Monthly Archives: September 2014

August Was Coldest In Five Years, Second Coldest In Ten Years

Contrary to the spectacular “hottest August ever” lies being propagated by NASA GISS and NOAA ahead of Obama’s climate conference – August was the coldest in five years and the second coldest in 10 years, according to far more accurate … Continue reading

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US Government Agencies Just Can’t Stop Lying

For the ocean, the August global sea surface temperature was 0.65°C (1.17°F) above the 20th century average of 16.4°C (61.4°F). This record high departure from average not only beats the previous August record set in 2005 by 0.08°C (0.14°F), but … Continue reading

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Hottest August Ever Update

Gavin says we are experiencing record heat due to very warm polar temperatures, which explains why global sea ice area is the highest since 1997, above normal and higher than 30 years ago.

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Following Up With The World’s Greatest Scientist

When Hansen predicted 5 degrees warming in the US by 2020, what he meant was that 75% of the US would be below normal temperature by 2014.

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Michigan September Nighttime Temperatures Plummeting Since The 1890s

Prior to 1950, freezing temperatures in Michigan during the first half of September were rare. Now they happen all the time.

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Out Of Africa

RSS uses a 1979-1998 baseline, and shows most of Africa below normal temperature in August. Gavin has no data for most of Africa So he simply makes up data, and shows almost all of Africa above the 1979-1998 average Gavin is telling people … Continue reading

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Cryosphere Makes Climate Scientists Cry

Arctic sea ice area has increased by 2,000 Manhattans over the past five days, and is up 58% over two years ago. Global sea ice area is averaging 3,000 Manhattans above normal since the start of 2013, and has … Continue reading

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2004 : NASA Predicted A New Ice Age “Within Decades”

A Chilling Possibility – NASA Science

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The New Normal In Climate Junk Science

Jennifer Francis of Rutgers is the key figure behind the global warming makes it cold idiocy. Here are couple of her main slides She says that September 2007 was “the new normal” – when in fact it was an extreme outlier. The … Continue reading

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Michael Loftus Explains Global Warming

This is a must watch! If someone hands me a check for billions of dollars to prove something, I will prove whatever they want me to prove [youtube=]

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