Monthly Archives: September 2014

9, 10, 11 Barcelona

Tough to beat that combination

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Percentage Of 90 Degree Days In The US Fourth Lowest On Record

Through September 26, the percentage of 90 degree temperature readings in the US has been the fourth lowest on record. The frequency of 90 degree days has been plummeting since the 1930’s, and occurred only half as often this year … Continue reading

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President Obama Says That The Islamic State Has Nothing To Do With The Islamic State


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Nuttercelli Working To Slime Guardian Readers Again

Dana is unhappy about 60% growth in the Arctic summer minimum sea ice extent, area and volume over the past two years – so he published these graphs which show Arctic ice falling off a cliff   Note that he cleverly … Continue reading

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NASA’s Administrator Explains Their Primary Mission

President Obama told me …  foremost mission is to reach out and make Muslims feel good about themselves [youtube=]

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No Profiling Zone

We reject profiling, because it is illegal and immoral. Date Country City Killed Injured Description 2014.09.26 Afghanistan Ghazni 100 0 Over one-hundred people are reported killed by an Islamic fundamentalist assault on their villages. 2014.09.25 Pakistan Rawalpindi 1 1 A … Continue reading

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Shock News : Man Saves Woman’s Life With A Gun

FBI investigating claims Oklahoma beheading suspect tried to convert others to Islam Lewis claims Nolen met 43-year-old Traci Johnson and began attacking her with the same knife. Officials say at that point, Mark Vaughan  … shot him as he was actively … Continue reading

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Crack Climate Scientists Say That Sea Level Has Risen 10 Inches In The Past 40 Years

The study presents evidence, based on 40 years of observations, that six big glaciers in the Amundsen Sea “have passed the point of no return,” Rignot said on a Monday conference call with reporters. The glaciers contain enough ice to … Continue reading

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More Eric Holder “Workplace Violence” From The Religion Of Peace

 Police: FBI looking into Moore beheading after suspect tried to convert others to Islam |

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Ask A Geologist

Geologists have to understand the relationship between CO2 and ocean temperature, because it controls limestone formation. That is why very few geologists believe that climatologists are real scientists.

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