Help – I Lost My Hockey Stick!

As of 1986, temperatures were among the coldest of the past 7,000 years. Thirteen years later, the hockey stick magically appeared.

ScreenHunter_2981 Sep. 22 21.59 ScreenHunter_2982 Sep. 22 22.00

Crispin Tickell: Introduction.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to Help – I Lost My Hockey Stick!

  1. dmmcmah says:

    Time to buy up beachfront property. “Alaska is going to be the next Florida by the end of the century.”

  2. Jimmy Haigh says:

    Tickell. Obviously an arch denialist in the pay of the Koch brothers.

  3. Pathway says:

    I like his die analogy.

  4. Robert Jesionowski says:

    Where did you get the graphs? Perspective is sorely lacking in the current hysteria.

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