More Eric Holder “Workplace Violence” From The Religion Of Peace

ScreenHunter_279 Sep. 26 12.23 Police: FBI looking into Moore beheading after suspect tried to convert others to Islam |

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to More Eric Holder “Workplace Violence” From The Religion Of Peace

  1. philjourdan says:

    Holder is to the law as religion is to science.

  2. inMAGICn says:

    Bad analogy.

    Religion has values. Holder has none. In addition, the religion versus science meme is tired, flat, and incorrect.

  3. KTM says:

    If this is “workplace violence” then the man that jumped the White House fence, sprinted across the front lawn, and was able to enter the unlocked front door should be referred to as “an undocumented White House visitor.”

    • squid2112 says:

      Funny how the White House doesn’t mind a completely unlocked and open border with millions flooding across, but seems to take issue with just 1 guy entering an unlocked White House. … hmmm….

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