Pattern Matching Quiz

Something is similar, and something is different about these two pictures.


ScreenHunter_2483 Sep. 02 17.54


ScreenHunter_2488 Sep. 02 21.45


Extra credit picture


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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21 Responses to Pattern Matching Quiz

  1. Password protected says:

    Obviously the first image is the only one without hot air.

  2. Send Al to the Pole says:

    There’s a big, fat bloodthirsty beast pictured on both of them?

  3. inMAGICn says:


  4. davidnottage says:

    All 3 are reports from alarmist sources; the first one is different because it is contradicting their ideology.

  5. Cheshirered says:

    Just the half-dozen or so ‘stories’ on global warming / climate change / energy etc today on the BBC’s environment page. Whether obvious or discreet, it’s propaganda from start to finish. Situation normal.

  6. TomC says:

    After further data processing 2012 will be ice-free. We just have to wait for several adjustments to the record. Sensor errors and such.

  7. philjourdan says:

    The first one is imaginary because the second one told us so.

  8. Jimbo says:

    [Al Gore – Nobel Prize acceptance speech – 2007]
    “…Peoples in the frozen Arctic and on low-lying Pacific islands are planning evacuations of places they have long called home….”

    The Maldives have planned 5 new airports and 30 tourist class hotels are in the pipeline. Maybe they’re evacuating the islands for the tourists whose arrivals rose 17 percent in 2013.

    • catweazle666 says:

      Those will be financed by all the reparations the evil First World nations are sending them to compensate for being swamped by the sea level rise, presumably.

      Good for the Maldives!

      • kbray in california says:

        Why don’t we send them all the first world garbage via ocean barges as our first installment of reparations?
        They can bury it all to build up the Island ground level by dozens of meters, providing them with centuries of protection.
        And don’t forget the free supply of methane produced for cooking and heating gas.
        Some might think this idea stinks, but I think they definitely deserve it. 🙂

        • Gail Combs says:

          How the heck do you think they built up NYC and Boston?

          The first chapter in the filling of Back Bay was the filling of a strip along the eastern section of the bay starting in 1804, and the creation of the Public Gardens and a section of Beacon Hill (along the river) in 1837. Boston had been using the area as a trash dump, and citizens were complaining about the stench (and pests). Boston’s solution was to completely fill its portion of the Back Bay mud flats. The fill for this came from the west peak of Beacon Hill (known as Mount Vernon).

        • James the Elder says:

          Mt. Trashmore, VA Beach, VA.

  9. nielszoo says:

    A bear, a beach and a bore.


  10. DedaEda says:

    I had a shock of my life yesterday. The CBC, that bastion of progressivism and PC, had an item on the polar bear population, which openly said that they are doing well and their endangerment is purely political. E te CBC?

    • Sleepalot says:

      “The best propaganda is the truth.”
      Lying to us is not enough – we’re usually stupid enough to believe them, and if we believe then we won’t riot. They must also tell us the truth so that we know when they’re lying to us, so that we might riot. They’re trying to provoke rioting, and won’t quell any riots that do happen, because they want us up in arms about rioting.

      The strategy of tension: destabilize the public order to stabilize the political order, and justify a repressive intervention that would be welcomed with relief by the population.

      This is how domestic instability in post WWI Germany led to a popular fascist dictatorship.

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