Three weeks ago I spent Sunday evening tracking down a guy who lost his wallet in a crosswalk at Constitution Avenue between the Washington Monument and the White House – and tonight two ladies from Georgia found my wallet on a trail in Fort Collins, and brought it to me. It apparently fell out of my pocket while I was riding, and I didn’t even know it was missing.
Disrupting the Borg is expensive and time consuming!
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- arn on Angry And Protesting
- Russell Cook on Angry And Protesting
- Allan Shelton on Causes Of Earthquakes
- Allan Shelton on Causes Of Earthquakes
The good life seems to follows if we:
1. Just do the next right thing
2. Without expecting the results
I’ve noticed the same thing.
You may appreciate Maya Angelou’s insight:
“Each of us has lived through some devastation, some loneliness, some weather superstorm or spiritual superstorm. When we look at each other we must say, I understand. I understand how you feel because I have been there myself. We must support each other because each of us is more alike than we are unalike.”
? Maya Angelou
The exact same misfortune happened to me in Kathmandu back in 1974, and I never carried a wallet in my back pocket since.
Good thing you didn’t lose your wallet in Washington DC. There is a difference between the civility culture in Ft. Collins and that commonly found in DC.
Now, just maybe, “Pay It Forward” does work. Loved that movie.
Hi Stephen,
I wanted to say a couple of things. First, you will always be Stephen to me, just as Mark Twain will always be Mark Twain. Nom de plumes can be sticky.
Second, I nominated you for a climate data analysis project.
Thanks Larry!