Pentagon Says Global Warming Will Kill Us In Nine Years


This is scary! Experts at the Pentagon warned in 2004 that global warming will kill us by 2024.  Assuming Saddam’s WMD’s didn’t get us first.

ScreenHunter_8977 May. 05 22.37

Pentagon tells Bush: climate change will destroy us | Environment | The Guardian

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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19 Responses to Pentagon Says Global Warming Will Kill Us In Nine Years

  1. I Agree With You That The Government Is Fudging The Data To Cool The Past Warm The Present But in the Case of Yellow Cake In Iraq Not So Much via @msnbc

  2. LexingtonGreen says:

    That reads like an Onion story or some parody of something. Astounding. And yet the alarmist only double down with the nonsense. I don’t get it.

  3. inMAGICn says:

    OK, I scanned the article and I couldn’t see how rising sea levels were compatible with the UK in a “Siberian” climate. Or is it summer in Siberia? Help.

    • Anthony S says:

      Presumably melting ice would shut down the Gulf Stream current, plunging Britain into an arctic climate.

  4. I thought Britain didn’t have a climate, only weather.

  5. “Man-made global warming where did you go?
    You promised us warm winters, instead we got snow.
    I gave all my winter coats away to Oxfam;
    Now I read in the papers it was all just a scam!….”
    Read more:

  6. rah says:

    The Pentagon has a plethora real problems to deal with instead of such BS. Not the least of which is the continued filtering of limp wristed pansies into the higher levels of an already bloated officer corp. What I wouldn’t give for another George Marshall with the backing of a real president right now.

    • Robertv says:

      War is, as we all have seen, the perfect way to reduce the freedom of the citizen. The end result has always been less freedom than before the war whoever was in power. We The People are just cannon fodder and guinea pigs.

      • rah says:

        What the heck does that have to do with making the Armed Forces more efficient and effective? Or are you say you WANT a weaker military because of your fear of it being misused?

  7. Robertv says:

    But The Pentagon was right about the future. Just watch the news. Ok it was not the weather that caused it.

  8. David, UK says:

    “The threat to global stablility vastly eclipses that of terrorism” (said some unnamed annonymous fucktards hellbent on terrorising the nation, with the help of compliant media, creating these bullshit stories).

  9. secondwisconsin says:

    If the world is coming to a end and the warming people are right then, we should be able to forget about money. Lets go out with a smile let every one have what ever they want, with a lots of money but little time it will be a happy time with free sun shade. Perhaps we could take the trillions of dollars bill we have and write a IOU and send it on a long probe out of the solar system let our future self’s worry about it, if there is a mistake and a few survive. That is If the world is not coming to a end, just most of it. We need a long holiday.
    As a gesture perhaps the nations of the world should close down and take a little time off, for the few years still left for the human race. But there is a bit of happy sunshine the world will go on and perhaps the raccoons will at last be able to rise to their proper status and what a wonderful world of very cute leaders for this world it shall be. By the way I have seen them share things with each other and also other woodland friends and they love trees. And if we could leave a gift for their future, fixing the problem of a opposing thumbs would be wonderful. They love to learn and good food, sort of like college professors.

  10. Robert Austin says:

    Hence the oft cited oxymoron “military intelligence”.

  11. Chris Barron says:

    They’re just not happy people at all.

    I haven’t got a pension fund, but they want me to start one, and now they tell me I’ll never live long enough to enjoy it……forget it !

  12. Beale says:

    It turns out that ‘The Pentagon’ in this case is three men: Andrew Marshall, who commissioned the paper; and Peter Schwartz and Doug Randall, who wrote it. As far as I can see none of the three had any special qualifications in a relevant field of knowledge.

    Andrew Marshall is an interesting person. He held the position of Director of the Office of Net Assessment in the Defense Department (apparently this is DoD’s in-house think tank) from 1973 until he retired this January, through both Republican and Democratic administrations. In this case, he was evidently trying to pressure Bush over to the alarmist side, apparently with some success.

  13. Jamesplease says:

    Don’t any of you get it? They are going to let it happen. We are a plague on our own planet the rich elite have a exit plan. We don’t have enough resources the world population is out of control. If anything they are trying to speed up the process. What better way to end 9tenths of the world population. Increasing production speeds up the end. Then the greedy elite will have what’s left after war famine and lack of water rages over the entire earth. The cia spooks have moved to Denver Cheyenne mount ion has been reopened raetheon got the contract to rebuild the computers. Backup government offices moving to Denver mountains. They know what’s coming.

  14. nick creaser says:

    global warming is the most dangerous natural and man made disasters since the time man was.
    if more of us don’t help to stop this we will be all in an apocalyptic state and probably most of the worlds population depending on other countries to help them live but before all of that happens scientists are on the news telling every one how ‘we have nothing to worry about’ when in real fact we as a human population have no more that 60 years left on this beautiful planet if we carry on like this so i urge all the big fossil fuel burners like nuclear power plants and British gas to at least make a few crucial changes to your companies or maybe that one little thing that you didnt do could end future life on earth….

  15. global warming is the most dangerous natural and man made disasters since the time man was.
    if more of us don’t help to stop this we will be all in an apocalyptic state and probably most of the worlds population depending on other countries to help them live but before all of that happens scientists are on the news telling every one how ‘we have nothing to worry about’ when in real fact we as a human population have no more that 60 years left on this beautiful planet if we carry on like this so i urge all the big fossil fuel burners like nuclear power plants and British gas to at least make a few crucial changes to your companies or maybe that one little thing that you didnt do could end future life on earth….

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