
Thanks for the nightmares, Tom
Our government is really playing fast and loose with the protection of the US citizens.
To bad there is no way, we as citizens can not take these *&^%$ to court for Tre@$0n.
Sorry but they are not all my words, and yes it gives me nightmares too.
Quarantine has prove to work on other, small scale, outbreaks, what’s so alarming about this situation is the speed of geographical coverage and lack of response from international medical and logistic services. For about 2 month the deaths have been growing and as Jo Nova’s piece says –
By ignoring the little outbreak we now may have a major catastrope looming.
I know it was not your words Tom, but the idea of Airborne Ebola is the stuff of nightmares especially when we have either nincompoops or traitors governing us in DC.
On top of that we have:
Now add that to the older news stories:
February 21, 2010
Radical Islam makes inroads among Latin America’s Native peoples
I realize that west Africa is not the Middle East however ” Nigeria has one of the largest Muslim populations in West Africa, 50.4% of Nigeria’s population,” and a pilgrimage to Mecca is expected of devout Muslims….
Quarantine is definitely indicated but I do not see that happening.
Leaky borders are a huge problem for bring in the undesirables – both people and illness.
It should be interesting to see what the Saudis do for the next Hajj pilgrimage to Mecca. It is know as a good method of spreading disease globally (2008-2009 meningitis outbreaks, spreading of flu viruses, etc.)
Just to keep you mind at rest Russia believes it has contained it’s H15N bird flu outbreak.
Sorry about that last reply, far too many typos.
Question: When is Hajj 2014?
Hajj, the pilgrimage to Mecca, is one of the greatest religious observances in Islam. What are the dates for Hajj in 2014?
Answer: Hajj is expected to fall between October 2-7, 2014.
Note: The exact dates of Islamic holidays cannot be determined in advance, due to the nature of the Islamic lunar calendar. Estimates are based on expected visibility of the hilal (waxing crescent moon following a new moon) and may vary according to location.
Now isn’t that just great. The pilgrimage to Mecca is occurring NOW.
Maybe it’s pre-ordained?
Pass a petition in your state (and no, I don’t mean online) for an amendment to provide for presidential recall.
Make sure you check voter registration before getting a signature, or else there will be a lot of wasted time and effort.
When you have a large number of signatures, deliver copies of the petition to both houses of your state legislature, with the original pages to your Secretary of State. Make sure that what people are signing states that the undersigned Electors “demand” that the state approve this as an amendment to the U.S. Constitution.
If I work on Florida, will you work on North Carolina?
How come the virus came to Texas and not Washington DC where it would do no harm? Perhaps Holder is going to Liberia as their new chief science adviser. Win-win situation.
Nice to know the government is still allowing travelers from West Africa to board planes for US. By the way the head of the CDC was appointed by Obama, so guess what?, I don’t believe a darn thing he says.
They CDC has been known to lie in the recent past.
I caught them lying to hide the fact that the USDA’s implementing the international HACCP standards has caused food borne disease in the USA to double.
The CDC blamed the doubling to going from snail mail to e-mail. We will have to ask the IRS if the tax revenues doubled when they went from snail mail to electronic filing.
Since it has made its debut in Texas it seems likely the imperial president will set up the first ebola rapid response team in Chicago where they can register voters who visit the clinic and also give them a free cell phone.
I hope everyone here has 90+ days of food storage on hand. One of the reasons that the quarantine is failing in Liberia is because people have no food and rely on the government for every morsel. When the government inevitably misses a delivery (or two or three), people that might have an active infection in their home go out looking for food and risk spreading the disease again.
Every time this happens, it re-starts the incubation clock for the quarantine. They are requiring anyone with suspected exposure to remain quarantined for 28 days.
Ebola does not need to mutate to go airborne. It just uses the flu to spread ‘bodily fluids’ .
This is the part that no one seems to get.
“Direct contact” and “airborne” are not necessarily mutually exclusive.
One sneeze sends a great amount of bodily fluid into the air.
The frigtening thing is that these guys no longer seem crazy …
I wonder if all the people who travelled on that plane, or planes have been notified that this passenger has developed Ebola?
They may have continued on to other destinations and taken the virus with them.
I believe that the USA Ebola scare will not last very long. If the scare mongers had eloquent spokespersons like Al Gore, then the scare could go on for quite awhile. Maybe some underemployed climate scientists could get involved.
Let us hope that it just remains nothing but a short term scare without justification here.
Liberia 1983 follow up MTT (Mobile Training Team) to ensure that Liberian Army NCO school previously set up was adhering to the training standards were being maintained. Medics on their own initiative scoured the DOD medical supplies and filled a small conex with the stuff needed to set up a clinic and got it all shipped.
With the help of the PA medical officer of the US embassy we had a pretty good clinic in operation treating family of the Liberian troops. Malarial babies, births, trauma, and all kinds of stuff. Mostly with medical supplies that had been close to their expiration and in the DOD system for disposal.
Then one day in come a young man showing all the S&S of Hemorrhagic fever. It scared the hell out of us. Immediately went to the highest level of isolation possible in our rather primitive circumstances. Cap, gowns, mask, gloves, the whole nine yards. With our equipment we were unable to diagnose so it was arranged to send the patient to the Christian Missionary hospital. Everyone was pretty darned relieved when we remained asymptomatic over the next week and we found out it was Yellow Fever.
You don’t know how really scary stuff like that can be until you’ve been there I guess.
rah. That is why I do not understand why in heck DC is making ZERO moves to protect this country.
DC has no problem ordering TSA to feel-up little 3 year old girls and 85 year old grandmas in wheel chairs (American Citizens) but they go all Politically Correct when it comes to NON- AMERICANS entering our country legally and more importantly illegally who pose a very serious health hazard.
Add in the completely idiotic Food Safety Act Obama signed and as I said DC is actively EVIL. I can think of no other word that describes the actions I have seen over the last twenty years, since Clinton.
This is close to topping Clinton on the EVIL and NINCOMPOOPERY meters.
WHO Ebola update, October 1: 7,157 cases, 3,330 deaths
WHO publishes its Ebola Response Roadmap Situation Report, 1 October 2014.
The key numbers for the “WAIT” (widespread and intense transmission) countries,
as of September 28:
Guinea: 1,157 cases; 270 in past 21 days (=23% of all cases); 710 deaths. HCWs: 67, 35 deaths.
Liberia: 3,696 case, 1,639 in past 21 days (=44% of all cases); 1,998 deaths; HCWs: 185, 95 deaths.
Sierra Leone: 2,304 cases, 894 in past 21 days (=39%); 622 deaths. HCWs: 114, 81 deaths.
Totals: 7,157 cases, 2,800 in past 21 days (=39%); 3,330 deaths. HCWs: 377, 216 deaths.
1.3MB PDF document.
Now we just need all the flight details for everyone that left these areas and have travelled internationally.
These numbers are probably way understated too. Again. This is a third world country. How many are dying without even going to a doctor?
They are the ‘official’ numbers i.e those counted in hospitals/clinics, and counted by that countries officials.
So yes, 100s, probably 1000s off the mark.
The stupid just keeps growing…
As an added precaution, Miles says additional health and custodial staff will be at the five schools the students attend.
All I have to say is READ THE F
UINE MANUAL!and the american method of transferring animals all over the nation to various farms at various stages especially pigs n chickens is an ideal way to spread anything.
ie the present porcine gastro killed many many thousands of piglets.transport and now suspected contaminated FEED is considered a vector.
truth is FMD is nasty BUT animals DO survive are immune and dont spread it
the mass culling in UK was ADVISED AGAUNST! by the vets and the govt went ahead anyway
killing thousands of rare irreplaceable breeds n bloodlines.
Here is another goody from Jo Nova. Please understand Mexico has fruit bats although the USA does not. Southwestern US bats do however migrate back and forth across the border.
JAMACIAN or MEXICAN FRUIT BAT (Artibeus jamaicensis)
There appears to be quite a bit of argument about what is the reservoir host of ebola. And yes fruit bats are right up there as many tested bats carry the virus during all seasons but…
Many other animals appear to carry the virus, and there may be a few animals acting as reservoirs. Monkeys and macaques carry very similar virus, as do some rodents and seemingly without any symtoms. There may well be a bird version – who knows?
And it also infects pigs. And pigs infections often cross mutate to/with human versions.
The insect born infection route has not been wholey ruled out.
So much to learn so little time, eh?
The Bat Route-
Thanks Tom,
I wonder just how many of those bats migrate…
From the link is this –
CDC know about this route as some moneys came in to the US from the Philippines about 5 years ago and again about 2 years ago. That has caused the US to impose stricter and more expensive testing method for live imported animal from the region. That will stop illigal imports eh?
sth america has versions of ebola lassa etc in bats, supposedly
more than one nation has strains
reston ebola came from the phillipines and is a non human killing far:-)
then the amazingly unusual appearance of Hendra in aus in bats they reckon
same time Nipah appeared in asia and curiously in mid east where no pigs (blamed for asian outbreak via bats) were kept.
nipah hendra ebola and marburg all similar
mjc says:
“This is close to topping Clinton on the EVIL and NINCOMPOOPERY meters.”
And that really takes a lot of effort. I didn’t think you could find a worse Tr@!t0r than Ole’ Bill, but the DemiRats really out did themselves with OBummer.
a radio report I heard said the mid east WAS banning mecca pilgrims from african areas with ebola
however they can lie cant they?
same as this fella probably did declaring he was healthy