More Confused Thermometers

Last night WTOP said “upper 50’s downtown, and upper 40’s in outlying areas.

We know that is impossible, because NCDC says that UHI is only 0.1ºF. NCDC couldn’t possibly be off by a factor of 100. The thermometers must be wrong.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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18 Responses to More Confused Thermometers

  1. Stephen Richards says:

    Every night for the past few weeks the UK Met off in cooperation with the BBC have been saying “temps in double figures in the towns and cities but well into single digits in the countryside”. Those figures were in the 6 – 8 °C difference between the two. +12°C to +3°C.

  2. philjourdan says:

    Yea, but my skin tells me the same. Guess my exposed skin is lying as well.

  3. Donna K. Becker says:

    For some reason, such forecasts are amazingly transparent….

  4. Send Al to the Pole says:

    No worries. They can fix those rural thermometers with homogenization.

  5. Password protected says:

    Ya…it’s the thermometers that are confused. Probably manufactured in California.

  6. Don says:

    Yes, but that is weather. They are working at something more ethereal than weather, and that is climate. There’s no real $$$$$$$$ in weather. But climate, that is big bucks.

  7. ‘They are not wrong, they are just evil. They are a bunch of evil, climate-denying, Holocaust-denying, racist thermometers. Why, just think — they were probably manufactured by ::gasp::, private, for-profit companies!’ Please don’t faint, I know it’s horrible, but … not to worry, we have bottled water and paralegals on the way!’


  8. Ian George says:

    Casino, NSW, Aust had two weather stations within 300m (same elevation) – a manual w/s (now closed) and an automatic w/s. The manual was near a tarred road surrounded by buildings and the AWS on an oval with no buildings within +50m.
    Over a 16 year period, the mean temp for the manual was 0.36C higher than the AWS. That’s nearly half the warming trend for the past 100 years.

  9. Rosco says:

    Of course they claim the 0.1F is an average not a gross. That aside, given that 70 % of the surface data does not exist – there are very few ocean air temperature records – how can they calculate anything meaningful at all ???

  10. Andy DC says:

    Around here in the DC area, the weather forecasters have to put out 2 forecasts, one for National Airport and another for everyone else. National is consistently 3-5 degrees warmer that surrounding stations, so it can be a poster child for the desperate alarmist crowd. Also gets 40% less snow than everyone else.

  11. rah says:

    i didn’t know where to put this but I thought it might be of interest to some here: The A-10 goes storm chasing.

    Warplanes: A-10 Storm Chaser
    Next Article ? CHINA: The Lessons Of The Last Emperor

    September 27, 2014: The U.S. Air Force is providing the NSF (National Science Foundation) with a working A-10 ground attack aircraft for conversion to a storm (tornado or hurricane) chaser. The A-10 will have all its weapons and military electronics removed. The NSF is providing $13 million to install electronics (in place of the fire control system) that will enable the A-10 to monitor weather conditions in the immediate vicinity more accurately and also launch small sensors into a storm. The aircraft will be ready later in 2014, in time for late season hurricanes.

    The basic A-10 is a 1960s design that has been upgraded a lot since it first appeared in the 1970s. The A-10 is a 23 ton, twin engine, single seat aircraft whose primary weapon is a multi-barrel 30mm cannon originally designed to fire armored piercing shells at Russian tanks. In addition, the A-10 can carry seven tons of bombs and missiles. Cruising speed is 560 kilometers an hour and the A-10 can slow down to about 230 kilometers an hour. In Afghanistan two drop tanks are usually carried, to give the aircraft more fuel and maximum time over the battlefield. The storm chaser version will still have the hard points on the wings so it can carry more wing tanks in addition to the small bomb-like sensor devices (that broadcast what they detect) that are dropped into storms. Removing the 30mm cannon leaves space for cameras, special radars and whatever.

    The A-10 was built to withstand a lot of ground fire and be a stable gun platform when flying close to the ground (where the weather can be rather bumpier for aircraft.) Storms tend to generate high winds and hail and close to the ground the winds can send a lot of small objects moving around at high speed. The A-10 can handle this sort of thing and carry enough fuel to stay in the air for six hours or more.

      • rah says:

        Air Force made another try at getting rid of them earlier this year but it seems that once again the dumbass bean counting generals once again failed to kill a great and proven system for faster and glitzier stuff. Thank Goodness. The A-10 is just too effective and survivable to eliminate without a replacement. Besides it’s well known effectiveness as a tank and bunker busting ground attack aircraft it is also down right lethal for helicopters.

        Anyway, I can’t think of a better aircraft to fly into a thunderhead with than an A-10. Armor in the right places including a titanium tub for the pilot and redundancy in all critical areas except of course the pilot. All contained in a very tough and stable airframe that as a storm chaser will be carrying far less weight than it was designed to handle.

  12. Donna K. Becker says:

    What else might this aircraft drop into storms?

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