Glacier Bay, Alaska Retreated 40 Miles From 1794 To 1896

The glacier at Glacier Bay, Alaska retreated at a spectacular rate of six feet per day from 1794 to 1896.

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National Geographic : 1896 Apr, Page 138

If this happened now, experts would declare it to be 100% proof of man-made warming.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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9 Responses to Glacier Bay, Alaska Retreated 40 Miles From 1794 To 1896

  1. KTM says:

    And yet the Carbon Cult claims that receding glaciers are indisputable proof that the planet has a fever.

    If anything, Glacier Bay has been much more stable during the CO2 era than in the centuries preceding it.

  2. darrylb says:

    There has been so much evidence direct and inferred
    of a medieval warm period, followed by a little ice age
    from which we have been warming for several centuries.

    Now there is some evidence that we may have reached the
    peak of warming in this oscillation which I expect may be part
    of an even larger oscillation

    There are so many natural and ongoing factors which influence
    climate in our beautiful blue ball, the sum of which we really understand
    so little of.

    It would seem we climate is never in equilibrium, but rather is
    always chasing it, with various harmonic motions.

  3. Andy DC says:

    It was all the fault of evil white men!

  4. lash leroux says:

    Tony’s use of history to bludgeon the cult of Gore is so much to watch!

  5. DD More says:

    After a cruise thru the bay, reading the NPS information packet and site.
    Glacier Bay was first surveyed in detail in 1794 by a team from the H.M.S. Discovery, captained by George Vancouver. At the time the survey produced showed a mere indentation in the shoreline. That massive glacier was more than 4,000 feet thick in places, up to 20 miles wide, and
    extended more than 100 miles to the St. Elias mountain range
    In the late 1600s near present-day Bartlett Cove, an extended family of Tlingit harvests salmon at a summer fish camp. Looming in the distance, a great glacier sits dormant, pausing before the cataclysmic advance that will force these people from their homes around 1750. But the Tlingit have proven resilient. They returned as the ice retreated and today claim Glacier Bay as their spiritual homeland.


    Lt. Whidbey was not the first to see Glacier Bay. His record includes mention of the natives who paddled out in their canoes from what is now Pt. Carolus to meet his boats and offer to trade. Were these descendents of the people who once lived in the Bay but were forced out by the advancing glacier? Tlingit oral history is corroborated by modern science — it appears that lower Glacier Bay was habitable for many centuries up until about 300 years ago, when a final glacial surge would have forced the human habitants to flee their homeland. A rich oral tradition and detailed place names speak volumes of the history of the area.

    Names sites they have found to the current extents.

    No cooling in the 1970’s, then why is glacier extent in 1929 now under ice on the Hopkins and Ferris glaciers – Map here – zoom to north –

  6. AndyG55 says:

    Just a question…

    Does the retreat of Glacier Bay make the area it more, or less, fit for navigation and human habitation ?

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