Monthly Archives: September 2014

Climate Is Not Difficult

I’m about to save the government $29 billion/year in climate research. Earth’s climate is driven by changes in Earth’s orbit. Because of eccentricity and axial wobble, the length of different seasons varies over time. That is why we have ice … Continue reading

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Climate Scientists Take Dishonesty To A New Level

Climate experts at NASA and NCDC tell us that global temperatures are currently at record levels, despite the fact they are below the 18 year average. No doubt just a coincidence that they made up this lie a few days … Continue reading

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Climate Scientists Take Stupid To New Levels In Antarctica

Antarctic sea ice reached a record extent this year, surpassing 20 million km². Sea ice forms at the lowest latitudes and altitudes around the continent (i.e. the warmest locations) and requires persistent temperatures below  -2C to form. Meanwhile, the imbeciles known as … Continue reading

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Shipwrecked By The Laughter Of The Gods

“Whoever undertakes to set himself up as a judge of Truth and Knowledge is shipwrecked by the laughter of the gods.” – Albert Einstein

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Were From The Government – Were Here To Make Up Fake Numbers

The US drought monitor shows North Texas in exceptional drought This is quite impressive, considering that region isn’t experiencing any drought.

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Big Lies Ahead For Arctic Experts

Arctic sea ice is growing very rapidly, and will almost certainly reach a decadal high in a few days. This will necessitate that government funded experts lie about the Arctic even more than they usually do.  COI | Centre for … Continue reading

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“The turnout for the march included communists, anarchists, socialists”

“The turnout for the march included communists, anarchists, socialists, democrats, unions, feminists, children, etc,” Chu said “College students are the first generation of humans affected by climate change and the last generation who can change it,“ Chu said U.N. Summit … Continue reading

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Understanding How To Be A Climatologist

Climatologists examine the temperature trend over the past few weeks or years, and simply extrapolate it out 100 years. In 1958 experts predicted an ice-free Arctic within a generation. Eleven years later experts predicted a new ice age.

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Understanding The Difference Between Scientists And Climatologists

During the 1970’s climatologists were predicting a new ice age. Meteorologists said that climatologists had no idea what they were talking about. Climatologists live off grant money, so their job is to make up scary stories to keep the money flowing.

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Understanding How To Commit Fraud As A Government Climate Scientist

Government climate scientists typically start their graphs in 1979 – the year of peak Arctic sea ice, which was up two million km² from 1974.   1979 was the coldest year on record in the eastern Arctic. By cherry picking 1979, … Continue reading

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