Meanwhile, researchers from NASA and UC Irvine studying the ASE ice sheet report a “continuous and rapid retreat” of glaciers there and think that there is “no [major] obstacle that would prevent the glaciers from further retreat.” They worry that within a millennium and perhaps as soon as two centuries, the ASE could melt out entirely—leading to between four and 10 feet of sea level rise around the world—if moderate warming models prove to be correct.
Of course, we can all play a role in preventing such scenarios by reducing our carbon footprints. Take fewer airplane trips. Buy organic food. Walk, bike or take public transit to work. If you must drive, get a hybrid or electric car. Wear a sweater instead of turning up the heat. And urge legislators to push new laws that limit greenhouse gas emissions by industry, utilities and other big polluters. It may be now or never.
Disrupting the Borg is expensive and time consuming!
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Steve, did you see this one? I think you already have this one totally debunked…
Academics lying for money is the new normal.
I’m not clear on how organic foods reduce carbon output. Do GMO crops absorb less CO2? I doubt it.
Organic food is wholesome food grown with out chemicals (in a vacuum**?) using the slave labor of illegal immigrants instead of nasty petroleum driven modern machines.
** The only thing without chemicals is an absolute vacuum. (My pet peeve as a chemist)
Try sometime to eat chicken that is free range from a good environment and compare it
at the same time to chicken which comes from factories where the chickens are stuffed with whatever to make them grow at a phenomenal rate, chickens from an environment where they cannot even move and if left alone cannot even stand up.
The difference in taste and general quality is surprising.
It taste like chicken….
I was being a bit sarcastic.
I generally eat organic mainly to support local farmers.
Part of the problem with ‘organic’ is the folks who started the movement turned ‘labeling’ over to the government and now ‘organic’ no longer means what you think it means.
Monsanto is all about organic now, but not the kind you think
Of course glaciers are melting and ocean levers rising — a little — but that has been happening since the last little ice age. During the time from the medieval warm period, until the height of the little ice age, there is evidence that the opposite was happening.
The frustrating thing is the persistence of the hockey stick or its concept despite thoroughly substantial evidence to the contrary.
They worry that within a millennium and perhaps as soon as two centuries, —if moderate warming models prove to be correct.
So ~200 – 1000 years IF the moderate models are correct – excuse me if I’m unimpressed by the precision or accuracy of the “models.”
Supposedly our fossil fuels will only last about 400 years.
So far 100% of the models have been 100% wrong…
This is about politics, not Climate…
“moderate warming models”
Now that’s funny, I don’t care who you are.
My personal model, which means nothing is that we are beginning a cooling period and a greater hardship for many
Looking at GISP2, we’ve been in it for awhile
All this false propaganda disguised as consensus science simply confirms:
1. Won WWII in Aug- Sept 1945 and
2. Established the UN in Oct 1945
This is the supposed ‘collapse’ of the ASE aka WAIS:
Take a look at the animation and tell me if that looks anything like reality. Pay particular attention to the way the gravity anomaly of the sea varies just like the land! GRACE + GOCE = JOKE
Thanks Billy. I commented there with a link to a study showing volcanism affecting the WAIS
It is important we post often and well at alarmist sites.
over 12 hours later my comment has not been approved.
Well it is a strangely anonymous collective of ‘leading scientists’ and ‘journalists’ … they’re like the IPCC, they have a mission and it is not connected with anything other the ‘effects of climate change’. No mention of ’causes’ – I presume that is assumed to be man.
I eat whatever is on sale.
That is why I hit the local farmers as much as possible.
The flea market I go to on Sundays has an incredible selection. It is where most of the Hispanics in the area shop. Since it is not ‘regulated’ like the state farmer’s market and not a yuppieville ‘organic foods’ shopping area it is a lot cheaper.
” As soon as two centuries…” wow, I’m scared.
And from the same people that failed to predict the last 15 – 18 years of no global warming at all; and we are suppose to believe their prognostications two hundred years out? Nope. Not me. Find another sucker.
I still can’t figure out what’s so bad about a little warming; and why oh why is ice such a good thing?
From those good-old days during the little ice age:
“Tax records in Scandinavia show many farms were destroyed by advancing ice of glaciers and by melt water streams. Travellers in Scotland reported permanent snow cover over the Cairngorm Mountains in Scotland at an altitude of about 1200 metres. In the Alps, the glaciers advanced and bulldozed over towns. Ice-dammed lakes burst periodically, destroying hundreds of buildings and killing many people.”
Many watermelons would love to see such things happen.
“Meanwhile, researchers from NASA and UC Irvine worry” about losing funding without more scary talk about the future.