Obama Is No Jimmy Carter

Faced with energy shortages caused by Middle Eastern despots, Jimmy Carter set out to develop American energy reserves, to protect the country and keep fuel prices down. I remember well, because I worked for him on oil shale development in western Colorado.

Barack Hussein Obama is doing something entirely different. He is actively working to cut off North American energy reserves – coal and Canadian/Alaskan oil. He says he wants to make energy prices “skyrocket.” Then he flies off to Saudi Arabia, a country which desperately wants to see oil prices go back up.

You would have to be dumber than a turnip to not see what is going on here.



ScreenHunter_234 Sep. 05 02.22

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Popular and widely read Egyptian newspaper Al Wafd published the above picture today portraying U.S. President Barack Hussein Obama as Satan himself. The unflattering picture has been making the rounds on Facebook in the Middle East and, according to Al Wafd, is representative of the hatred growing numbers of people in the region have for the American president, thanks to his staunch and unwavering support for Islamists and jihadiis — whether in Nigeria, Libya, Egypt, or Syria — even as they terrorize, murder, rape, and burn down Christian churches, that is, even as they engage in diabolical activities.

The PJ Tatler » Egyptian Media Portray Obama as Satan

ScreenHunter_325 Dec. 05 06.39

Egyptians Hit by Dawning Realization that Obama’s on the DICTATOR’s Side- Not Theirs/Democracy

Jimmy Carter may have been an idiot, but at least he was a loyal American.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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20 Responses to Obama Is No Jimmy Carter

  1. Gail Combs says:

    The more I see Obummer in action the more I think he is not an American.

    Jesuit motto:
    “Give me a child until he is seven years old, and he is mine for life.” based on a quotation by Francis Xavier.

  2. philjourdan says:

    Most liberals are dumber than a turnip. The rest are just evil.

  3. Jimmy Carter may have been an idiot, but at least he was a loyal American.

    Sure glad he didn’t take it upon himself to screw around in North Korea, then.

    Nah, it’s all good, but comparing Obama & Carter is like comparing HIV & syphilis.

  4. GoneWithTheWind says:

    Jimmy Carter was an intelligent man who is very misinformed on many critical issues and too stubborn to ever change his mind. Much of what he did was all wrong for the “right” reasons. Still is; Jimmy Carter travels the world screwing up one day at a time. But Obama is a different thing all together. What he does is calculated and intentional. He may well be the real Manchurian candidate. Or he may be a lone wolf “America hater”. I suspect he was placed into every position he has held by unseen hands and his rise to power is not chance or the result of democracy. To this day we know almost nothing about him. Fellow students that took the same classes as he (supposedly) did never saw him and never heard of him. Even professors who would have taught the classes he would have had to take never new of him. Obama is a post turtle and until we find out who put him where he is we do not know how much trouble he has caused us.

    • Chewster says:

      Big O and his handlers are simply shocked that the resilience of the American people have thrown a curve-ball time after time in their quest of the “Fundamental Transformation”.
      Since they are not of the capitalist (real) world, they can not grasp why hard working Americans do what they do to survive!
      They will continue with scheme after scheme to bring about chaos, hate and discontent, but they just can’t understand why it’s not working…

  5. Gail Combs says:

    Most are followers who want someone else to do their thinking for them. That is why we call them Sheeple.

    ….A Willing Accomplice in Hollywood, in the 1950s, commented ….., “I would be spared the agony of thinking my way through difficult issues: all the thinking would be done for me by an elite core of trained [thinkers]…”

    The goal of the KGB’s covert influence operations was to make Americans feel that their country was bad. The KGB utilized Willing Accomplices to spread the message that America was an evil, racist, imperialist war-monger and that Communism was a benign, noble experiment designed to rid the world of corruption, oppression and injustice. Muenzenberg used his fronts as cover to run innovative and staggeringly successful covert influence operations against the U.S.

    These Communists know what they are doing. They follow their orders. Particularly would they like to dominate our newspapers, our colleges, and our schools. William F. Russell, Dean Columbia Teachers College in a 1938 speech to the American Legion.

    Our future teachers will be able to discuss their own histories and current thinking drawing on notions of white privilege, hegemonic masculinity, heteronormativity, and internalized oppression.
    University of Minnesota teacher training program, 2009.

    Following the express instructions of the leadership of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, beginning with Vladimir Lenin, the KGB implemented massive covert influence operations soon after the end of the Russian Civil War. The goal was to destroy the core moral fabric of American society. Taking advantage of the intellectual and philosophical climate of the early 1900s, the Soviet intelligence apparatus began what would now be called in intelligence circles “intelligence preparation of the battle space” to move the world towards the inevitable dictatorship of the proletariat. Covert operatives realized that America’s greatest strengths were its proud exceptionalism and belief that freedom and liberty were part of all men’s divine destiny.

    From the book Willing Accomplices: How KGB Covert Influence Agents Created Political Correctness and Destroyed America by Kent Clizbe

    The goal was to destroy the core moral fabric of American society. ….Covert operatives realized that America’s greatest strengths were its proud exceptionalism and belief that freedom and liberty were part of all men’s divine destiny.

    And what do we find in one of Obummers NEW US Military Training Manuals?

    From the 133 page FOIA document obtained from the Department of Defense entiled: AFSS 0910 EQUAL OPPORTUNITY AND TREATMENT INCIDENTS (EOTI) LESSON PLAN

    This lesson will focus on awareness and current issues requiring the attention of future Equal Opportunity Advisors. It will also provide information that describes sources of extremism information, definitions, recruitment of DoD personnel, common themes in extremist ideologies, common characteristics of extremist organizations, DoD policies, and command functions regarding extremist activities. ……

    The following references are additional sources for current extremism information:
    • Anti-Defamation League — [The Anti-Defamation League was founded in 1913 “to stop the defamation of the Jewish people’ ]

    • Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism — [The Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism at California State University, San Bernardino is a nonpartisan research and policy center ]
    • Know Gangs
    • Political Research Associates
    • Southern Poverty Law Center [SEE attacks on Catholic Church and shooting target from their list http://cnsnews.com/news/article/southern-poverty-law-center-our-hate-map-doesn-t-cause-anybody-attack. also DHS employee behind website promoting race war on paid leave (wwwDOT)foxnews.com/politics/2013/08/24/dhs-employee-behind-website-promoting-race-war-on-paid-leave/ ]
    • Teaching Tolerance — [Todd’s American Dispatch: Feds forced churches to get baptism permits –(wwwDOT)foxnews.com/opinion/2013/08/30/btodd-american-dispatchb-feds-forced-churches-to-get-baptism-permits/?intcmp=trending ]


    D. Extremist Ideologies
    1. Introduction
    • As noted, an ideology is a set of political beliefs about the nature of people and society. People who are committed to an ideology seek not only to persuade but to recruit others to their belief. In U.S. history, there are many examples of extremist ideologies and movements. The colonists who sought to free themselves from British rule and the Confederate states who sought to secede from the Northern states are just two examples….

    2. Ideologies
    a. Nationalism – The policy of asserting that the interests of one’s own nation are separate from the interests of other nations or the common interest of all nations. Many nationalist groups take it a step further and believe that their national culture and interests are superior to any other national group.

    b. Supremacy – The belief that one’s race or ethnicity is superior to all others and should dominate society. Supremacy, as with racial supremacies in general, has frequently resulted in anti-Black and anti-Semitic violence.

    c. Separatism – Setting oneself or others apart based on culture, ethnicity, race, or religion.

    d. Anarchism – A political ideology that considers the state to be unnecessary, harmful, or undesirable….protesters wreaking havoc at political conventions and anti-globalization rallies.

    e. Religion – Extremist ideology based on intolerance toward other religions. Anti- Semitism is a prime example of this ideology….

    E. Recruiting Motives
    1. Introduction
    • The standard hate message has not changed, but it has been packaged differently. Modern extremist groups run the gamut from the politically astute and subtle to the openly violent.

    • Nowadays, instead of dressing in sheets or publicly espousing hate messages, many extremists will talk of individual liberties, states’ rights, and how to make the world a better place.

    Sure sounds like the darn Manual was written by a KGB Operative and not by the US military doesn’t it?

    The whole document was obtained by Judicial Watch.

  6. D. Self says:

    We have a lot of turnips in the USA and the numbers are growing.

    • Gail Combs says:

      The growing number of turnips was by design.

      Dumbing Down America by Dr. Samuel Blumenfeld

      I am often asked to name those educators responsible for the change in primary reading instruction which has led to the decline of literacy in America. People ask this because by the time they understand the history of the reading problem and of the dumbing down process that has been going on in our public schools for the past forty years, they recognize that all of this is not the result of a series of accidents but of conscious, deliberate decisions made by our educational leaders.

      After twenty-five years of research, I can state with complete confidence that the prime mover in all of theis was none other than John Dewey [Co-founder of the American Fabian Society] who is usually characterized as the father of progressive education

      ….In 1894, Dewey was appointed head of the department of philosophy, psychology and education at the University of Chicago which had been established two years earlier by a gift from John D. Rockefeller. In 1896, Dewey created his famous experimental Laboratory School where he could test the effects of the new psychology on real live children……

      Dewey’s philosophy had evolved from Hegelian idealism to socialist materialism, and the purpose of the school was to show how education could be changed to produce little socialists and collectivists instead of little capitalists and individualists. It was expected that these little socialists, when they became voting adults, would dutifully change the American economic system into a socialist one.

      In order to do so he analyzed the traditional curriculum that sustained the capitalist, individualistic system and found what he believed was the sustaining linchpin — that is, the key element that held the entire system together: high literacy. To Dewey, the greatest obstacle to socialism was the private mind that seeks knowledge in order to exercise its own private judgment and intellectual authority. High literacy gave the individual the means to seek knowledge independently. It gave individuals the means to stand on their own two feet and think for themselves. This was detrimental to the “social spirit” needed to bring about a collectivist society…..

      Enter Dick & Jane

      The development of these textbook took place mainly at the University of Chicago and at Teachers College, Columbia University, in New York. These books were ready for the schools by 1930, and were widely promoted throughout the education system by articles in the National Education Association’s Journal, a virtual mouthpiece for the progresssives who had taken control of the NEA earlier in the century.

      That the new teaching methods caused reading problems was already known by 1930.

      Two different types of reader: subjective and objective…..

      The subjective reader as one who has been taught by the whole-language method and has developed a holistic reflex… A child with a holistic reflex has acquired a built-in obstacle to seeing our alphabetically written words in their phonetic structutre and thus is technically “dyslexic.” The only cure for that school-induced dyslexia is the replacement of the holistic reflex by a phonetic reflex which requires intensive remediation. As Pavlovian psychologists know, it is impossible to have two conflicting, mutually imcompatible reflexes at the same time.….

      I ended up with that miserable holistic reflex. I can easily read at 1600 words per minute or more but I have problems connecting the picture in my mind with the correct spoken word. I go from word ‘picture’ to concept without ever verbalizing the word. It drives Hubby nuts.

  7. Bill S says:

    Never liked Carter’s politics but also never questioned his integrity.
    Hated Clinton because I knew he had no integrity.
    Obama is what you get if you elect a college professor. Honesty and integrity are idle concepts.

    • Gail Combs says:

      Obama is what you get if you elect a college professor a Communist trained Affirmative Action Community Organizer with ZERO work history. Honesty and integrity are idle hated concepts.

      There fixed it for ya.

  8. Beale says:

    Inconsistently, Carter kept in force price limits on domestic oil production which held production down, and forced the nation to import more oil. Since the imported oil cost more, it’s likely that the restrictions didn’t reduce prices at the pump even in the short run.

    • B says:

      Most presidents and most of their advisers have really bad ideas on economics. That is when the ideas aren’t serving those who put them in office, then they are even worse.

      • Gail Combs says:

        About 95% of the regulations in the USA are useless. They are only passed to give a certain corporation an advantage. (Example)

        If the federal government truly wanted to see the US economy do well they would remove 95% of the regulations/laws governing business.
        Federal Regulations Have Made You 75 Percent Poorer: U.S. GDP is just $16 trillion instead of $54 trillion

        The growth of federal regulations over the past six decades has cut U.S. economic growth by an average of 2 percentage points per year, according to a new study in the Journal of Economic Growth. As a result, the average American household receives about $277,000 less annually than it would have gotten in the absence of six decades of accumulated regulations—a median household income of $330,000 instead of the $53,000 we get now….

        This was not just happenstance. Remember Obummer’s Science Czar was advocating de-developing the USA back in the early 1970s Did Obama science advisor Dr. John Holdren actually call for the American government to “de-develop” the U.S. and “reduce” its population? — Yes, he did.

        Of interest is this article from the Donella Meadows Institute: The Club of Rome and sustainable development
        The first report of the Club of Rome was the famous The limits to growth, brought out in 1972 by an MIT research team coordinated by Dennis and Donella Meadows. ….

        The decision to trash the US economy was made by an international group and not by Americans.

        About the CLUB OF ROME

        The Club of Rome was founded in 1968 as an informal association of independent leading personalities from politics, business and science, men and women who are long-term thinkers interested in contributing in a systemic interdisciplinary and holistic manner to a better world. The Club of Rome members share a common concern for the future of humanity and the planet….

        The Club of Rome currently consists of approximately 100 individual members; over 30 national and regional associations; the International Centre in Winterthur, a European Support Centre in Vienna and the Club of Rome Foundation, which provides the opportunity for major individual donors to be involved, to participate in the development and dissemination of the Club’s projects and messages.

        It is worth it to read their website.

  9. Rob says:

    I don’t disagree with the overall point, but I don’t agree with this statement:

    “Saudi Arabia, a country which desperately wants to see oil prices go back up.”

    Arguably the Saudi’s are largely responsible for the decline in prices in order to cut off US production as Saudi production costs are well below those in the US. If the Saudi’s wanted prices back up, they could cut their production. IMO they’re currently willing to accept less of a profit (but still a significant profit) to cut off or at least damage & weaken competition from the US and other nations.

  10. Rob says:

    Possibly & I’m not trying to debate global oil production vs. pricing strategy. I think that the Saudi’s have come to realize that with a high enough price, the US can produce oil … and lots of it. But they also know that they can produce it a lot cheaper than the US can. However since their state budgets are based upon oil revenue, their “break even point” is debatable between true cost of bringing oil to the market (purely oil production costs only) & what they need those oil revenues to be in order to pay for all their planned state budgets – which is not the same thing as raw production costs.

    If your point is that they want the price back up because their state budgets are heavily dependent upon oil revenue (which they are http://www.cnbc.com/id/102151869#.), then you may have a point and I would agree with that premise. Most “news” stories of the break even point for state run oil is not their actual production costs (like it would be for private corporation like Exxon Mobile for example) but the cost to fund their state budgets based upon how much of a percentage that oil revenue supports the total state budget (aka their reliance on oil http://www.cnbc.com/id/102151869)

    So the question really becomes a question of what are the Saudi priorities?

    I simply think that the Saudi’s have come to realize that there is a price floor for oil production in the US below which we are less likely to produce, which they are now using as a ceiling to fight foreign (to them) production. They may have to re-prioritize their budgets and simply deal with the fact that they won’t have unlimited access to revenue now that the US has proven that there is a point at which we can truly be a competitive global producer – which they don’t want more competition.

    Bottom line, I don’t think the Saudi’s are desperate to get oil prices back up in the short term & they know the US can be a serious competitor long term with higher prices. So IMO they are changing the way they are playing the game. But that is the struggle for them. With huge US reserves available at a high price, they can’t really play the long game because we’ll simply wait for prices to rise for US production to increase again. But at the same time, they can’t afford their current budgets with prices this low.

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