Churchill 1899 – Islam Will Take Over After Christianity And Science Are Destroyed

Everything is going exactly to plan. Progressives are working doubletime, to destroy both science and Christianity

How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries! Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy. The effects are apparent in many countries, improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture, sluggish methods of commerce, and insecurity of property exist wherever the followers of the Prophet rule or live.

A degraded sensualism deprives this life of its grace and refinement, the next of its dignity and sanctity. The fact that in Mohammedan law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property, either as a child, a wife, or a concubine, must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men.

Individual Muslims may show splendid qualities, but the influence of the religion paralyses the social development of those who follow it. No stronger retrograde force exists in the world. Far from being moribund, Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytizing faith. It has already spread throughout Central Africa, raising fearless warriors at every step; and were it not that Christianity is sheltered in the strong arms of science, the science against which it had vainly struggled, the civilization of modern Europe might fall, as fell the civilization of ancient Rome.

– Winston Churchill 1899

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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128 Responses to Churchill 1899 – Islam Will Take Over After Christianity And Science Are Destroyed

  1. gator69 says:

    But isn’t it odd how they embrace the technology of destruction.

    • Libsarenavelint says:

      I’ve said many times that Muslims seem to hate everything about us save our weapons. Man, they do love our weapons.

  2. BallBounces says:

    Winston Churchill. We don’t make ’em like we used to.

  3. scizzorbill says:

    Over my dead body. But then, that is their plan. Islam is totalitarianism like Communism, and Globalism.. Psychopaths that want to own the Earth, and everyone on it.

    • higley7 says:

      You almost have it right. Islam is a cult that makes psychopaths out of what might have been normal people. They want to control everything, including your life, or they take everything.

      Normally 4% of the population are sociopaths, who need to control their surroundings, as they lack empathy/a conscience. A subset of the 4% are psychopaths. But, Islam trains psychopaths as the product of their teachings.

      I do not call Islam a religion but a cult, as it does not allow the individual to develop a relationship with his//her god, but is, instead, the individual is subjugated, controlled, and oppressed by their god/Imams. That makes it a cult, particularly, as trying to leave the cult is grounds for being killed outright.

      • DD More says:

        Any some people have know it for a long time. From one of the main leaders in North Africa during the Pirate Days

        Eaton’s stark and stereotyping view of Islam and Muslims can be seen when he describes these segments of society as being not only “abject slaves to the despotism of their government,” but also “humiliated by tyranny, the worst of all tyranny, the despotism of priestcraft. They live in more solemn fear of the frowns of a bigot who has been dead and rotten above a thousand years, than of a living despot whose frown would cost them their lives.”
        73 William Eaton, 10 August 1799, 123.

  4. Gail Combs says:

    In the UK you will get arrested for quoting that passage in public!!!

    28 Apr 2014 UK Cops Arrest Man for Quoting Winston Churchill

    The leader of an anti-immigration pressure group has been arrested for quoting Winston Churchill. Paul Weston, chairman of LibertyGB, was taken into custody in Winchester, southern England, after delivering a speech in which he quoted an excerpt from the wartime Prime Minister’s book The River War….

    • Jimmy Haigh says:

      The UK is being run by idiots.

    • gator69 says:

      Yet this kind of speech from Muslims is tolerated…

    • What an OUTRAGE… perpetrated by Progressives…

      In the UK you get arrested for Quoting Winston… here you get arrested for supporting Walker…

      • Chris Barron says:

        Making even less sense of it….a friend of mine , an English lecturer, is due to stand trial in Glasgow soon, for standing outside a branch of Barclay’s bank handing out leaflets criticising the bank for funding arms companies which dropped bombs on Gaza.

        He has been charged with an act of racism. He is no stranger to it……

        The danger with free speech is that people offend other people, the danger with not having it though seems much worse

        • Gail Combs says:

          Offending other people with what you say should not be considered a danger. It is only recently, at least here in the USA that, people started throwing hissy fits over words. I really do not care what you say or even what you call me as long as you do not get in my face and spit all over me or lay your hands on me to keep me from walking away from you. Words can hurt but unless you are yelling fire in a theater or are inciting people to riot, (George Soros, Al Sharpton and Fergusion) then you should be perfectly free to say what you want.

          I DO care about censorship. If you want to have sex with a donkey and put a youtube up showing it, it is YOU who are making an Ass our of yourself and I do not have to watch.

          I have a major problem when songs like the Preacher and the Bear or Mark Twain novels, or some of the older plays or musicals are now verbotten in the USA. Heck people are throwing hissy fits over the names of sports teams! Don’t people have anything better to complain about? Like the politicians stealling us blind?

          As far as I am concerned censorship should be left to the parents. As long as you are not hurting someone (sex with a minor….) fraud, theft, murder, tresspass…. Do as you please.

        • gator69 says:

          I remember watching ‘Song of the South’ as a kid, and my mother remembers when it was shown at the Fox Theater in Atlanta when it was originally released. I had the record of the soundtrack, that I played when I was little. Then about ten years ago, my mother said she would love to see it again, so I started looking online, and discovered that Disney had stopped all sales of the video. Some idiots had claimed it was “offensive”, and I had to try two different bootleggers before I finally got a deceny copy for her.

          Hansen: My name is Matthew Hansen; I’m a shareholder here locally. This year is a large anniversary for one of Disney’s classic films. Disney restoration team artistic supervisor Dave Bossert recently said, ‘There’s been a lot of internal discussion about it, and at some point we’re going to do something about it. I don’t know when, but we will. We want people to see it because we realize it’s a big piece of company history and we want to do it the right way.’ With this year being the 65th anniversary of Song of the South, I was wondering when we might see that. [Applause]

          Iger: [laughs] We almost got through the meeting! I thought you were going to say it’s the 60th anniversary of Peter Pan, I was kind of hoping for that. I said last year at our shareholder’s meeting that I had watched Song of the South again and, even though we’ve considered from time to time bringing it back, I didn’t think it was the right thing for the company to do.

          Uncle Remus is the hero of the movie, and the only villains are some white trash. I wasn’t offended that they portrayed whites as dumb and evil. Some people just need to get a life.

        • Chris Barron says:

          “Don’t people have anything better to complain about? Like the politicians stealling us blind?”

          Gail you’re definitely onto something.
          We are flooded now with ‘reality tv’ shows (which quite clearly are anything but real) and talent contests…….anything at all but something substantial… ..even the shock jocks and the commentators of society are paid to be polarised (and therefore get paid more for being more polarised than they were before ?)..

          And I wouldn’t be the first to suggest that the reason is that if you keep the audience entertained and looking one way then as a government you can get away with blue murder at times.

  5. darrylb says:

    Wow, just wow and wow again. I had no idea that W. C. had said this in 1899 or at any time.
    My personal education is so lacking, thanks all for giving me another lesson.

    Here in Minnesota with its so called extreme tolerance, there is a higher than average number of Somalians, and as you may have heard, six were recently charged with trying to become part of ISIS.

    The one commonality is that they are a younger generation, and their parents are either distraught or in disbelief; or at least so they say.

    In a nearby school there are students that are Somalian and also students that are Kenyan.
    They are quite often in fights with each other while the other students watch. They are not separated from their history, and what they have learned from their parents.

  6. I. Lou Minotti says:

    As always, Lt. Col. Ralph Peters sets the record straight, “This was better than the best sex they ever had and it’s easier on the goats.”

    One wonders what the good Colonel had in mind as he spoke. Could it be this?

    Here’s the IDF video:

    • gator69 says:

      Interesting. They removed the video of Col Peters from YouTube, but the goat raping video is still up. There is also alleged drone footage of donkey rape too.

      What does this say about YouTube?

      • Gail Combs says:

        It says they employ censorship.

        So what else is new? Try a posting a comment with the word Tr*o*t*sk*y in it. I have not been able to use that word for over three months without the comment getting booted into the ether without any sign it was ever there. The comment does not go into moderation it just disappears completely. Seveal other words/ URLs are now censored too and not just at this site.

      • I. Lou Minotti says:

        It’s owned and/or controlled by Google. That tells me a lot.

        • gator69 says:

          Giddy Oglers Of Gross Livestock Erotica?

        • Gail Combs says:

          Well, gator what do you expect when the sex poodle aka Al the Gorical was a senior adviser to Google.

          Now it seems the Gorical also had his hands all over ‘Net Neutrality’

          Self-described “Internet inventor” and former Vice President Al Gore has a newly released book “The Assault on Reason” in which he comes out of the shadows and into the limelight as a leading public proponent of net neutrality.

          The Save the Internet coalition blogged/bragged about the book in its post: Al Gore: Net Neutrality is the key to a better democracy.” They lifted some Gore quotes that gave them lots of “warm fuzzies” inside:

          neutrality should be the central tenet that will set us on a path toward an open, democratic Internet where free speech and free markets are encouraged.

          Wait a minute. The term “net neutrality” was only coined as late as 2002 by a socialist Columbia Law Professor!
          But Gore claims to have invented the Internet before 1992!
          Who’s right?
          Moreover, Mr. Gore, factually the net has never been neutral.

          More than one and a half million citizens contacted Congress and more than eight hundred organizations joined the SavetheInternet Coalition, organized by the upstart media reform organization Free Press, using innovative online mobilization tactics

          Thank you Mr. Gore from coming out from the shadows and coming clean by publicly endorsing the efforts of, and tacitly acknowledging your strong ringleader role in managing “Google’s poodles”, SaveTheInternet and FreePress.

          The still unanswered question is how many tens of millions of dollars has Mr. Gore made from his boatload of Google options/warrants granted to him as “Senior Advisor” to Google?”

          And where are the disclosures in the book that most all of Mr. Gore’s multi-ten million dollar net worth is in Google shares — constituting a huge undisclosed conflict of interest on the issue of net neutrality……

        • gator69 says:

          Gore Ogling Oodles of Gross Livestock Erotica?

        • Gail Combs says:

          Darn it gator,
          I almost choked reading that. Now I have to clean up my keyboard and monitor again.

          (Hubby just went to get a part so I can sneak over to his computer and watch all teh videos you put up. he,he,he….)

        • Chris Barron says:

          Nobody called for a ban did they ?

          Gator said “Yes. But what kind of censorship (and censors) believes that Col Peters is more offensive than goat and donkey rape”

          I take it you don’t think either should be prevented from being shown

          Fair enough. Noted

      • Chris Barron says:

        I haven’t seen a goat raping video, but doesn’t something have to be illegal in order to ban it ?

        Zoophilia is strangely not determined as an offence still in quite a few states in the US so people who practice it there I suppose claim the right to do so because it is not illegal….and therefore on what grounds could footage of an act of such outrage be banned in those states ?

        • Chris Barron says:

          The map key didn’t copy over, Red areas class it as a felony, yellow areas as a misdemeanor, grey areas it is not defined at all.

        • gator69 says:

          Still irrelevant to my comment. Who called for a ban killer?

        • Since Google and YouTube are NOT Public Entities… they CAN sensor Political Speech, and any form of thinking which they want… guys like Col Peters!!

          Meanwhile Goat Porn is OKAY… their Progressive… so go figure..

        • gator69 says:

          Who called for a ban killer?

        • Chris Barron says:

          Nobody called for a ban did they ?

          Gator said “Yes. But what kind of censorship (and censors) believes that Col Peters is more offensive than goat and donkey rape”

          I take it you don’t think either should be prevented from being shown,( I thought the purpose of a censor was to ban things)

          Fair enough. Noted

        • Andy DC says:

          It it feels good, do it!

  7. Eliza says:

    Its probably too late for Europe, Africa and The East. Fortunately we live in America (South and North) and can stay protected methinks LOL

  8. rah says:

    I am just now re-reading Stephan Ambroses’ excellent two books titled ‘Supreme Commander’

    They’re about Ike but his dealings with Churchill are prominent. Also read most of Churchill’s books including his complete set on WW II.

    The man was of course a genius but he wasn’t always right and and made some pretty big blunders during his public life. His works on WW II are somewhat self serving. But big men doing big things and taking big gambles are bound to make some pretty big mistakes. And when we was wrong it was very rare for him to admit it. But with his record of accomplishment, who can blame him for having had such an ego? That being said, based on some discussions I’ve had at various war forums on the web, it seems that to this day there are some Aussies and Kiwis that have never forgiven him for Gallipoli.

  9. PeterMG says:

    There is a school of thought, backed up by very strong physical evidence, but unsurprisingly not accepted by establishment education or science, that Rome was ended by cataclysmic events on Earth, and not by any hypothetical man made events. Some of these enlightened scholars who work with the physical evidence suggest that the years between about AD250 and AD950 in fact never existed.

    We are not in danger from Islam at all, but from ourselves. It’s ignoring physical evidence that endangers us and the standing of science. Some critical areas of Modern science such as cosmology and physics are today every bit a religion as Islam or Christianity. It’s because these fundamental sciences are as they are that has allowed the lesser scientific areas such as climate science to travel way off the rails, and this malaise feeds into our politians who are allowed to react to all manner of complete nonsense passing it off as science.

    Don’t be one those that confuse technological advancement with scientific understanding. Our technology advances despite our understanding. The best example of this is our ability to use Newton’s equations to land a probe on a comet 300milion miles out in space, yet we have very little fundamental understanding of how gravity works.

    • rah says:

      Gravity is a very complex thing. Discover Mag just had a series of good articles in it’s April issue titled “Outsmarting Einstein”. I believe that if and when the day comes that we humans fully understand gravity then we will soon be visiting other inhabited planets millions of light years away and be identified by the indigenous beings as being transported in UFOs and and described as “aliens”.

    • gator69 says:

      We are not in danger from Islam at all, but from ourselves.

      I would say we are in danger from Muslims, and our own goverments.

      “Those who cannot remember the past, are condemned to repeat it,”
      George Santayana

      • Gail Combs says:

        You are correct Gator. It is head in the sand to not be aware of the danger the USA is in because of the IDIOT Progs.


        MAY 8, 2014 [43 pages]

        pg 12
        Dr. Peter Vincent Pry is the executive director of the Task Force on National and Homeland Security, a Congressional advisory board dedicated to achieving protection of the United States from electromagnetic pulse and other threats. Dr. Pry is also the director of the United States Nuclear Strategy Forum, an advisory body to Congress on policies to counter weapons of mass destruction….


        a nuclear EMP attack from terrorists or rogue states as practiced by North Korea during the nuclear crisis of 2013 are both existential threats that could kill 9 of 10 Americans through starvation, disease, and societal collapse.

        A natural EMP catastrophe or nuclear EMP attack could black out the National electric grid for months or years and collapse all the other critical infrastructures, communications, transportation, banking and finance, food and water, necessary to sustain modern society and the lives of 310 million Americans…..

        EMP is a clear and present danger. A Carrington-class coronal mass ejection narrowly missed the earth in July 2012. Last April, during the nuclear crisis with North Korea over Kim Jong-Un’s threatened nuclear strikes against the United States, Pyongyang apparently practiced an EMP attack with its KSM–3 satellite that passed over the U.S. heartland and over the Washington, D.C.-New York City corridor. Iran, estimated to be within 2 months of nuclear weapons by the administration, has a demonstrated capability to launch an EMP attack from a vessel at sea. The Iranian Revolutionary Guard Navy commenced patrols off the East Coast of the United States in February.

        Thank you for your attention to EMP, which is the least understood but gravest threat to our society.

        So how did we get into this mess in the first place? Because of GLOBALIST PROGs. like Clinton and Obummer and their reliance on INTERDEPENDENCE. This is what the current US foreign policy is based on. — “Economic Interdependence and War: A Theory of Trade Expectations,” International Security, Vol. 20, no.4 (Spring 1996)

        ….Liberals argue that economic interdependence lowers the likelihood of war by increasing the value of trading over the alternative of aggression: interdependent states would rather trade than invade. As long as high levels of interdependence can be maintained, liberals assert, we have reason for optimism. Realists dismiss the liberal argument, arguing that high interdependence increases rather than decreases the probability of war. In anarchy, states must constantly worry about their security. Accordingly, interdependence – meaning mutual dependence and thus vulnerability – gives states an incentive to initiate war, if only to ensure continued access to necessary materials and goods.

        The unsatisfactory nature of both liberal and realist theories is shown by their difficulties in explaining the run-ups to the two World Wars…..

        Bill Clinton with his ratification of the World Trade Organization in 1996 and his ‘Reaching Out to China’ for campaign contributions put in place World Interdependence. Both the IMF and WTO Director-General Pascal Lamy said so.
        (For IMF see: Convergence, Interdependence, and Divergence, Finance & Development, September 2012, Vol. 49, No. 3 (wwwDOT)
        For Pascal Lamy and Ian Goldin (University of Oxford )

        Rethinking International Institutions

        The simple fact is that with interconnectedness comes interdependence. In order to protect the global commons, world leaders must pursue shared solutions as inclusively and efficiently as possible – a process that can be accomplished only through international institutions. Failure to do so would threaten the tremendous progress that globalization has facilitated in recent decades….

        …In order to increase the productivity of global negotiations, the Oxford Martin Commission recommends creating coalitions of motivated countries, together with other actors, such as cities and businesses. As outcomes improve, international bodies’ legitimacy would be strengthened, which over time would enhance countries’ willingness to delegate powers to them.

        Moreover, the commission proposes creating voluntary platforms to facilitate the creation of global treaties in vital areas. For example, a taxation and regulatory exchange would help countries to tackle tax avoidance and harmonize corporate taxation, while promoting information sharing and cooperation. Likewise, a cyber-security data-sharing platform could prove vital to understanding, preventing, and responding to cyber attacks.

        As governments learn to collaborate with one another and with other actors, such as businesses and civil-society groups, faith in the power of international cooperation would be restored. In such an environment, breaking the gridlock on urgent global issues would be far easier than it has become in the current atmosphere of disillusionment and mistrust.


        • gator69 says:

          I have seen serious estimates that place the cost of human lives in the millions in the first day of an attack. And it could take up to two years to repair the damage

          A natural EMP catastrophe or nuclear EMP attack could blackout the national electric grid for months or years and collapse all the other critical infrastructures — communications, transportation, banking and finance, food and water — necessary to sustain modern society and the lives of 310 million Americans,” Pry this week told the House Committee on Homeland Security Committee’s Subcommittee on Cybersecurity, Infrastructure Protection and Security Technologies.

          While I disagree that a natural EMP would be so costly (they are not as powerful once they reach Earth), we should be taking threats from abroad seriously.

          Suspected for years of plotting to dismantle the U.S. electric grid, American officials have confirmed that Iranian military brass have endorsed a nuclear electromagnetic pulse explosion that would attack the country’s power system.

          American defense experts made the discovery while translating a secret Iranian military handbook, raising new concerns about Tehran’s recent nuclear talks with the administration.

          How much you ask?

          Government Spends Tens of Trillions On Unnecessary, Harmful Projects … But Won’t Spend $100 Million to Prevent the Greatest Threat

          America alone spends $24 billion per year on the Climate Change Industry, or 240 times what it would cost to harden our grid.

          Or look at it this way, what we spend on the Climate Change Industry in two days, would be enough be enough to protect millions of American lives against a real threat, a threat that has already been planned by an official government of the Religion of Peace.

        • Gail Combs says:

          There is always the question of what is the true goal of the elite sitting Washington DC (or at least the Puppet Masters directing Washington)

          “A total population of 250-300 million people, a 95% decline from present levels, would be ideal.” – Ted Turner, founder of CNN and the UN Foundation


          Interview with Tim Wirth who organized the 1988 Senate hearing at which James Hansen addressed global warming. Wirth led the U.S. negotiating team at the Kyoto Summit. He is now president of the United Nations Foundation. These are his words about how he scammed Congress:

          …Believe it or not, we called the Weather Bureau and found out what historically was the hottest day of the summer…

          … What we did it was went in the night before and opened all the windows, I will admit, right? So that the air conditioning wasn?t working inside the room and so when the, when the hearing occurred there was not only bliss, which is television cameras in double figures, but it was really hot. …

          So Hansen’s giving this testimony, you’ve got these television cameras back there heating up the room, and the air conditioning in the room didn’t appear to work. So it was sort of a perfect collection of events that happened that day, with the wonderful Jim Hansen, who was wiping his brow at the witness table and giving this remarkable testimony. …

          This is the SAME Tim Wirth that said: “We’ve got to ride this global warming issue. Even if the theory of global warming is wrong, we will be doing the right thing in terms of economic and environmental policy.” from his Dossier

          ‘In stunning testimony, under oath, before the U.S. House of Representatives, House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, John Beale, a former executive of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) revealed the EPA’s goal is to “modify the DNA of Capitalism.” Put another way, the entire “Global Warming” crusade has been a complete lie from the start — to attack the free market system — and the people telling this lie KNEW it was a lie when they started telling it! This former EPA executive is now on his way to jail.’—-Turner Radio Network, Jan. 22, 2014

          I think they really do want to out and out destroy the USA and rebuild it from the ground up and they are using the Muslims and the Blacks as Cannon Fodder to do the dirty work.

          The Demise of Christchurch City New Zealand shows exactly how their plans work in real time.

        • Andy DC says:

          If all of this were plausible and they could get away with it, you would think it would have already been at tried. Either it can’t be done, or our nuclear retaliation capacity makes any attempt to do so totally suicidal.

          But what do I know? Maybe I will dig my backyard shelter and stock up on canned food.

        • Gail Combs says:

          Andy and Chris,

          Remember the Elite really do not give a hoot about us peons and the only reason they have reframed from using nukes again is they do not want it to affect them. They would have no problem removing themselves and their property from the area and then nuking it to get rid of recalcitrant individualists…..

          WTO and the technology transfer of Bill Clinton in 1995 has moved most of the elite’s property out of the USA and also out of the EU…. Think about it.

          And think about the UN Biodiversity Treaty that would have turned the USA into a vast nature preserve (The WIldlands Project.)
          In 1994 the U.S. Senate was scheduled to ratify the Biodiversity Treaty. (note the date) Dr. Michael Coffman presented a copy of the Biodiversity map (below) to his Senator, who showed it to the Senate. The Senate Majority leader took the treaty off of the calendar and it was never ratified. This does NOT mean the elite have given up. Once they have an idea and agree on it they NEVER GIVE UP.

    • Snowleopard says:

      “Some of these enlightened scholars who work with the physical evidence suggest that the years between about AD250 and AD950 in fact never existed”nd the writing

      So General Belisarius did not exist, and the war with the Goths and records of Procopious and Senator Cassidorius are fictional??

  10. omanuel says:

    That is an intriguing quote by Winston Churchill: “Christianity is sheltered in the strong arms of science.”

    Science became a tool of propaganda to hide the powerful force of creation after Stalin won WWII and united the nations (UN) and national academies of science (NAS) to prohibit knowledge of Neutron Repulsion: “The Force of Creation that

    1. Converts neutrons into atoms
    2. Rest mass into kinetic energy
    3. Ever increasing entropy, and
    4. Expansion of the universe.

  11. bleakhouses says:

    never give in, never give in, never, never, never-in nothing, great or small, large or petty – never give in except to convictions of honour and good sense. Never yield to force; never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy

  12. richard says:

    A funny thing, years ago i worked for MBC in London. One of the muslim reporters asked me why we did not have WInston Churchill day.

    • Gail Combs says:

      You have plenty of would be Winston Churchill’s but the citizens are too brainwashed to actually elect them.

      If after over 1400 children have been raped – with the blessings of the politicians/political party in power – and after that institutionalized evil hits the headlines, YOU STILL RE-ELECT members of the SAME PARTY then there is no hope for your country. The PC brainwashing is too entrenched.

      Labour’s PCC Victory In the Rape-Gang Regions of the North Is Proof that Turkeys Do Vote for Christmas

      I had only meant to watch for a few minutes but I just couldn’t pull myself away…

      Why were we so transfixed? Imagine for a moment watching a court case in which the defendants were: Freddy Krueger; the radioactive maggots from Doctor Who and The Green Death; and Leatherface from the Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Well that was how it felt watching some of the council workers and senior policemen being grilled over Rotherham. They were so devoid of integrity, honesty or even basic humanity, so devious, so slippery and mendacious that you couldn’t help watching if only to marvel that the human species is actually capable of plumbing such lows of puke-inducing rankness.

      It was hard to decide which of the characters was the most noisome, but among those that particularly caught my eye were….

      It wasn’t what these people had done that was the problem. It was what they had so signally failed to do: their ruddy jobs….

      But child rape is a crime too, you know. Indeed, some of us would consider it almost worse than speeding).

      But those 1400 children – and that’s just the conservative estimate; and in one small town – were raped all the same. And the question I asked myself when the scandal was exposed by the Jay inquiry – and the question that certainly hasn’t been answered by any of the investigations since, especially not by the recent semi-whitewash report by Labour MP Ann Coffey, is how come the various authorities which should have stopped it happening instead turned a blind eye to it for well over a decade?

      We’re not talking about the odd rotten apple here. We’re talking about an entrenched system of what you might call “institutional child rape apologism”….

      But it’s notable in the case of Rotherham that all the players I mentioned above are Labour people through and through

      Sadly, Labour is still managing to parlay its past reputation into present votes. Look at what happened at the elections to replace the disgraced South Yorkshire PCC man Shaun Wright. The voters of South Yorkshire pondered the issue for all of a fraction of a second and placed their cross where they always have done: in the box next to the Labour man….

      • PeterMG says:

        Gail Combs I think you underestimate those of us over here working quiet behind the scenes to change all matters political. But a prerequisite is that we leave the EU so our own political class are once again responsible, not faceless unelected apparatchiks in Brussels. Then and only then we slowly cut off the supply of money to the political class by insisting on direct democracy where we have to approve spending by referendum. Again we have worked out how to do this with smart apps or your PC. In the meantime all other hand wringing is just a distraction from the key prerequisite of getting a in-out referendum on the EU and then winning the out argument.

  13. Chris Barron says:

    Don’t panic…those religions were invented in a different time, when they controlled the information and the education explicitly

    The internet should defeat all in that respect, I certainly haven’t reached for the bible or the quran since getting broadband

    • Gail Combs says:

      It is not the religion so much as it is the nuclear weapons in the hands of the insane. North Korea, Iran, ISIS and to a lessor extent China come to mind.

      China and Russia would have no problem handing ‘The Button,’ preferably to ISIS since North Korea is a bit close to home, and letting them start a nuclear war with the USA. This wipes them and the USA off the board and leaving them to divy up the rest of the world between them.

      The Chernobyl accident as well as the nuclear weapons used on Japan in WWII give Russia and China a decent idea of what to expect.

      mmediate impact of the Chernobyl accident

      The accident caused the largest uncontrolled radioactive release into the environment ever recorded for any civilian operation, and large quantities of radioactive substances were released into the air for about 10 days. This caused serious social and economic disruption for large populations in Belarus, Russia and Ukraine. Two radionuclides, the short-lived iodine-131 and the long-lived caesium-137, were particularly significant for the radiation dose they delivered to members of the public….

      Initial radiation exposure in contaminated areas was due to short-lived iodine-131; later caesium-137 was the main hazard. (Both are fission products dispersed from the reactor core, with half lives of 8 days and 30 years, respectively. 1.8 EBq of I-131 and 0.085 EBq of Cs-137 were released.) About five million people lived in areas of Belarus, Russia and Ukraine contaminated (above 37 kBq/m2 Cs-137 in soil) and about 400,000 lived in more contaminated areas of strict control by authorities (above 555 kBq/m2 Cs-137)….

      In the years following the accident, a further 220,000 people were resettled into less contaminated areas, and the initial 30 km radius exclusion zone (2800 km2) was modified and extended to cover 4300 square kilometres. This resettlement was due to application of a criterion of 350 mSv projected lifetime radiation dose, though in fact radiation in most of the affected area (apart from half a square kilometre) fell rapidly so that average doses were less than 50% above normal background of 2.5 mSv/yr….

      As I and Gator have mentioned the best method is to use an EMF pulse to wipe out the US electric grid. Chaos and the death of ~90% of the population would follow in a week to a month due to starvation, riots…. The USA would not be in any shape to be an economic threat to a gnat. (After the US military retaliated of course.) It would also take out parts of Canada too probably.

      A very nice neat lets you and he fight scenario. This is why I said the US Blacks and the Muslims are being set-up as Cannon Fodder.

      • gator69 says:

        Chris should not comment on religion, as we all know by now. There is only one religion that calls for the world to be bathed in blood, and only one religion whose founder taught and ‘submit or die’. In fact, that same founder practiced what he preached.

        • Chris Barron says:

          “It is not the religion so much as it is the nuclear weapons in the hands of the insane. ”

          And who was it who had to invent the nuclear weapon ? 😉

          Being serious, or not, for a minute…….I do know about Chernobyl….I was alive and thankfully well when it happened….but wasn’t there someone here on this forum who a few months ago in opposition of my claim that nuclear might be unsafe sometimes posted to say that they were stationed there and was involved with the cleaning up….disputing the increased rate of leukemia and cancers…….saying it was completely safe in Chernobyl ?

          I don’t have any hard facts because I haven’t been there but i still haven’t lost all my wits so probably wouldn’t go there. Who would want to !

        • gator69 says:

          The Chernobyl accident in 1986 was the result of a flawed reactor design that was operated with inadequately trained personnel.

          I was working at Scott AFB when this happened, and remember it well.

          In the list following are 41 people whose deaths are directly attributable to the Chernobyl disaster. Of these, two died at the scene, four died in a single helicopter accident, 32 died within a few months of Acute Radiation Syndrome (ARS) and three died later of medical complications probably caused by the accident.

          Accidents happen, and many more people have died from far less advanced technology. Take steam power for example.

          Sultana was a Mississippi River side-wheel steamboat that exploded on April 27, 1865 in the greatest maritime disaster in United States history. An estimated 1,800 of her 2,427 passengers died when three of the boat’s four boilers exploded and she burned to the waterline and sank near Memphis.

        • Gail Combs says:

          Depends on whether or not you call Marxism/Socialism/Communism/Fabianism a religion….

          In the Fabian Window designed by Shaw, notice all the people at the bottom kneeling and worshiping the books of socialism? Notice the shield (left center) that says


          As I said in my SWAG about Karl Marx, socialism was designed to replace the Catholic Church** as the serf collar around the peon’s neck.

          **Note when I say Catholic Church I am talking about the Aristocracy’s use of the church to shore-up the concept of the Divine Right of Kings and the Aristocracy’s right to rule over the serfs and not about Christianity. Chaucer in the The Canterbury Tales also distinguishes the difference between the Pardoner, the Friar, the Prioress and the Parson:

          He was a shepherde and noght a mercenarie.
          And thogh he hooly were and vertuous,
          He was to synful men nat despitous,
          Ne of his speche daungerous ne digne,
          But in his techyng discreet and benynge.

          A Modern English Translation

          “There was a good man of religion, too,
          A country parson, poor, I warrant you;
          But rich he was in holy thought and work.
          He was a learned man also, a clerk,
          Who Christ’s own gospel truly sought to preach;
          Devoutly his parishioners would he teach.
          Benign he was and wondrous diligent,
          Patient in adverse times and well content”

        • gator69 says:

          “Atheism is religion, and the group that he wanted to start was religious in nature even though it expressly rejects a belief in a supreme being,”

          Everyone has to believe in something!

        • Chris Barron says:

          “Everyone has to believe in something!”

          I believe the world would be a better place if people stopped believing in deities

        • Chris, describe to me how the world would be a better place if I stopped believing in God?

      • Chris Barron says:

        “As I and Gator have mentioned the best method is to use an EMF pulse to wipe out the US electric grid”

        Just a thought, you would need more than a nuclear bomb to create such a burst of EMP…….. do you have some information about such weapons ?

        How do you wipe out a power grid ? In that comment I assume you don’t mean the destruction of the grid conductors themselves, the overhead wires, but things like transformers and distribution substations ?

        I don’t think it would be possible to cause enough damage that power couldn’t be restored within a reasonable timeframe …..lightning strike and surge safety cutouts are all over the grids these days and while they regularly fail the fail doing their job.

        After such a surge the transformers which are out of service, being rewound, of which many exist, can be prepared and moved into place.New transformers can be flown in from the hundreds of manufacturers around the world Mobile generator implementation, power rationing and so on would soon see things resemble a workable reality within days. For everything else there is the army and the right to carry guns

        But does a weapon capable of taking out a whole grid exist anywhere but in Hollywood ?

        • gator69 says:

          I can always tell when Chris has been in his cups again. 😆

          Chris becomes an expert on everything and a constant contrarian…

          I don’t think it would be possible to cause enough damage that power couldn’t be restored within a reasonable timeframe…

          This is not a lightning strike, killer.

          The EMP was powerful enough to affect the electric grid in Hawaii, blowing out streetlights, and resulting in telephone outages and radio blackouts.

          Dr. William Graham was active in the follow-up to the project, working out of the Air Force weapons lab in Albuquerque, New Mexico. After the blast, it was his job to understand the data collected, find out just what had happened in Hawaii, and what the defense implications were of this phenomenon. In a recent interview, Graham commented,

          The effects were bizarre and almost entirely unanticipated. One effect was an electromagnetic pulse, but nobody knew it was going to be anywhere nearly as large it proved to be. They had all this data and they didn’t understand very much of it, including the EMPs that had been observed and the effects produced…all kinds of electrical disturbances were seen over 1000 kilometers away in Oahu. The Air Force brought in a bunch of us…and asked us to explain it. With the leadership of scientists from Los Alamos, we figured it out. It was a fairly subtle piece of physics. At that time we were worried it could be used as a precursor attack on the U.S. and suppress our retaliatory capability. Since the effect wasn’t really understood before 1962, our military systems hadn’t protected against it up to that point….

          Since then, there have been an enormous increase in our dependency on electronics, computers, and microelectronics. An attack may never happen. But the more vulnerable the U.S. is to such an attack, the more likely it is to be used against us. In the former days, we worried about Russia. Now we have to be concerned about North Korea and Iran. These could be launched from a not-so-elaborate container ship. The rocket doesn’t have to be accurate. It just has to go up. It’s well within the capability of even an earlier Scud missile, of which thousands have been produced – it just has to have nuclear weapon on top (Author’s note – just this month, the ISIS paraded what they claimed was a captured Scud missile in Syria. U.S. intelligence officials indicate it is likely not operational. Meanwhile, North Korea launched more missiles in July, among numerous launches this year).

          An electromagnetic pulse (EMP) attack represents one of the greatest threats imaginable—to the United States and the world. An EMP occurs when a nuclear device is detonated high in the atmosphere—a phenomenon of which America’s enemies are well aware. The electromagnetic discharge can permanently disable the electrical systems that run nearly all civilian and military infrastructures. A massive EMP attack on the United States would produce almost unimaginable devastation. Communications would collapse, transportation would halt, and electrical power would simply be non-existent. Not even a global humanitarian effort would be enough to keep hundreds of millions of Americans from death by starvation, exposure, or lack of medicine. Nor would the catastrophe stop at U.S. borders. Most of Canada would be devastated, too, as its infrastructure is integrated with the U.S. power grid. ,b>Without the American economic engine, the world economy would quickly collapse. Much of the world’s intellectual brain power (half of it is in the United States) would be lost as well. Earth would most likely recede into the “new” Dark Ages.

          We do not keep large numbers of industrial transformers on hand. They are manufactured in Germany, and the capacity of the facility that builds them is not sufficient to restore power here in less than a year. They are expensive and only ordered when needed, usually in small numbers.

          This is a well documented phenomenon, and a real concern.

          Now enjoy your scotch, but spare us your thoughts.

        • _Jim says:

          re: gator69 says, April 23, 2015 at 10:51 pm

          Gator, you will be hard pressed to find ANY supporting studies or documents of ANY actual failures of the power system (or much of anything else) in Hawaii … because, for the most part NOTHING of note happened.

          There was an antiquated series-string street light or two that went out, but, that looks to have been it. Everything else is ‘lore’ spread by fear mongers seeking rent for more ‘studies’ and funding on the EMP subject.

          Here is a paper presenting an analysis of the Street lights that ‘failed’ that day.

          “Did High-Altitude EMP Cause the Hawaiian Streetlight Incident?”
          Sandia National Laboratories., June 1989

          AND, a more general treatment of EMP and its

          “Effect of the FAST NUCLEAR ELECTROMAGNETIC PULSE on the
          Electric Power Grid Nationwide: A Different View”
          by Mario Rabinowitz of Electric Power Research Institute

          Here is the abstract:

          Abstract – This paper primarily considers the potential effects of a single high-altitude nuclear burst on the U.S. power grid.

          A comparison is made between EMP and natural phenomena such as lightning. This paper concludes that EMP is no more harmful to the power grid than its counterparts in nature.

          An upper limit of the electric field of the very fast, high-amplitude EMP is derived from first principles.

          The resulting values are significantly lower than the commonly presented values.

          Additional calculations show that the ionization produced by a nuclear burst severely attenuates the EMP.

          – – – – – –

        • gator69 says:

          The blast that knocked out lights in Hawaii, was not “over” Hawaii, and is therefore not representative of an EMP attack.

          In July 1962, a 1.44 megaton (? 6.0 PJ) United States nuclear test in space, 400 kilometres (250 mi) above the mid-Pacific Ocean, called the Starfish Prime test, demonstrated to nuclear scientists that the magnitude and effects of a high-altitude nuclear explosion were much larger than had been previously calculated. Starfish Prime made those effects known to the public by causing electrical damage in Hawaii, about 1,445 kilometres (898 mi) away from the detonation point, knocking out about 300 streetlights, setting off numerous burglar alarms and damaging a microwave link.

          Typical nuclear weapon yields used during Cold War planning for EMP attacks were in the range of 1 to 10 megatons (4.2 to 42 PJ)[31] This is roughly 50 to 500 times the sizes of the weapons the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombs. Physicists have testified at United States Congressional hearings that weapons with yields of 10 kilotons (42 TJ) or less can produce a large EMP

          This was long before we had satellites, computers, and were so very dependent on highly sensitive technology. The cars of the era would survive an EMP attack today.

          From the conclusion of this “A Different View” paper…

          Based upon the analyses presented in this paper and in Refs. [7-81, it appears highly
          improbable if not impossible that the EMP from a single nuclear burst could blackout this
          nation’s power grid. It would be practically impossible for the EMP to cause widespread damage
          to the U.S. transmission line system. With the exception of isolated cases, it appears highly
          unlikely that EMP could produce extensive damage to the U.S. distribution grid. A single nuclear
          device exploded at high altitude will not render vital electrical service.

          The preponderance of studies argues against this “Different View”.

          His argument is a strawman. Nobody believes that a singular blast from the past (8% as powerful) would, “blackout this nation’s power grid”.

        • Snowleopard says:

          @ Chris:
          All nuclear weapons (that I’m aware of) generate EMP. And all of them generate E1 EMP which will take out the control systems. Most also generate E2 and E3. E2 is like a lightning strike, which most grids can handle OK. E3 is like a massive solar flare or CME and builds a “slow” surge in power lines that destroys the transformers. Special EMP nukes generate only E1 and are stronger threats in this “fast spike” destruction of microprocessor electronics.

          EHV transformers are mostly custom build, take months to manufacture, and are too heavy (100+ tons) to transport by air.

          I have no idea how many USA passenger and transport aircraft are hardened against E1 EMP, it could be anything between most to none. If it is none there aren’t going to be many available to fly for some time, Consider the carnage if strike time is a major air traffic time. Those planes in metal hangars at strike time might be usable quickly.

          @Gail: It appears that heavy transformer manufacture is much better than Dr Pry suggests. There are currently at least four new (since 2010) US plants in operation building LPT and /or EHV transformers. There is also a new export plant in India. More spares now exist than previously. It also appears that utilities are quietly adding overcurrent shunts, line break/resets etc to meet the E3 threat and protect their transformers.

          OTOH, if anything is being done about E1, I’ve yet to hear of it.

        • Robertv says:

          You don’t need a nuclear device.

        • Robertv says:

          “It is not the religion so much as it is the nuclear weapons in the hands of the insane. ”

          or a virus

        • Chris Barron says:

          I’m not disputing that EMP weapons exist or that solar flares and other cosmic radiation can cause catastrophic events for some electrical devices.

          However, to ‘destroy’ the grid you need to take down the very backbone, which is the large conductors hanging in the air and burried underground, so in order to do that you need to melt them ……to induce that much current that they all melt is probably beyond reality…..not least of all because as soon as you get a break somewhere in the conductor the current stops flowing in that region so no more heat can be generated.

          I’m claiming to be an expert on energy weapons but, I do know something about power, and grids. The electrical grid is constantly strained by cosmic radiation, but for there to be an energy burst large enough to take out a whole national grid you are probably talking about an even which is likely to take out a lot of people too in other ways.

        • gator69 says:

          A common mistake made by those living in the old world, is not realizing the size and scope of the US. Our population is spread far and wide, and we have states larger than your countries. I know, because I have helped give tours to some of our European friends who have come to visit.

          I live at the end of an electric service, if one fuse blows in a transformer anywhere along the network, I can lose power. Power outages out here are not uncommon, and the cause of last outage I reported was never discovered.

          In 2006, an ice storm knocked out power for half a million people in one metro area. It took over a week to restore power. Crews were brought in from all over the country to do repairs, and this was just repairing lines, and not entire networks. Now imagine those crews were all busy repairing their own problems, and everyone was out of transformers, and . And imagine long transmission lines, virtually all above ground, with nearly every transformer and fuse destroyed.

          The glue that holds the grid together is a network of transformers, the hulking gray boxes of steel and copper that weigh up to 800,000 pounds and make it possible to move power long distances. Transformers were badly damaged in an attack on a California substation last year, and government reports have warned for years that saboteurs could cause sustained damage to the grid by targeting the massive machines.

          Only a handful of companies build transformers in the U.S., and it can take weeks or months to ship transformers in from overseas. The manufacturing process itself can last more than a year, in part because a transformer can’t be bought off the shelf but rather must be made to measure for its substation.

          And that isn’t taking into account the millions of smaller transformers that would need replacing, that again, are not sitting on a shelf.

          You are not nearly as smart as you think you are. Very smart people who live here, and whose job it is to understand how our power grid works know you are wrong.

        • Chris Barron says:

          Gator said “We do not keep large numbers of industrial transformers on hand. They are manufactured in Germany, and the capacity of the facility that builds them is not sufficient to restore power here in less than a year. ”

          Oh well all of you transformers were made in Germany and then I assume you think that they can only be replaced by German transformers ? Does it have something to do with them being fitted with an EU plug and you us US ? 😉

          Power transformers are built in hundreds of factories the world over.

          The idea seems to be that you must replace like with like…but in actual fact transformers of similar windings ratios but lower overall power ratings can easily be substituted in larger numbers for single transformers. The only reason why a larger transformer is preferred over multiple smaller ones is merely due to a matter of operating efficiency, and that would hardly be the main issue after an event of the sort you fear takes place.

          A supplier of 220,000V transformers with a capacity of 5000/yr (I doubt its real though)

          A supplier of similar products, high volume

          Outdoor high frequency 300kVa trnsformers

          I’m not saying there are mountains of these things ‘off the shelf’….but there is substantial manufacturing capacity throughout the world to bring in suitable replacements quickly and reliably

          But as your leaders will all be in hardened self sufficiency bunkers underground will they remember to order the spares before they hibernate?

        • gator69 says:

          But as your leaders will all be in hardened self sufficiency bunkers underground will they remember to order the spares before they hibernate?

          BS: Chris’ answer to everything Chris doesn’t know.

          A common mistake made by those living in the old world, is not realizing the size and scope of the US. Our population is spread far and wide, and we have states larger than your countries. I know, because I have helped give tours to some of our European frinds who have come to visit.

          I live at the end of an electric service, if one fuse blows in a transformer anywhere along the network, I can lose power. Power outages out here are not uncommon, and the cause of last outage I reported was never discovered.

          In 2006, an ice storm knocked out power for half a million people in one metro area. It took over a week to restore power. Crews were brought in from all over the country to do repairs, and this was just repairing lines, and not entire networks. Now imagine those crews were all busy repairing their own problems, and everyone was out of transformers, and . And imagine long transmission lines, virtually all above ground, with nearly every transformer and fuse destroyed.

          The glue that holds the grid together is a network of transformers, the hulking gray boxes of steel and copper that weigh up to 800,000 pounds and make it possible to move power long distances. Transformers were badly damaged in an attack on a California substation last year, and government reports have warned for years that saboteurs could cause sustained damage to the grid by targeting the massive machines.

          Only a handful of companies build transformers in the U.S., and it can take weeks or months to ship transformers in from overseas. The manufacturing process itself can last more than a year, in part because a transformer can’t be bought off the shelf but rather must be made to measure for its substation.

          And that isn’t taking into account the millions of smaller transformers that would need replacing, that again, are not sitting on a shelf.

          You are not nearly as smart as you think you are. Very smart people who live here, and whose job it is to understand how our power grid works know you are wrong.

        • Chris Barron says:

          If there’s one thing we are not short of right now, it’s manufacturers of distribution transformers in the east

        • Snowleopard says:

          @ Chris: As Gator said above, you do not understand the magnitude of the problem. The transformers available in your links are in the VA and kVA range, while the critical infrastructure transformers are in the MVA range. Current USA demand for transformers in this size range for upgrades, replacement and expansion is ~ 5-600 per year. A hostile or severe natural EMP event could easily double this demand with all the demand being urgent. How many manufacturing plants would have reliable power to build the replacements? Also, in the case of a natural event many other countries would be in similar straits.

          A 2012 basic DOE study of USA large power transformers and their replacement challenges:

          Note that we haven’t discussed follow on risks (like nuclear plant meltdown etc) , nor have we discussed possible collateral threats in the case of hostile action..not to mention simply waiting a few months until all available spares and jury rigs are set up and striking again.

          A lot of progress has been made on this problem in the last five years, but it is still a serious threat.

  14. mogur2013 says:

    The passage as reproduced on the Internet typically incorporates one small omission, though: it elides Churchill’s praise of “Moslems” as “brave and loyal soldiers” and covers the gap by combining the remaining part of the sentence with the previous one: “Individual Moslems may show splendid qualities. Thousands become the brave and loyal soldiers of the Queen; all know how to die; but the influence of the religion paralyses the social development of those who follow it. No stronger retrograde force exists in the world.”

    Geez, sorta forgot to include that little passage, eh, Tony? How convenient is it to exclude those parts that contravene your biased message, eh? Churchhill was sorta an Islamophobe, but the important part of the equation is why? Look a little deeper into his message, please. How about wikipedia?

    “In 1897, Churchill attempted to travel to both report on and, if necessary, fight in the Greco-Turkish War, but this conflict effectively ended before he could arrive. Later, while preparing for a leave in England, he heard that three brigades of the British Army were going to fight against a Pashtun tribe in the North West Frontier of India and he asked his superior officer if he could join the fight. He fought under the command of General Jeffery, the commander of the second brigade operating in Malakand, in the Frontier region of British India. Jeffery sent him with fifteen scouts to explore the Mamund Valley; while on reconnaissance, they encountered an enemy tribe, dismounted from their horses and opened fire. After an hour of shooting, their reinforcements, the 35th Sikhs arrived, the firing gradually ceased and the brigade and the Sikhs marched on. Hundreds of tribesmen then ambushed them and opened fire, forcing them to retreat. As they were retreating, four men were carrying an injured officer, but the fierceness of the fight forced them to leave him behind. The man who was left behind was slashed to death before Churchill’s eyes; afterwards he wrote of the killer, “I forgot everything else at this moment except a desire to kill this man.” However, the Sikhs’ numbers were being depleted, so the next commanding officer told Churchill to get the rest of the men to safety.

    Before he left, he asked for a note so that he would not be charged with desertion. He received the note, quickly signed, headed up the hill and alerted the other brigade, whereupon they then engaged the army. The fighting in the region dragged on for another two weeks before the dead could be recovered. He wrote in his journal: “Whether it was worth it I cannot tell.” An account of the Siege of Malakand was published in December 1900 as The Story of the Malakand Field Force. He received £600 for his account. During the campaign, he also wrote articles for the newspapers The Pioneer and The Daily Telegraph. His account of the battle was one of his first published stories, for which he received £5 per column from The Daily Telegraph.”

    Not quite the unbiased evaluation of Islamic behavior that you like to portray from Churchill, eh?

  15. mogur2013 says:

    And Gator, please don’t. Please don’t do your typical “I found it on the internet, so it must be true, crap.”

    • gator69 says:

      So Winnie was joking when he wrote this?

      How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries! Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy. The effects are apparent in many countries, improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture, sluggish methods of commerce, and insecurity of property exist wherever the followers of the Prophet rule or live.

      A degraded sensualism deprives this life of its grace and refinement, the next of its dignity and sanctity. The fact that in Mohammedan law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property, either as a child, a wife, or a concubine, must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men.”

      Go save a whale. 😆

    • Gail Combs says:

      Muslim Jihadists have murdered tens of thousands worldwide since 9/11.

      Here is a smal sampling of killings whitewashed and buried by the leftist MSM who are in lockstep, goosestep, with the Islamic supremacists.
      Moderate Muslim who beheaded his wife This is a guy in Buffalo NY who founded a TV station to proselytize about the “religion of Peace” – yea right.

      “Denmark: Muslims who whipped woman in face with iron chains laugh in court” –

      Investigators in Houston now say a young woman was gunned down by a Muslim family in 2012 because they believed she helped convert their Muslim daughter to Christianity…. “These two murders are linked by the belief on the defendant’s part that his honor as a father and a Muslim has been violated by his daughter, who defied his rule and married a Christian man,” said [Harris County District Attorney Devon] Anderson –

      “These two murders are linked by the belief on the defendant’s part that his honor as a father and a Muslim has been violated by his daughter, who defied his rule and married a Christian man,” said Anderson.

      The Irsan’s daughter Nadia is charged with stalking her sister while trying to find out where she and Beavers were living.

      As the KHOU 11 News I-Team first reported in 2014, Montgomery County investigators have reopened the 1999 shooting of another of Irsan’s son-in-laws.

      According to his death certificate, Amjad Alidam was shot and killed by Irsan. At the time, the case was ruled self-defense.

      But Irsan’s daughter and Alidam’s wife, Nesreen, later told police the shooting was staged.

      According to a search warrant obtained by the KHOU 11 News I-Team, Nesreen Irsan told investigators that her father lured Alidam to the family s home under false pretenses and then shot Alidam with a shotgun.

      Nesreen Irsan said her father then fired a pistol into the wall and placed the gun near Alidam’s body to make it appear that he threatened and fired at Irsan first.

      Irsan has not been charged in that case but the investigation continues.

      Irsan, his wife and a daughter have been in custody for more than a year, at the center of a massive fraud investigation…..

      …An Islamist extremist was arrested in France on Wednesday charged with murdering a fitness instructor and planning to carry out a terror attack on at least one Paris church later the same day.

      The 24-year-old French-Algerian’s plans were exposed purely by chance on Sunday morning after he called an ambulance over a bullet injury to his leg.

      The man, named by French press as Sid Ahmed Ghlam, said he had been involved in “a settling of scores”. But when police traced the blood back to his car, they found a large arsenal of loaded guns detailed plans to attack a Sunday morning congregation…

      DNA at the scene connected Ghlam to Miss Châtelain, said Mr Cazeneuve. In the man’s apartment, in southeastern Paris, more weapons were found as well as material linked to Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, al-Qaeda and other Islamist extremists….

  16. Gail Combs says:

    Banned Speech at the Hyatt: Pamela Geller, “Truth is the New Hate Speech”

    Speak out agains Islam attrocities and get banned 30 hours before your scheduled speech. This is in TEXAS!!!

    • gator69 says:

      The Armenian Genocide[8] (Armenian: ????? ??????????????? Hayots tseghaspanutyun),[note 3] also known as the Armenian Holocaust,[9] the Armenian Massacres and, traditionally by Armenians, as Medz Yeghern (Armenian: ??? ?????, “Great Crime”),[10] was the Ottoman government’s systematic extermination of its minority Armenian subjects inside their historic homeland, which lies within the territory constituting the present-day Republic of Turkey. The total number of people killed as a result has been estimated at between 1 and 1.5 million.

      Bat Ye’or has suggested that “the genocide of the Armenians was a jihad”. Ye’or holds jihad and what she calls “dhimmitude” to be among the “principles and values” that led to the Armenian Genocide.

      The Armenians slaughtered, were Christians, and had been since the fourth century.

  17. mogur2013 says:

    Jesus, you are so easy. You are right, Winnie is right. I want a real life. I want your life, unsub.

  18. mogur2013 says:

    I want gail’s life. I want, youd life. Even is you have lice.

    • gator69 says:

      Thanks for the meltdown! 😆

        • gator69 says:

          Interesting he mentions lice…


          “All of them were in rags and many . . . almost naked . . . emaciated, sick, diseased, filthy, covered with dirt and vermin . . . driven along for many weeks like herds of cattle, with little to eat . . . There were few men among them, most of the men having been killed by the Kurd before their arrival at Harpoot. Many of the women and children also had been killed and very many others had died on the way . . . Of those who had started, only a small portion were still alive and they were rapidly dying . . . Many Turkish officers and other Turks visited the camps to select the prettiest girls and had their doctors present to examine them . . . Several hundred of the dead and dying scattered about the camp . . . the body of a middle-aged man who had apparently just died or been killed. A number of dead bodies of women and children lay here and there . . . Old men sat there mumbling incoherently. Women with matted hair and sunken eyes sat staring like maniacs. One, whose face has haunted my memory ever since, was so emaciated and the skin was drawn so tightly over her features that her head appeared to be only a lifeless skull. Others were in the spasms of death. Children with bloated bellies were on the ground wallowing in filth. Some were in convulsions. All in the camp were beyond help”.

          United States Official records on the Armenian Genocide 1915-1917, pp. 644, doc. NA/RG59/867.4016/392. – See more at:

    • Gail Combs says:

      I doubt you want my life, Arthritic, Asthmatic, bad heart and well past the time when most of my direct relatives have long since died.

  19. AndyG55 says:

    I have several friends who are Muslim from Iran, they are among the nicest people I have met.

    Radical groups like ISIS make them feel sick, I have seen them cry when the topic comes up.

    The whole of the real Muslim world needs to band together, and wipe these scum radical terrorist criminals off the face of the Earth.
    Will they do it? Better be soon, before the real Muslim world gets over-run.

  20. rah says:

    BTW if an aircraft has “fly-by-wire” technology, it has to have at least some level of protection from EMP. The UH-64 Apache and UH-60 Blackhawk helicopters have pretty extensive protection because they have to.

    • gator69 says:

      That is exactly where much of the first day casualties come from,

      Number of states in the US = 50 (rounded)
      Average number of major cities per state = 10
      Average number of airports in each city = 1
      Total number of airports in the US = 50 * 10 * 1 = 500 airports

      For an airport to operate, it must have reasonable traffic. Let’s assume that on overage airports operate for 20 hours/day and that each hour 10 planes arrive at an airport. Note that we only need to consider number of departures OR number of arrivals. This is because a plane departing from city x has to arrive at city y.
      Amount of traffic contributed per airport per day = 20 * 10 = 200 planes (rounding)

      We now need to take into account how long is each flight going to take when it is in the US airspace. For that let’s first assume the average duration of a flight when flying from one part of the US to another to be 5 hours. That might be an overestimation, but its a starting point.

      Total number of airplane hours contributed per airport per day = 5 * 200 = 1000 plane hours / airport / day

      Total number of plane hours / day = 500 * 1000 = 50000

      Total number of plane hours / hour = 50000 / 25 = 2000 planes

      Note that I didn’t take into account small planes, international traffic, military planes, etc.

      Knowing that 2.8 billion passengers traveled on 23.6 million flights in 2011 means that there are an average of 120 passengers per flight.

      So conservative figures from 5 years ago, show roughly 600,000 people in the air at any given time, and again, that is only the passengers, and only US commercial passenger jets. Add in flight crews, miltary aircraft not shielded, cargo planes, international flights , Canadian flights, casualties on the ground, and so on and you are probalbly looking at at least half a million to a million dead in the first hour.

  21. OrganicFool says:

    Iran Flexes Its Power by Transporting Turkey to the Stone Age

    “Half of Turkey—44 of 81 provinces, 40 million people including those living in Istanbul and Ankara, suffered a massive power outage that lasted a solid twelve hours. It happened on Tuesday, March 31st.

    It happened because Iran wanted it to happen. The blackout in Turkey was caused by a cyber hack that originated in Iran.

    This cyber attack was payback, a taste of what Iran has to offer. Everything went down. Computers, airports, air traffic, traffic lights, hospitals, lights, elevators, refrigeration, water and sewage, everything simply stopped. In an instant, Turkey was transported back to the stone ages.”

  22. omanuel says:

    FACTS [1] versus FALSEHOODS [2]

    Empirical Facts versus
    Consensus Fables

    1. EF: The Sun generates hydrogen
    1. CF: The Sun consumes hydrogen

    2. EF: Neutrons repel other neutrons
    2. CF: Neutrons attract other neutrons

    3. EF: The interior of the Sun is iron (Fe) surrounding a pulsar core
    3. CF: The interior of the Sun is hydrogen (H) encasing a H-fusion reactor

    4. EF: Aston’s “nuclear packing fraction” tells nuclear stability
    4. CF: Weizsacker’s “nuclear binding energy” tells nuclear stability

    5. EF: The Sun’s pulsar core created and sustains every atom, life and planet in the solar system.
    5. CF: World leaders and government scientists united under the UN and NAS rule the world.

    Truth and Freedom versus
    Falsehoods and Slavery

    TF: We were endowed by our Creator with inalienable rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

    SF: We are endowed by Big Brother with a life of servitude if we do not question the consensus science Big Brother purchases with public funds.

    CONCLUSION: Ordinary liars and harlots would not accept public funds to deceive and enslave the public.


    1. “Solar energy” or Teachers Supplement to “Solar Energy” or

    2. UN, NAS, RS, DOE, NSF, NASA, EPA, NOAA, Science, Nature, PNAS, PRS, etc.

    Thank you, Tony, for allowing members of [2] to address experimental data [1] that challenge the integrity of their consensus “science”.

  23. Barbara says:

    A friend of mine forwarded this notice of an event planned by the So. Arizona Boycott Divestment Sanctions Network. Carpooling arranged from Tucson and my small town. Field Trip to Elbit Surveillance Tower. May 2nd. Info. included: ” Elbit Tower is an Israeli owned and operated defense and electronics company. The tower is a high technology border security system recently installed south of (my town) near the U.S./Mexico border wall. Why go? To give witness to the connections between Israel and U.S. Border security, take a group photo to share with social networks and media outlets in our region and across the world showing our opposition to Israeli/US border militarization, acknowledge that we are aware our tax dollars are supporting an Israeli defense contractor, and have a discussion about the towers with a few knowledgeable people who will be going with us.” ( More info. about getting to the site, having a vehicle suitable for rough roads, etc. Advice to bring drinking water, snack, and signs (if you wish) “with messages of solidarity with our (sic) companer@s in Palestine. Network: [email protected] ” and an area contact name and phone number.)
    I had never heard of this group and will not include the name of a local group who sent out the notice except to note that they are very much in favor of open borders, encouraging illegal immigration, etc.

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