Over the past six years, President Obama has outlined his thoughts on energy and security.
- Canadian oil is deadly, planet threatening oil.
- Middle eastern oil is good, and helps fund freedom fighters like ISIS in Syria.
- We must bomb both the evil Syrian government and the evil freedom fighters whom we fund and arm to fight the Syrian government.
You will be quizzed on this tomorrow.
You forgot a couple:
1. There are foreign terrorists so I had to renew the Patriot Act and allow contract workers to grope little girls and old grannies.
2. There are no foreign terrorists so we do not need to build the wall we promised the voters we would build on the South Boarder. Instead we will use those additional funds plus stimulus funds to pay off our campaign contributors via worthless solar and wind energy.
3. We will redefine ‘Extremist’ to mean Christian Conservative Americans Patriots.
I still have a hard time believing this document and those words came out of the US Department of Defense. No wonder obama is firing US high ranking Military! Obama fired 197 Senior Military Commanders in 5 Years
I know a “retired,” highly-decorated oral surgeon, an Objectivist, who, at the same time as a friend in the military, was “let go.” Could it also be that competent surgeons are no longer wanted to treat or soldiers and veterans?
The end of a Republic is usually followed by a military dictatorship.
So Obama is clearing the way for a few well placed Socialists/Communists to take over instead of the Military after the Progressive/Fabians finish collapsing the USA.
The Communists like to formant chaos and civil disorder and then step into the power vacuum with a few well placed people.
I can not find the exact quote I want, I think it was in Kent Clizbe’s book Willing Acomplices
These links give an idea of what I am talking of.
That’s why the Progressives and their Rino lap dogs are doing everything they can to disarm us and militarize the bureaucracies of the federal government. Excluding the military there are will over 110,000 armed federal officers today with police powers. (Note that those police powers were created out of thin air and have no basis in the Constitution.)
Quiz tomorrow!?
How can I possibly learn all that?
L00k!=============> Squirrels!
Zerohedge commenter sums it up:
We will give weapons to moderates to help fight isis, but not the moderates we gave weapons to before that were isis, we will equip the iraqi army because isis took the equipment we equiped them with before we equiped the moderates who became isis and took the iraqi armies equipment.
While we fight tooth and nail to take weapons away from our own citizens.
I got three out of three wrong.
I think that qualifies me as a climate expert.