Monthly Archives: September 2014

Fake Adjustments From Fake Scientists

By 1975, scientists had figured out that UHI was warming temperatures by 2-4 degrees Science News, Vol. 107 March 1, 1975 Already man-made climate changes are clearly evident around cities. Buildings and pavement tend to store more heat than vegetation in … Continue reading

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Experts Say That Record Great Lakes Ice Cover Last Winter Was Caused By Melting Ice

Are freezing winters CAUSED by global warming? | Mail Online What they are saying is that Arctic air is too warm to freeze ice, but when it arrives in Minnesota it is -35C. Apparently the warm Arctic air must stop at … Continue reading

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National Wildlife Federation Says Lake Superior Will Soon Be Ice-Free In Winter

Lake Superior has increased water temperatures and an earlier onset of summer stratification by about two weeks in just the past 30 years. Within another 30 years Lake Superior may be mostly ice-free in a typical winter. Lake Erie water … Continue reading

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More Permanent Drought Coming To The Southwest

Odile Poised to Bring Catastrophic Flooding to Southwest US  

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More Spectacular Malfeasance At GISS

Gavin has very little data in Antarctica, but that didn’t stop him from turning a large region of -0.5 degree anomaly into a + 6 anomaly, and reporting to a precision of 0.01 degrees. Similar story in Africa. Gavin has no coverage … Continue reading

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The Most Transparent(ly Fraudulent And Stupid) White House In History

John Kerry making up one lie after another When 97 percent of scientists agree on anything, we need to listen, and we need to respond. And they agree that, if we continue to go down the same path that we … Continue reading

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President Obama’s Young Dreamers Arrive!

WASHINGTON — Militants for the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria have traveled to Mexico and are just miles from the United States. They plan to cross over the porous border and will “imminently” launch car bomb attacks. And the … Continue reading

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Guest Post From Dr. Bill Gray

Dr. Bill Gray is one of my heroes. He is a top hurricane forecaster, and one of the few people who actually understands the climate. He has been self-funded since 1993, when Al Gore cut off his long time NOAA … Continue reading

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Something Else That Doesn’t Make Sense

This is today’s version of GISS divergence from RSS graph. Normally during El Nino the gap closes, because the atmosphere warms more than the surface.. This year’s mini-El Nino has done the opposite.

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August 2014 Is No Longer The Hottest On Record

Yesterday, Gavin told the Huffington Post that August was the hottest on record globally. He seems to have changed his mind since then, because today his map shows August was cooler than 2011 by 0.02 degrees. 2014 0.68 anomaly : Data.GISS: GISS … Continue reading

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