Arctic Size Matters

The usual scoundrels at government agencies and the press are hard at work pounding their “record low Arctic sea ice” scam.

ScreenHunter_8272 Apr. 04 07.21

They used to cry volume when extent was high, and cry extent when volume was high.

Thus time they are lying about both extent and volume. Extent is higher than 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2011.

ScreenHunter_8271 Apr. 04 07.20 Ocean and Ice Services | Danmarks Meteorologiske Institut

And volume is up almost 10% from 2011.

ScreenHunter_8288 Apr. 04 09.38


But it is worse than it seems. When they aren’t crying about extent and volume, they are crying about ice thickness – which is the highest in nine years.

ScreenHunter_8273 Apr. 04 07.37

With Paris looming, government experts turned a large increase in ice into a “record low.” Same story with temperature, and just about every other climate parameter. Climate science is now 100% lies, 100% of the time.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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24 Responses to Arctic Size Matters

  1. omanuel says:

    Thank you, Steven, for having the ability to see, and the courage to report to the public that Climate science is now 100% lies, 100% of the time.

    • omanuel says:

      It took me several decades to realize that:

      1. George Orwell had correctly predicted the future of science in the book he started writing in 1946, Nineteen Eighty-Four

      2. President Eisenhower had repeated the warning in his Jan 1961 farewell address to the nation.

      • darrylb says:

        Omanuel, I have read Ike’s s speech regarding science many times, thanks for the visual.

        • omanuel says:

          I did not read Ike’s speech myself until the Climategate emails were released in 2009 and I observed the incredible official excuses for scientific fraud!

          Prior to that, I had been absolutely opposed to any hint of conspiracy in science. Now I realize that is why Stalin imposed a news blackout of his victories in Aug-Sept 1945 (capture of Japan’s atomic bomb plant at Konan, Korea and capture of the crew of an American B29 bomber for negations) prior to formation of the UN on 24 Oct 1945.

    • omanuel says:

      I hope to have time to find and post indications that the Sun’s surface composition and temperature vary in a regular manner over normal solar cycles – information NASA kept from the public.

      • omanuel says:

        On 1 June 2004 astronomers from UC-Berkley reported that “ordinary, sun-like” stars – selected earlier for study because of low “sunspot” activity like the Maunder minimum -were surprisingly:

        _ a.) Almost all hotter than the Sun, and
        _ b.) Richer in heavy elements like iron (Fe)

        On 7 June 2006 Tom Ayres reported in a paper entitled “The Solar Oxygen Crisis” at the High Altitude Observatory in NSF’s National Center for Atmospheric in Boulder, CO:

        _ a.) “In recent years, a number of studies of the solar oxygen abundance–based on detailed 3-D simulations of photospheric convection–have pointed to values nearly a factor of two smaller than recommended as recently as a decade ago. In fact, each new study seems to outdo the previous one in recommending a progressively lower oxygen abundance, most recently even below 400 ppm (parts per million relative to hydrogen; earlier recommended values were near 800 ppm).”

        _ b.) “At the present rate, the Sun will be oxygen free in around 2015.”

        The link to Tom Ayers’ paper ( ) no longer works, but I suspect he made successive measurements on the [O]/[Fe] ratio as solar sunspot activity in solar cycle #23 diminished. If so, the value of the [O]/[Fe] ratio recovered as solar sunspot activity increased again in solar cycle #24.

        In 2007, H. Socas-Navarro and A. A. Norton discussed the solar oxygen crises:

      • omanuel says:

        I.e., NASA likely has evidence for systematic changes in the Sun’s surface temperature and surface composition over ordinary solar cycles:

        1. Less heat is conveyed away from the Sun when there is low sunspot activity

        _ a.) The Sun’s surface becomes hotter and more iron-rich; (Solar mixing diminishes)
        _ b.) Earth’s surface becomes cooler (E.g., the Maunder minimum and the Little Ice Age)

        2. More heat is conveyed away from the Sun when there is high sunspot activity

        _ a.) The Sun’s surface becomes cooler, more hydrogen-rich; (More H from neutron-decay reaches the solar surface)
        _ b.) Earth’s surface becomes hotter (E.g., the well-known link of Earth’s climate with sunspot activity)

  2. Steve Case says:

    “Climate science is now 100% lies, 100% of the time.”
    You mean there is no kernel of truth to any of it?

    • Temperatures are not increasing. Sea ice is not decreasing. Sea level rise rates haven’t changed. Extreme weather has not increased. There is no story here. It is 100% bullshit.

    • omanuel says:

      How disingenuous!

      • Menicholas says:

        And if it does warm, it is highly doubtful it will be in any way catastrophic. Significant cooling, on the other hand, may well be disastrous. And since when is frozen wasteland a good thing?
        Imagine the disaster that befalls the ecosystems of the earth when a mile high wall of ice advances southward across entire continents and glaciers sweep down from every mountain range, wiping away the entire biosphere and scraping away every trace of life down to bedrock…and then scraping away the bedrock too!

  3. sully says:

    It’s great to see that nature isn’t cooperating with the mann-ipulations of these dark souls.

  4. hannuko says:

    Using extent already tells that they are hiding something. Why use extent and not area, unless you are trying to hide something?

    Extent doesn’t tell how much ice is there – only how far the ice has spread. Inside the extent border there could be gigantic areas with no ice at all.

  5. FTOP_T says:

    I wonder if the Canadians are worried about another record warm year. If it gets any “warmer”, they may starve to death.

    Global temperature is a myth. OLR is increasing. Solar output ebbing. It is going to get darn cold.

    • Snowleopard says:

      If it gets any “warmer” they may freeze to death! Especially if some carbon control regime is agreed to.

      Long term global starvation seems to be the goal. Bio-fuels = burning food to increase its price with the CO2 savings coming from starving the poor.

      And what precisely is the actual goal of reducing CO2? Is it also starvation? Higher CO2 enhances plant growth and most crop production. It also increases the temperature tolerance of plants and reduces water requirements. Lowering CO2 reverses all of this.

      At the end of the last ice age most of the Amazon was a grassland because CO2 levels made it difficult for trees. Less than 10 million humans survived the last ice age. The next ice age will likely be colder and draw even more CO2 into the oceans. Ice ages obviously drastically reduce growing areas. Below 200ppm CO2 many plant species stop growing and reproducing. If we start the next ice age with low CO2 levels, that will further increase the die-off. Is that the plan?

  6. Cam says:

    On your volume graph, shouldn’t it read million KM cubed, not squared

  7. gator69 says:

    Nice work tony! Just sent this out to my posse.

  8. Crashex says:

    The Atlantic side of the ice field has had a dramatic increase in area and volume the last two years. This is a sign that the AMO cycle, which has been up, is now turning down, and the cooler ocean temps during the next decade or two will prompt a return of “normal” ice levels to the North Atlantic [Barents, Greenland, Baffin, Kara, St. Law.]. The “writing is on the wall” that the recent sea ice trend is reversing. It won’t be statistically apparent for a few years, but it’s starting.

    I see Mann’s recent paper, using models and tree rings to claim the Atlantic conveyor is slowing due to Climate Change, as a recognition of the coming change to the AMO and the reversal of the sea ice area loss meme as a AGW propaganda tool. The science in the paper is garbage, but as a political tool it clearly gets the message in front of the trend and gives the true believers a peer reviewed excuse to point to to explain the increasing ice area/volume.

  9. Warren D. Walker says:

    “Climate science is now 100% lies, 100% of the time.”
    A NASA climate scientist would state – we have 200% consistency.

  10. Andy DC says:

    Their credibility is so damaged, it can never be restored. In other words, you can’t believe a word they say. We all know it, but our challenge is to get the message thru to the “man on the street”. Maybe Tony, in conjunction with Ted Cruz, or someone similar, should produce a documentary or series of videos related to this subject.

    • darrylb says:

      Andy DC, true, but the media will be lagging behind the truth for a long time.
      Hysteresis, a term used in magnetism, where the effect lags behind the cause.
      The hysteresis time ratio for the MSM is huge and is skewed left and amplified behind the general force of bias.

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