More Spectacular Malfeasance At GISS

Gavin has very little data in Antarctica, but that didn’t stop him from turning a large region of -0.5 degree anomaly into a + 6 anomaly, and reporting to a precision of 0.01 degrees.


Similar story in Africa. Gavin has no coverage over most of the continent, and simply makes temperatures up and reports them to 0.01 degrees. RSS showed Africa below normal temperature in August.


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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13 Responses to More Spectacular Malfeasance At GISS

  1. philjourdan says:

    No data means rampant warming. It helps when you already know the answer, so you can fill in the blanks.

  2. D.SELF says:

    These lying thieves are so bold now they don’t even try to cover their tracks because the state run media has their back.

  3. mjc says:

    Actually I see this as something beneficial.

    The house of cards is so close to total collapse they are grasping at anything to shore it up. But, the more of this they pull the easier it will be to show them for the absolute shysters they really are. They are very close to the ‘tipping point’…and it is one of their own making.

    • Gail Combs says:

      I hope you are correct. If we have a really cold winter and brownouts/blackouts maybe it will knock some sense into people.

      On the other hand Obummer will probably seize and nationalize electrical generation whether the general public likes it or not. After all only 7 % supported bank bailouts but the US tax payer got raped anyway. So we got rid of the Republicans and got demiRats…

      • mjc says:

        And it was Barney Frank and cronies that made it so the banks ‘needed’ to be bailed out…

        • cdquarles says:

          I’m with Gail on this point. Allowing/mandating fractional reserve banking is what causes this. Banks that cannot lend against demand deposits are far more sturdy (though ‘boring’) institutions (Glass-Steagall, though, was a fig-leaf, made visible when the Great Inflation disintermediated the S&Ls, which would have brought down everything had we had a Carter/Obama in office). Such banks cannot be used to further the government’s desire for power, tyranny and the things that follow from that, inflation in particular. The nature of ‘Free Banking’ necessarily limits the overall damage; which is why any authoritarian government won’t allow it.

  4. Centinel2012 says:

    Reblogged this on Centinel2012 and commented:
    Facts don’t matter only the optics!

  5. soulsurfer says:

    ask any thermometer expert if the world’s average temperature can be determined with 100th or even 1000th degree accuracy…. you know the answer…

  6. ossqss says:

    Gavinization in process.

  7. Espen says:

    Interesting how they manage to get almost all of Africa above average… Weatherbell reports large areas of negative anomalies in central Africa. Different methodology and different climatology, but nevertheless interesting:

  8. Jason Calley says:

    GISS — def: noun, acronym of “Governmental Institute of Spurious Statistics”

  9. wernerkohl says:

    Hello Steve,
    could you provide links to the data or graphics, please? This would be very helpful – especially in discussions.

    Thanks and greetings

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