Monthly Archives: September 2014

Shouldn’t They Be Holding Their Climate Protest In The Arctic?

Why Arctic sea ice will vanish in 2013 | Sierra Club Canada BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | Arctic summers ice-free ‘by 2013?

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Texas Hurricanes Down 50% Since The 1880’s

It has been more than six years since a hurricane hit Texas, but in 1884 Texas was hit by four hurricanes. The frequency of hurricane strikes in Texas has dropped by more than 50% since the 1880’s. No doubt insurance companies have … Continue reading

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Stop The Darkening!

The world’s top expert says Greenland ice is getting dark and is going to kill us all The world’s leading expert on the ice that covers the huge expanse of Greenland has told The Independent that he was “stunned” to … Continue reading

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Keep Extrapolating Until You Get The Answer Politicians Are Looking For

In order to reach the desired”hottest August ever” – start at 0.66, extrapolate that out 1200 km to 0.68, and then extrapolate that out across multiple regions of the planet to get to 0.70. As a final step, you then ignore … Continue reading

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Poet/Playwright Says The Great Lake States Are Getting Really Hot

Hey, Texas: Time for a real climate-change debate | Dallas Morning News Proof that NCDC data tampering has the desired effect on useful idiots

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Bill McKibben Hopes To Remove The Last Remnants Of Science From Climate Science

This Sunday, upwards of 100,000 people are expected to take to the streets of New York City in a worldwide climate protest that organizers say will be the largest and most diverse in history. If these numbers prove correct, then … Continue reading

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Good Karma

Three weeks ago I spent Sunday evening tracking down a guy who lost his wallet in a crosswalk at Constitution Avenue between the Washington Monument and the White House – and tonight two ladies from Georgia found my wallet on a trail … Continue reading

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Super Hot Antarctica Blows Away All Sea Ice Records

Gavin says half of coastal Antarctica was super-duper hot last month, which explains why it is blowing away all records for the amount of sea ice.

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The Darkening Of Science

Check out the latest BS from the team 18 September 2014 a darkening of the Greenland ice sheet could impact upon the entire world, as the hastening trend reduces the Arctic’s ability to reflect sunlight and increases global warming. The world’s … Continue reading

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Rule #1

When making fake data, always make sure it is consistently fake. Gavin’s GISS data shows August 2011 at 0.69 anomaly, and August 2014 as 0.70 anomaly Unfortunately for him, his maps show 2011 as 0.70 and 2014 as 0.68. Data.GISS: … Continue reading

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