Arctic Sea Ice Continues To Track 2006

The summer of 2006 had the highest minimum extent of the past  decade. This year Arctic ice is tracking 2006 very closely. Temperatures in the Beaufort Sea are forecast to remain below freezing for the next week, so we should see a slow start to the melt season in the Arctic Basin

ScreenHunter_2080 May. 30 09.08

Ocean and Ice Services | Danmarks Meteorologiske Institut

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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32 Responses to Arctic Sea Ice Continues To Track 2006

  1. Marsh says:

    Well , this news could stick a “spanner in the works” towards that CC Conference in Paris… Now we can expect those alarmist clowns – to perform some tricks, hide the truth & con the masses…

    • rah says:

      You do know that a lot of people in the US don’t know that a “spanner” is a type of wrench? Here is how the American dictionary Merriam- Webster defines it:

      Brits and Americans are two peoples divided by a common language.

      • Marsh says:

        Yes rah,,, I should have given that a second thought ; it’s a good saying but not in the United States. (we use wrench as in adjustable wrench but fixed sizes are spanners).

        • rah says:

          Yea, and it seems that adjustable wrenches are exactly what doom sayers use when the weather or climate does not agree with their predictions. They said the drought in Texas would last through the end of this century due to climate change. Now, nearly the whole state of Texas is rather soggy and some of it still under water, and those that proclaimed the drought to have been semi- permanent are now saying climate change caused the heavy and persistent rains that brought that drought to an end. Their adjustable wrench fits every kind of nut and bolt head.

        • rah says:

          Oh, BTW, the adjustable wrench replaced another type of adjustable wrench in general use that was called a Monkey Wrench” Rather fitting I think for being the alarmists favorite tool. Some mechanics in the US still refer to the adjustable wrench as a “Polish Socket Set”.

        • Monkey wrench in the US means pipe wrench.

        • rah says:

          No a pipe wrench is not a Monkey wrench though now days some advertise it as such. The Monkey wrench does look a lot like a pipe wrench. The original Monkey wrench was an adjustable wrench for nuts and bolts and had no gripping teeth on the jaws and the bottom jaw did not rock as a pipe wrench does. It was the original adjustable wrench but the jaws were perpendicular to the handle. I have several of them inherited from my Grandpa and they were even included in the tool sets for the Model T and A.

          Wikipedia has this one right:

        • Marsh says:

          What you term a Pipe Wrench,,, we call it a Stillsons (UK / Australia) or Stillson Wrench..
          A regular Adjustable Wrench,,, mostly, we call it a Shifter or a Shifting Spanner…
          I even have a Vintage Adjustable Wrench similar to the photo & the same term is used. ( we don’t apply monkey wrench, although I know the term )

  2. tomwys1 says:

    Steve: Way too early to make decent predictions – BUT: Things are trending towards records for both hemispheres. Record High for the Floating ANTARCTIC Sea-Ice Doughnut (surrounding the continent) and Record Low Floating Ice for the ARCTIC.

    At May’s end, please refer to the following:



    Beaufort Sea-Ice has already thinned to a thin strip being open in NE Alaska, and Eestern Hudson Bay also is getting a bit of the same early breakup.

    The net effect will be continued cooling, even in the face of a developing El-Niño – albedo sourced from the SH and Ocean-Effect sourced for the NH on the Asian northern edges also resulting in albedo changes.

    Much more underlying this, of course, but you hopefully get the “drift” (PI)!!!

    • tomwys1 says:

      PS We’re about a week ahead of records in both hemispheres, and thats why it is too early to solidly predict, but that week can go either way!!!

    • Jim Hunt says:

      Tom – Is “Arctic Sea Ice Continu[ing] To Track 2006”?

      • darwin says:

        Jim … who cares?

        It was supposed to be gone by now. Why aren’t you thrilled it’s still there? Are you secretly hoping it all melts away?

        Why are you obsessed with annual fluctuations in Arctic sea ice?

        • Stewart Pid says:

          Jim cheers for his team … Obsessive-compulsive Alarmists and is pulling for all arctic ice to melt so he can have his “I told u so” moment. Unfortunately the arctic hasn’t been playing fair and team obsessive is stuck making up stories that things are worse than they thought … unprecedently worse.

        • Jim Hunt says:

          The Arctic hasn’t been playing fair. It has failed to follow Tony’s narrative:

          If you use his metric of choice you might possibly be tempted to agree that “Arctic Sea Ice Continues To Track 2011”:

          However if you use Tom’s metric of choice there is simply no contest:

        • Marsh says:

          Jim , I wouldn’t get too carried away just yet with Tom’s metric of choice. The downward trend is suspect over the past two weeks and it’s “just as likely” to trend back to 06.
          Tom was wise to state: “it is too early to solidly predict” ; there’s good reason for that.

        • Jim Hunt says:

          Marsh – Who’s “get[ting] too carried away”? I’m merely pointing out the facts of the matter at the current point in time, since our host is apparently unaware of them.

        • rah says:

          Well Jim. Here is Joe Bastardi and his boys at to burst your bubble or perhaps at least give you reason to pause:

          Sea Ice comes up at 16:20 in the video but for a good total outlook for what weather to expect right through the coming winter I suggest you watch it all. Joe and his guys are the best.

        • Jim Hunt says:

          rah – I’m afraid Snow & I weren’t terribly impressed with Big Joe’s recent Arctic prognostications!

        • rah says:

          Of course not. Because they don’t agree with your alternate reality.

        • AndyG55 says:

          “extent is at all time lows for the date!”

          A really, really STUPID statement.

          This Snow twerp is obviously not very intelligent, boyfriend of yours???
          (anyway, who really care if you and your boyfriend are impressed on not, Mr Non-entity !)

          Doesn’t he know that we are on a small temperature molehill out of the COLDEST part of the last 10,000 years.. Haven’t you told him yet ?

          Doesn’t he know that the Arctic sea ice extent would have been much lower for all but the last freezing fraction of the Holocene? (called the LIA, FYI)

          Oh, that’s right, you STILL haven’t got the guts or integrity to admit that, even to yourself, let alone your boyfriend.

      • Jim Hunt says:

        rah – Does this screenshot accurately summarise Joe’s current forecast?

        Zero(ish) anomaly by August?

        • rah says:

          What do you care? I mean after all you said:
          “I’m afraid Snow & I weren’t terribly impressed with Big Joe’s recent Arctic prognostications!”

          But I’ll humor you. His sea ice forecast begins at 9:50 in the video. And yes, he says:

          “It will be Interesting to see if the anomaly, sea ice extent, goes above normal in the arctic. I think it’s going to be less melt, like last season it will be in here [makes mark] it won’t be way off the charts negative, like it was in 2012. Just another…. another busted forecast from 2012. We had permanent drought coming, dust bowl starting, sea ice disappearing. Um, [chuckle] ya know it’s a, it’s a loony bin out there!”

          But what the heck. Like I said before. Joe isn’t one of the people who have been claiming arctic ice is going away and will virtually disappear for years now so he is not one of those that fits into your alternate reality.

        • AndyG55 says:

          Tell me Jimbo, do you think the Arctic will be easily navigable again….. ?

          … you know… like it was for most of the previous 10,000 years..

          (apart from the LIA that we have unfortunately just stopped climbing out of !)

          Having zero Arctic ice for even a small part of the year would be sooooo beneficial…

          But those days are long gone, never to return in our lifetimes. 🙁

        • Jim Hunt says:

          Thanks rah,

          We can compare notes again come August and then September.

        • AndyG55 says:

          Little Jimbo keeps hiding and ignoring reality.

          Even if the Arctic sea ice does go low.. he KNOWs it is the norm, rather than unusual, and certainly not a anything to worry about..

          Arctic sea ice has been lower than even 2012 for all but a tiny, very cold fraction of the last 10,000 years.

          Admit it Jimbo, .. or keep running and hiding from the truth., like the cowardly worm you are.

    • Actually, the early breakup in Hudson Bay is in the WESTERN sector, which is unusually extensive for this point in the season. However, it is also unusual to have NO open water in the eastern half, so overall the ice coverage is somewhat below average but not as much as you might think.

      Other than that patch of open water in the west, Hudson Bay is covered with ice of 9/10 or greater concentration, suggesting that the amount of open water and its location is due more to wind strength and direction that temperature (although some melt is clearly going on). Lots of concentrated ice in Hudson Strait also.

      Have a look at this image, from Canadian Ice Services

      More here, with images from previous years:


      • Caleb says:

        Thanks for all the work you do on your site, Susan.

        I watched Hudson Bay during the winter, because the steady flow from the north came down to my neck of the woods, here in New England, and gave us one of our coldest winters since records have been kept. What I noticed was a lot of ice was transported from northwest to southeast, across the bay.. From time to time there was even a sort of polynya along the northwest coast of Hudson Bay. By April the ice was quite thin on the northwest side, but fifteen feet thick on the southeast side.

        The NRL “thickness” map has a 365-day animation which does a fairly good job of showing the process happen:

        It seems fairly obvious that the ice melted first on the Northwest side because it was much thinner on that side.

        You can see the same sort of polynyas form at the top of Baffin Bay, and along the Siberian coasts of the Kara and Laptev Seas. Open water appears even when it is -40°.

        I love to watch that 365-day NRL thickness animation, over and over. It is definitely a case where a picture is worth a thousand words, if not ten thousand.

        • rah says:

          It was that “blob” of warmer than normal air that hung of the west coast of Alaska all winter I imagine.

        • Caleb says:

          Yes, the “blob” built a high pressure ridge up the west coast of the USA that kept California mild in the south winds on the west side, but the east side of that same ridge had north winds come down and freeze my socks off. It was that steady flow from the north that pushed the ice from the northwest of Hudson bay to the Southeast.

          What will be interesting to watch is how long the ice persists in the southeast of Hudson Bay this summer. Last summer began with a bunch of ice piled up on the south-southwest coast of Hudson Bay, and some of it lasted right into August.

  3. I’m getting my snowmobile and ice boat ready to hit the northwest passage this summer

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