Excellent News From Earth Day

Much to my surprise, another reprieve for the planet was announced at Earth Day. They gave us 15 more years to solve the carbon pollution problem. This surprised me, because I thought we had already run out of climate reprieves – going back to at least 1939.

The event was a bust. Far fewer people showed up than what they prepared for.

ScreenHunter_8691 Apr. 18 22.58 ScreenHunter_8690 Apr. 18 22.57

I was also surprised to hear that the planet was falling apart, as I rode up from Mt Vernon, and was thinking that the planet appeared perfect.


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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24 Responses to Excellent News From Earth Day

  1. gator69 says:

    Can I assume that is not pixie dust I see at the base of the Washington Monument?

    That is certainly one beautiful ride. I must admit that the DC area has awesome trails and scenery, and for a history buff it is a goldmine. Mt Vernon should be on every real American’s bucket list, but I can only deal with DC as a tourist. I hate traffic and congestion almost as much as the Progressive agenda.

    BTW – I see you are driving a hybrid now. 😉

    • I use a hybrid out here because the trails generally are rough and very hilly. Though it would have been nice to had my road bike on the Mt. Vernon trail.

      • rah says:

        you need to educate Bill Maher. If that is possible! I know it probably isn’t but it might be fun to try.

      • gator69 says:

        My only bike is a hybrid, the trails around here go from glass smoothe to dirt, then gravel, back to paved and then broken pavement from tree roots. That same trail follows what has been called one of America’s top ten most scenic drives, and tourists who bring their lightweight street bikes will often opt for the very narrow shoulder of the road instead, which is extremely stupid.

        On weekends that road is filled with rubberneckers checking out the scenery, some having visited our many local wineries, and they are not looking for bicyclists, who have their own trail 15 feet to the left. I am surprised there are not more fatalities.

        BTW – Nice bike!

  2. Streetcred says:

    How embarrassing for the econuts … and in their heartland too boot !

  3. darrylb says:

    One time about six years ago, I was walking through a school and saw an earth day poster on the
    wall. It pictured a polar bear climbing a pole on a small iceberg, as if it might drown.

    Seeing that poster was one of several stimulus’ to get me into the investigation of climate science mode. I hate deliberate misinformation. I know polar bears can swim for hundreds of miles and tagged bears have been known to swim over a hundred miles with a cub on their back.

    I have watched a short clip of a bear swimming under an iceberg to surprise a seal on the other side. Polar bears do not drown!!!

  4. Perfect planet, current infestation of socialist greenies and climate modellers notwithstanding.

  5. Eric Simpson says:

    the planet appeared perfect
    Yup. The planet is fine. There’s nothing wrong with the planet.
    The planet is not “slowly dying.”
    I heard this song that I kind of liked and you know how sometimes you don’t quite hear the lyrics completely, and it took me a bit to realize she was singing “our world is slowly dying.” And: “when seas will cover lands.” It’s amazing that how many people believe this baloney, still I kind of liked the song:

    • AndyG55 says:

      As the great Fats Waller once sang.. “its the tune that counts”.

      And “you got to have rhythm”….. no. that was someone else., I think.

      Ellison?.. someone help me out here. ! 🙂

  6. AndyG55 says:

    A bit OT, but ..

    Paul has an excellent pair of photos comparing Rhone Glacier in 1950 to 2009.


  7. ralphcramdo says:

    The “tipping point” seems to be where ever it’s most convenient. Isn’t 15 years when China is SUPPOSED to cut back on CO2?

  8. smamarver says:

    No offence, but CO2 emissions seems to be a “fashion” subject for many years. There have been many debates on this issue and I’m sure that there will be more. We all talk about reducing carbon emissions, but we just started to invest in this field and try to develop technologies. Still, I think that many people do not see the main issue here. The climate is more affected by the oceans and not by carbon emissions in the atmosphere. It would be better if we could study the influence of oceans on climate change. I’ve found some of the most interesting analysis on this topic on http://www.seaclimate.com.

    • Gail Combs says:

      Earth has been near CO2 starvation for plants for millions of years because the plants and the oceans took CO2 out of the atmosphere and sequestered it as rock (Coal, limestone….)

      Carbon starvation in glacial trees recovered from the La Brea tar pits, southern California.

      The royal Society: Carbon dioxide starvation, the development of C4 ecosystems, and mammalian evolution.

      The decline of atmospheric carbon dioxide over the last 65 million years (Ma) resulted in the ‘carbon dioxide–starvation’ of terrestrial ecosystems and led to the widespread distribution of C4 plants, which are less sensitive to carbon dioxide levels than are C3 plants.

    • Gail Combs says:

      Some interesting Ocean/Moon interactions:

      …Each saros series starts with a partial eclipse (Sun first enters the end of the node), and each successive saros the path of the Moon is shifted either northward (when near the descending node) or southward (when near the ascending node)….

      It takes between 1226 and 1550 years for the members of a saros series to traverse the Earth’s surface from north to south (or vice-versa).

      Gee… where have I seen a 1500 ish year cycle before… Can you say “Bond Event”? Could there be a mode where, for just a little while in geologic time, the shift of tidal forces cause the Gulf Stream to dramatically slow while things ‘readjust’? Yes, it’s speculative, but say you spent 800 years getting the water moved into the Arctic / Atlantic and then the moon starts pulling it all back into the Pacific? It will take some time to equalize the global oceans and during that time I could easily see less pressure to push the Gulf Stream all the way up north. Yes, just a random speculation. Yet “water moves”… so something must happen….

      Jo Nova discusses a new paper along the same line here:
      Can the Moon change our climate? Can tides in the atmosphere solve the mystery of ENSO?

      Hot New Book: Steyn, Delingpole, Bolt, Carter, Plimer, Lindzen, Lawson, Watts, Nova

      An excerpt:

      Shh, don’t mention the water

      To state the bleeding obvious, Earth is a Water Planet. Water dominates everything and it’s infernally complicated. Water holds 90% of all the energy on the surface,[1] and both NASA[2] and the IPCC[3] admit water is the most important greenhouse gas there is, they just don’t seem inclined to produce posters telling us this is a humidity crisis, or that water is pollution.

      And another though provoking essay:

  9. Pathway says:

    There’s no money in studying oceans and no way to enslave people because the ocean is too hot or too cold.

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