National Wildlife Federation Says Lake Superior Will Soon Be Ice-Free In Winter

Lake Superior has increased water temperatures and an earlier onset of summer stratification by about two weeks in just the past 30 years. Within another 30 years Lake Superior may be mostly ice-free in a typical winter.

Lake Erie water levels, already below average, could drop 4-5 feet by the end of this century, significantly altering shoreline habitat.

Global Warming and the Great Lakes – National Wildlife Federation

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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18 Responses to National Wildlife Federation Says Lake Superior Will Soon Be Ice-Free In Winter

  1. Truthseeker says:

    Didn’t the Great Lakes have record ice coverage and duration last winter?

  2. squid2112 says:

    I wasn’t aware that lake Erie water levels were below average. Is that accurate?

  3. Decent fellows there, honest and hardworking. Midwestern. No hiding behind “climate change” like they couldn’t make up their mind. They call a spade a spade and say “global warming” 10 times.

    There are only 5 “coulds” in the article but, boy, are they heavy. Each one followed by a long list of disasters. I’m telling you, they put in an honest day of work into each “could”. Not like some coastal slickers running a show on the cheap.

    And in the middle of the article they advertise a write-up of another sighting:

    Algae growth in Lake Erie, caused by heavy rain and drought. Both caused by global warming.

    I think I’ll call them. Something’s afoot. We have the same kind of weather in Colorado, but extreme. Drought several times a day, downpour in-between.

  4. jokin says:

    “Declining Moose Populations in Minnesota – In a recent study of moose at the southern edge of their range in northwest Minnesota, researchers found that over the past 40 years, declines in population growth are related to increases in mean summer temperature with winter and summer temperatures increasing by an average of 12 and 4 degrees F (6.8 and 2.1 degrees C), respectively over this period. Lack of food resources and increased exposure to deer parasites associated with warmer summer temperatures appear to be the primary cause of their decline.”

    Can you speak to the validity of these claims of 12 and 4 degree mean temperature increases in Minnesota over the last 40 years? It seems more likely that massive increases in the wolf and deer populations and the accompanying deer tick increases from the increased populations, independent of temperature, are the actual culprits.

  5. Davet916 says:

    Have any of the rest of you noticed how much more quick, bright, humorous and intelligent us skeptics are? I love reading the comments as much as the articles because of it. I won’t go to warmist-believers sites because they are soooooo miserable and hopeless.

    Thanks everybody!


  6. ed k says:

    I hate when facts enter the conversation…maybe the 1918 to 2013 should not be used..

  7. Mohatdebos says:

    All of the Great Lakes are at or above their historical average levels. I have had no trouble getting in and out of my marina (on lake Michigan) this year, whereas last year was a constant concern that I would scrape the bottom of the boat. Last I looked, Lake Michigan was more than 18 inches above its level last year. Oh, and Lake Superior had ice well into June this year.

  8. Centinel2012 says:

    Reblogged this on Centinel2012 and commented:
    Few, if any, of their predictions have come true so its hard to believe much of anything they claim!

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