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Daily Archives: August 17, 2015
Obama Promised $2,500 In Healthcare Savings
Fraudster Barack Obama promised $2,500 / year in healthcare savings during his first term in office. In an Obama administration, we’ll lower premiums by up to $2,500 for a typical family per year. And we’ll do it by investing in … Continue reading
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The Majority Of NOAA Land Temperature Data Is Fake
The animation below flashes between the land portion of NOAA’s global temperature map, and their actual measured regions of temperature. Missing areas (like most of Africa, Greenland, Antarctica and Canada) are gray. As you can see, most of their land data is … Continue reading
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Dimwitted Congressman Of The Day – Eric Swalwell
This genius from the East Bay in California has determined that the climate is changing, based on a single temperature. California was 25 degrees hotter in 1913. docs.lib.noaa.gov/rescue/mwr/050/mwr-050-01-0010.pdf The frequency of 100 degree days in the US has plummeted over … Continue reading
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Arctic Sea Ice Right At The 2006 Minimum
Arctic sea ice extent at 30% concentration is currently almost flatlined right at the 2006 minimum. That was the year with the highest minimum of the past decade Ocean and Ice Services | Danmarks Meteorologiske Institut The melt season is essentially … Continue reading
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Hiding The Decline In North Carolina
Maximum temperatures in North Carolina have plummeted almost two degrees over the past century. This wrecks their theory, so the fraudsters at NOAA simply made the decline disappear. They accomplished this through a spectacular hockey stick which cools the past … Continue reading
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