President Believes That People’s Thoughts Control Sea Level

ScreenHunter_9420 May. 21 04.40

The president of the US believes that people’s thoughts control sea level. What must people have been thinking 15,000 years ago?

Post-Glacial_Sea_Level (2)

The president took aim at GOP critics, saying temperatures are rising even though “some folks back in Washington” refuse to admit it.

Looks like Obama is another satellite denier.

ScreenHunter_9421 May. 21 04.46

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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48 Responses to President Believes That People’s Thoughts Control Sea Level

    • Steven, how would you address the GRACE Satellite Data Showing Greenland/Antarctica losing Ice??

      • ristvan says:

        Grace is beyond its design life, deteriorating. None of its recent info can be assumed correct without corroboration. Look up the mission spec. Look up the mission measurement error. Easy Googles. Then get back.

        • Ockham says:

          Phillippe’s link shows a really scary graph. It shows Antarctica losing 134 gigatonnes of ice per year or about 1600 gigatonnes over a 12 year period.. But, Antarctica contains 30 million gigatonnes of ice. By my rough calculations, Antarctica is losing 4/10000 % of it’s mass per year. At that rate, it will take 240,000 years for all of the ice to melt. This assumes that the GRACE data has not been fiddled and adjusted out of all semblance with reality,

      • Byron says:

        Phillippe , How would You address the ICEsat laser altimetry satellite data showing Antarctica gaining ice ??

        • Ted says:

          And they attribute that gain in ice to global warming, too. From the abstract:

          “A slow increase in snowfall with climate warming, consistent with model predictions, may be offsetting increased dynamic losses.”

          See? They predicted the land ice would increase, just like they predicted the sea ice would increase. Global warming theory is vindicated yet again. Personally, I think these predictions might be more useful if made in advance of a change, instead of after the fact. But that’s probably just because I don’t understand how science works.

    • omanuel says:

      He endorses 97% consensus science; 3% do not want research grants.

      • DD More says:

        He obviously does not get the true story of Canute.

        “It is often used about politicians who consider themselves so powerful they can stop the tide of something, such as rising wages – as arrogant as King Canute,” says Prof Keynes, who says he used to collect examples from the newspapers of those so-called Canute moments.
        “Everyone always gets it wrong. The latest debate is a nice example of how legend becomes distorted when it is told and retold,” says Prof Keynes. “Every now and then someone points out that the reference is wrong, but commentators continue to do it and historians such as myself wince.”
        “The story is intended to illustrate his piety – a prominent feature in his kingship,” he says. “He knows his power is nothing besides that of God.”
        “The subtext is that he knows what is going to happen – he is demonstrating what he knows already.”
        So while the Canute abusers regard him as a laughing stock – Prof Keynes describes him as a “remarkable king”.

  1. This fool needs rotten tomatoes!

  2. richard says:

    Is there ANYTHING more ridiculous than a career political wonk standing before all
    of us, and saying with a straight face, ” I can control the climate and I know what the
    RIGHT climate is.” If the american voters believe this, we are truly doomed.

    • It is evident to me that a very large minority of voting persons in the United States today, perhaps 45-50%, falsely believe both of the following:

      1) that CO2 levels exert a major effect on the climate, and
      2) that today, government has the ability to reduce CO2 emissions without causing great harm, or even moderate harm, to the people.

      These folks, combined with a certain number of others who seem disinclined to fight the Leftist/Leninist policies (perhaps in the belief that resistance is futile) make up a clear majority of the voting public.

      Whether this necessarily makes us “doomed” in the sense you mean, I’m not sure. But the delusional beliefs (and the resigned acceptance of them) are definitely out there. This is why I continually suggest that to just keep blogging about it is pushing on a string. More is needed, and seemingly no one who has thus far read my words agrees. Too bad, and also an extreme indictment of the mentality of those who’ve disagreed with me.

      What we need, at a bare minimum, are two things:

      1) an occasional physical presence outside the places where the fraud is happening: Penn State, GISS, and NCDC.
      2) to hold admission-free, public meetings at which we excoriate the fraudsters before a live audience (to include detractors if they behave themselves.)

      If we settle for anything less than this, we’re deluding ourselves.

      — RT

    • Justa Joe says:

      I don’t think that enough people take a step back from the deluge of BS “studies” that warmists intentionally churn out to confuse people to gather perspective. If people would do that they’d see the absolute absurdity of it all.

      The idea that a government entity can manage/select the weather (on a global scale at that) is absurd.
      The idea that bad weather is unnatural, unusual, or avoidable is absurd.
      The idea that man cannot adapt to different weather is absurd.
      The idea that people in industrialized nations can make some essentially minute curtailment in their CO2 emmision and this will have a discernable impact on the “climate” of the future is absurd.

      I also think that too many people that would be inclined to realize that it’s BS have bought into the line that even if it’s BS it’s “good” for the planet. People have also bought the line that Donks coming down hard on “Big Corporations” doesn’t hurt John Q. Public.

      • jdseanjd says:

        The idea that a little bit of warming is harmful is totally absurd.
        The Medieval, Roman & Minoan warm periods were warmer & more prosperous than intervening cold periods. Cold kills. Heat not so much, because we are a species which has migrated from warmer climes & adapted to cooler.
        That CO2 is demonised is totally absurd. Plant food is the staff of life on Earth for forms both animal & vegetable.

        Yet both these absurdities have been sold by the 1%s who control our Media, & too many of our universities & scientific institutions, & a substantial minority? of the general populace.

    • SMS says:

      Glad to see someone else reads Andrew Bolt’s column. He and Tim Blair are a breath of fresh air in a country (not unlike the US) where the leftist media tries to control the message.

  3. Latitude says:

    I will never understand sea level….
    Water from glaciers, ground use, rebound, etc etc….all have a major effect

    But sedimentation, silt runoff, erosion, etc, which is magnitudes more, has none………

  4. SMS says:

    Obama is trying to be the illusionist who deflects attention from his right hand by waving his left hand, fooling low information voters (this represents about 47% of the voting public in the US) as he does his trick. Obama is using an old political trick to try and get everyone off his back about the troubles in the middle east. Troubles he has exacerbated with his ignorant policies. Obama is trying to create a crisis using the non-issue of AGW. Once you have a crisis, do as Rahm Emanuel (quoting Churchhill) preaches, “never let a serious crisis go to waste”.

  5. Hugh says:


    How much has the sea level risen during the last 6000 years?

    How much has it risen during the last 100 years?

    Is this accelerating or decelerating?

  6. Andy DC says:

    Evil white males caused sea levels to rise dramatically 15,000 years ago. But wait a second! Didn’t that end the last Ice Age? Colder is not always better.

    • KTM says:

      Lots of Arctic Derangement Syndrome on display there.

      The alarmists are upset that reduced polar ice would reduce the albedo effect, thereby causing more sunlight to be absorbed and giving the earth a fever. But if the total extent of polar sea ice is relatively constant, that argument goes out the window.

      In fact, if you had to choose one of the two poles to melt down and send all the ice to the other pole, it would be very advantageous to send all the Arctic ice down to the Antarctic!

      First, because sea ice in the Antarctic extends out from around a huge continent, which means it would be distributed closer to the equator than an equivalent amount of sea ice in the Arctic. This would put more sea ice at a more perpendicular angle of incidence which means more solar irradiation for it to reflect.

      Second, because the earth is actually closer to the sun during the Southern summer season than it is during the Northern summer, that there is actually more incoming solar irradiation available to reflect in the Antarctic than in the Arctic.

      But to the Arctically Deranged, they haven’t thought any of this through. They should be cheering about the expansion of Antarctic sea ice, not condemning it.

  7. amirlach says:

    More on the “Just because you say it’s true, does not make it True” file.
    “When you spend a lot of time working towards sustainability and social justice, it can seem strange that progress is so slow. Why is it so hard to get agreement on climate change, so long after the science has been accepted? How do we put up with chronic global poverty when there are so many things we could do about it?”

    I’m thinking the irony of the fact that carbon based energy does far more to lift the very poor out of crushing poverty has escaped this Marxist based “Cultural Studies” apparatchik than any social justice ever will. Or that fuel poverty which has killed 31000 elderly and poor in the UK last winter will only increase if he gets the ” sustainability and social justice” he wants ever so badly.

    This guy will ban anyone who posts any facts contradicting his. Just ask me and Gator… Enjoy.

    • Ted says:

      Wow. This guy really is a true believer. From one of his comments:

      “I don’t see any ‘us and them’ in what I’m describing.”

      Isn’t the whole concept of social justice supposed to be based on empathy? This guy can’t even understand that it’s possible to have an opinion different from his own. There isn’t the slightest hint of empathy in him. Sadly, that seems to be the norm for higher profile social justice warriors. I’ve never heard a Nazi or a Klan member claim that no other beliefs can possibly exist. But I hear it regularly from this type. Are they really that sheltered in their echo chambers? Or do they truly have no empathy what so ever? I’m hoping it’s the first one.

      In my comment to him, I didn’t even touch the climate change issue. I think even the mention of it would end any chance of discussion with him.

      • amirlach says:

        The way i see it from my dealings with Comrade Jeremy. Global Socialisim is his goal, climate change, social justice and all of the othe green stuff are just a means to an end.
        He has already stepped over them on his climb, it matters not if they are true or not, they are rungs on his ladder. For someone to question one of these is an annoyance and confusing to him. Your attacking the foundation he has pinned his dreams upon. You ae questioning sacred doctrine.

        It’s like this! In 1988, former Canadian Minister of the Environment, told editors and reporters of the Calgary Herald: “No matter if the science of global warming is all phony…climate change [provides] the greatest opportunity to bring about justice and equality in the world.”

        They simply cannot comprehend that anyone might think that socialisim, which has failed every single time it has been implimented, won’t wok this time…

        They also cannot gasp that the maket economy they flounder in is still the best thing for the most people.

        • Ted says:

          But… But… But.. Communism has never been tried COMPLETELY. Everyone’s always done it WRONG. It’s never had a fair chance.

          They never seem willing to discuss the reasons why pure communism has never been tried. It probably has been tried, but it always fails before it even starts. It’s so incredibly against human nature, that it can’t be done. To be fair to Uncle Karl, at least he understood that human nature would need to be changed, in order for communism to work. (not coincidentally, the “science” of sociology would more accurately be called the cult of Marx) Not that I think it would work then, either. But he knew full well that the proletariat, in it’s then current form, wasn’t capable of governing itself under his theories. Like all current leftists, Marx believed that normal people weren’t smart enough to get by without the help of “enlightened” Ubermenschen, such as himself. Unlike current leftists, Marx was honest enough to say it openly.

          Of course, genuine capitalism has never been tried, either. The current western model is closer to the ideas of Mussolini, than it is to those of Adam Smith. Yet it’s still enormously more efficient than any of the watered down versions of communism, of which socialism is plainly one.

  8. ren says:

    N2 molecule is very little active.
    The CRII leads to the production of odd nitrogen. For example, fast secondary
    electrons (e?) can dissociate the nitrogen molecule, N2+e??2N(2D)+e, and almost
    all of the N atoms in the excited 2D state react with O2, producing nitric oxide,
    N(2D)+O2 ?NO+O. Vitt and Jackman (1996) estimated CRII to produce 3.0 to
    3.7×1033 molecules of odd nitrogen per year in the global stratosphere, which amounts
    to about 10% of the NOx production following N2O oxidation. They also mention that
    the northern polar/subpolar stratosphere (>50? N) is believed to be supplied with NOx
    in equal amounts by GCRs (7.1 to 9.6×1032 molecules/yr) and by N2O oxidation (9.4
    to 10.7×1032 molecules/yr). In the deep polar winter stratosphere, when air masses
    experience sunlit periods only infrequently and photolysis of HNO3 becomes negligible,
    CRII become the only source of NOx, revealing the importance of GCRs in high latitudes.
    It is also seen that the GCR produces particles of active oxygen. During strong stream of GCR total is changed atmospheric chemistry at high latitudes.

  9. AndyG55 says:

    LOL, they seek it here, they seek it there.. that awful, illusive, missing heat !!

    • Neal S says:

      Reminds me of the efforts to work out orbital mechanics for planets with a geocentric model of the solar system. But I dare say, while torturous, the geocentric model was a bit more successful than these attempts to find ‘missing heat’. It is pretty clear now that the geocentric model does not make sense and that the premise that the earth is at the center is incorrect.

      It seems no one is willing to say that the premise that there is some heat which is missing, is itself incorrect. There actually isn’t any ‘missing heat’ to be found.

  10. AndyG55 says:

    LOL.. even harder.. ouch, my sides hurt, !

    Now it is getting REALLY serious !!

  11. Why not? The President is reading this blog. He suspects your thoughts control the weather in Colorado.

  12. ren says:

    It might feel more like late October rather than late May in the Northeast on Friday night as temperatures dip well below normal.
    Frost will threaten gardens across the region on Friday night as chilly air moves in from Canada.

    • Same thing here, ren. We had snow in the foothills 2 days ago. Everything is wet and many plants and trees are late because of the continuing cold. Nobody I know—including those born in Boulder—remembers a May like this.

  13. ren says:

    For over 13 years, from the peak in the previous solar cycle in the tropics temperature drops. No wonder, then, that decreases the amount of water vapor in the troposphere.

  14. omanuel says:

    E. M. Smith has an interesting post on the historical impact of climate change on civilization:

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