New ISIS Threat

Major crisis looming….

This morning, the Muslim Brotherhood warned the United States that if the United States continued meddling in Syria, Egypt, Libya, and… other potential hot spots in the Middle East, they intend to cut off America’s supply of 7-11 and Motel 6 managers.

If this action does not yield sufficient results, cab drivers will be next, followed by Dell, AT&T, and AOL customer service reps.
Finally, if all else fails, they have threatened to not send us any more presidents.

It’s gonna’ get ugly, people ………

h/t to Dave G

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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16 Responses to New ISIS Threat

  1. Gail Combs says:


    On a more serious note. Why the Islam Terrorists and our Socialist politicians are working hand in glove.

  2. richard says:

    They threaten the West but seem to spend most of their time killing fellow Muslims. I tend to think their hatred of the West and proclamations are just an excuse for power crazy loons to land grab from their own religion and people.

  3. Latitude says:

    Netanyahu summed it up…’s all the same Islam

    ““The Nazis believed in a master race. The militant Islamists believe in a master faith,” he said. “They just disagree who among them will be the master of the master faith.”

    • Gail Combs says:

      If you follow the link you come up with some real goodies.

      Like we really need more useless and worse than useless college ‘degrees’
      University to offer degree in ‘Social Justice Studies’
      Degree will prepare students for careers in activism, community organizing, and conflict resolution.
      Eastern Kentucky University will become the first school in the state to offer such a degree.

      …The Kentucky Council on Postsecondary Education voted to formalize the major in September, claiming that “such programs are necessary to educate students in enhancing the social, cultural and environmental health of the state.”

      The degree, offered through EKU’s School of Justice Studies and College of Justice and Safety, will prepare students for careers including but not limited to activism, alternative media, community organizing, conflict resolution, and environmental advocacy, and political campaigns.
      EKU is a public university in Richmond, Kentucky.

      I guess the USA is now officailly Communist.

      Speaking of useless courses, shouldn’t this be restricted to drama schools or community colleges?
      LSU teaches students to pull the world’s strings …many students take the Puppets and Props course to fulfill their elective requirements for graduation;

      The next two take the cake especially when viewed together. I guess threesomes only offend Christians and straights and anyone with real self esteem so that doesn’t count.

      Sensitivity course teaches opposition to gay marriage can be harassment The sensitivity course is part of mandatory Title IX training at Marquette University. A required harassment training course at Marquette University tells faculty and graduate assistants that it is better to “chill political speech” than to potentially offend a “protected group,”….

      Univ. of New Mexico to host ‘threesome’ sex event for students
      Sex educators will use PowerPoint presentations and puppet demonstrations to teach students how……

  4. Andy DC says:

    Hopefully,when they abandon the Motel 6’s, they will take their bedbugs, roaches and other vermin with them.

  5. We stopped at Motel 6 in Orlando in 1993. The check in guy was called Guy!!

    If anyone else stopped at the same time, I was the handsome one!!

  6. Ivan says:

    they intend to cut off America’s supply of 7-11 and Motel 6 managers.
    I wouldn’t lose any sleep over this – there is an endless supply of Sri Lankans, Indians, and Afghanis to take their place. If it becomes a problem, give me a call – we have 50,000 spare here in Australia that are looking for a home.

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