Baked Alaska

Mt. St. Helens erupted on this day 35 years ago. The area of sea ice on Earth has increased by more than the area of Alaska since May 18, 1980.

ScreenHunter_1933 May. 18 07.48

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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24 Responses to Baked Alaska

  1. SMS says:

    I don’t know if you’ve noticed but the above graph does not go back far enough to show the known ice extent for the year 1975. That’s the low ice extent area year ignored by NISDC when determining the ice extent uncertainty often shown on Arctic Ice anomaly graphs.

  2. Winnipeg Boy says:

    My job is weather sensative so i do my share on weather research, but i am not a meteorologist or statistician. As i am in agriculture and we develop yield models based on critical weather during the growing season it occured to me that accurate agricultural weather records are critical to accurate yield models and food production. Are agricultural sources of weather data different than the propoganda we hear every GD day?
    An example of a source:
    I dont have the right tools to dig into this. Perhaps one of your team of experts could vet my theory.
    Sorry for placing comment in unrelated spot.
    (116F in Spain – we are all going to die.)

  3. oarubio says:

    I am not convinced that humans are the main cause of Earth’s temperature fluctuations. I do have a question regarding sea ice: does the total area of ice correlate to total ice volume?

  4. Jim Hunt says:

    Intriguingly if one takes a look at the area of sea ice in the vicinity of baking Alaska one discovers the following:

  5. AndyG55 says:

    What a boon it would be for the Arctic ice to actually decrease.

    To open navigation for the world’s trade during at least a small part of the year.
    (There are records of this actually happening in the past, but not so much lately)
    Russia and other countries with an Arctic shore would be able to use their ports.

    We still need some more warming to get out of the grip of the LIA, another degree or so would be so beneficial to most of the world, especially as it would happen in the higher latitudes.
    I bet you can find one person in Siberia that doesn’t wish it was a bit warmer. ! (perhaps Jim could move there?)

    Unfortunately, that looks like its not going to happen 🙁

    The current SLIGHTLY warm period, is coming to an end.

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