Inaction To Drown Green-Haired Artist Dudes In Brooklyn

“Inaction, dude,” said green-haired fine arts student Joe George, when I asked him what was the scariest part about global warming. “I keep imagining where I live in Brooklyn, just under water. It’s horrifying. You can’t stop the Atlantic Ocean.”

400,000 Converge on Manhattan to Demand Climate Change Action | TIME

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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58 Responses to Inaction To Drown Green-Haired Artist Dudes In Brooklyn

  1. omanuel says:

    Those green haired artist dudes have absolutely no idea who really:

    1. Won WWII in late August 1945
    2. Formed the UN on 24 Oct 1945

    In order to expand his totalitarian rule of the USSR globally:

  2. dmmcmah says:

    Forming the UN was a huge mistake.

  3. KevinK says:

    Good grief….

    “Moving to New Orleans really politicized me about climate change, since the Gulf Coast is predicted to have the worst sea-level rise,” said Davidson’s classmate, Emma Collin, 21.”

    Hey Dumb arse, if you are so worried about getting your feet wet move to higher ground already. “It’s so simple even a caveman can do it” (and likely did). Makes you wonder how the heck the human race survived this long with folks too stupid to move to dry land…….

    Oh noes, somebody predicted I’ll get my feet wet, hurry up and control the weather already…..

    Of course the good news is these loons could only collect 400k folks out of 330 million to get their undies all wadded up. That’s a wadded undies rate of about 0.12%, or in engineering circles that’s about equal to “zero point sheet divided by infinity”.

    Cheers, Kevin.

  4. I. Lou Minotti says:

    Assholes, all.

  5. kuhnkat says:


    Making up numbers like their heroes Jones and Hansen…

  6. jjreuter says:

    We have been sliding downhill since the extinction of the sabertooths. They used to eat the dumb loud ones.

  7. Dave N says:

    If “you can’t stop the Atlantic Ocean”, “inaction” isn’t going to matter.

    Looks like the combined total of brain cells of the protesters was less than one.

  8. QV says:

    “People marched in clogs, dreadlocks, optimistic T-shirts, Native-American headdresses, bike helmets, feathered hats, Lorax costumes and biohazard suits. Babies wore diapers. One woman dressed as Charlie Chaplin and carried a sign depicting a blackened earth, with just the word “Oops.” And Danny Haemmerle wasn’t the only person dressed as a banana.”

    This is supposed to make us take them seriously?

    They say they want “action” but I don’t think they would like it if they got it!

  9. As predicted, all these people were potheads, as I’ve said all along. The entire AGW movement is a result of jahoochie abuse.

    • bit chilly says:

      i fear the substances they abuse are far stronger than pot morgan. i know a few pot heads,none of them have any time for the mmgw meme.

    • Jason Calley says:

      Maybe we should start a meme. “Did you know that one of the effects of Climate Change is that marijuana will grow faster and be more potent? Yeah, it is true!”

  10. philjourdan says:

    And as green hair proves, you cannot stop stupid either.

  11. Chris V says:

    The dumbest remark that I saw was one guy who said on camera “we have to do something because the climate doesn’t change on its own” Just think about how utterly stupid that remark is! and these ill informed people actually believe it with all their heart and soul. Whats even scarier is that this is not just one or two people who believe this but a sizable portion of our population! How very sad 🙁

  12. Frank K. says:

    This is GREAT to see during the election season! Really. It is a paid political commercial which says “If you want these extremist, left wing progressives to control your life, vote Democrat.” BTW – how many politicians up for reelection were marching with these people? I mean, this issue is such a WINNER with the electorate…

  13. Latitude says:

    If they believe this…..what would it take to get them to believe in 72 virgins

  14. rah says:

    Sometimes I think Lincoln had the right idea. But instead of sending blacks back to Africa we should send the loons there. Monrovia is such a lovely place this time of year.

  15. QV says:

    One of the stories being circulated in News Items about the march is:
    “Other events around the world include an event in rural Papua New Guinea, where primary school students will march to a lighthouse semi-submerged due to rising sea levels,”
    Given that this is clearly impossible, I presume this is propaganda which is being repeated without question, but I can’t find any fact behind the story, i.e. where is the lighthouse and what is the true story behind the claim.

    • Gail Combs says:

      A celebration around this maybe — Kalibobo lighthouse at the harbour entrance commemorates New Guinea coast watchers who aided the Allies during World War II.

      Or maybe this?

      Plate Tectonics

      The northen coast off Papua New Guinea,along the Bismarck Sea where this earthquake occurred, is a very active seismic region involving complex interactions and movements of tectonic plates. This is an area where the smaller Caroline tectonic plate subtrusts the larger Australian tectonic plate. Most of the earthquakes along this zone result from strike slip movements but some occur along steep dipping reverse faults with vertical components sizable enough to generate destructive local tsunamis….

      • QV says:

        Thanks but they don’t seem to the bill.
        Doesn’t look “semi-submerged” to me.
        I can’t see anything about lighthouses in you second link.
        All of the articles about this reference the Press Agency an are not attributed to a particular journalist. I can find nothing on the internet which substantiates the claim. Yet it is printed as fact.

        • QV says:

          It turns out that lighthouse was not the one in question, but a replacement for the actual one referred to in the press release, which was about 100 metres further south and of which only the cement foundations remain (about 2 feet high).
          They claim that the shoreline has moved a further 15 metres (total 115 metres) further north, in the last 10 years due to sea level rise and that the foundations are now submerged when the tide is high enough.
          I personally believe this is more likely to be due to coastal erosion because what figures there are, suggest there hasn’t been enough sea level rise in the last 10 years. Even the organisers only claim 7mm p.a. since 1993.
          Would that have been enough to move the shoreline 115 metres?

  16. stpaulchuck says:

    that 400,000 number was pure wishcasting by ‘Time’. the actual number on Wall Street was less than 40,000 and the mess at the park was normal folks getting mobbed by the moron brigade trying to find somewhere to go. Everyone got counted, usually twice.

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