Hot Days In Illinois Are A Thing Of The Past

Prior to 1960, 100 degree days were very common in Illinois, but they rarely happen any more.

ScreenHunter_2778 Aug. 27 19.01

The reason you don’t hear about this from government climate scientists, is because they are criminals pushing the White House global warming agenda – not actual scientists.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to Hot Days In Illinois Are A Thing Of The Past

  1. omanuel says:

    Thank you, Steven, for having the analytical ability to detect and the courage to report that those deceiving the public to support the White House global warming agenda are criminals – not actual scientists. Unfortunately, as Professor Curry notes in her blog today on conceit in consensus and as Dr. Marvin Herndon noted several years ago in his paper on flaws in the distribution of federal research grants, the distribution of federal research funds after WWII has strongly favored “conceit of consensus” over “humility of honesty”.

    The inevitable consequences first surfaced as Climategate in late November 2009. Researchgate is exposing the fruits of lock-step consensus funding decisions in other areas of study.

  2. Joe Gossett says:

    Historically speaking I believe that Central Illinois averages two days a year where the temperature reaches at least 100 degrees. According to NWS records for Central Illinois. There were no 100 degree days from 1996 to 2011. As reported by the NWS office at Lincoln, IL. That streak was broken in 2012. A summer of moderate to severe drought in the Midwest. Since 2012 we have not had a 100 degree day here in Central Illinois. Low 90s have been the maximum and not that many thus far. At this point the month of August is below average with respect to temperatures and precipitation. This past week has been like September. Very comfortable.

  3. Greg Bacon says:

    I’m from the Midwest, being born and raised in Missouri since 1953. Back then, don’t remember hardly any 100 degree days on the farm and the Winters were cold.
    The ground would freeze around Thanksgiving and not start thawing out till mid-March. I know that for a fact since 3-4 times a week, had to walk the electric fence that was around the harvested corn field, where we had feeder pigs. Made sure the pigs didn’t root up corn stalks on the wire, shorting it out.

    Don’t remember any of those mild January thaws that we get now on a regular basis, with the temps getting into the 70’s and staying warm long enough for trees to start budding.

    We also had Winters cold enough that the ponds froze over and could be used for skating. That hardly happens now days.

    But that’s only me observing facts on the ground, which is no match for those with an agenda.

    IMO, the weather is changing and we need to start moving to renewable energy sources, and wean ourselves off our oil addiction.

    What we don’t need is Obama’s carbon swap boondoggle, which will jack up our utility rates and do nothing for the environment, except to makes tons of money for Wall Street traders.

    Or we could stay the course and when the oil runs out, we’ll be standing there, scratching our heads, wondering what to do.
    But that problem can be handed down to our offspring, along with the obscene debt and totally corrupted government.

    P.S. Where’s the link to that temp graph above?

    • Andy DC says:


      You are too young to remember 1954, when it was 115 in St. Louis and 117 in East St. Louis. Or the 1930’s, when you had 100 degree weather for weeks on end, with 114 in Kansas City. What you are old enough to remember were the unusually cold, snowy winters of the 1970’s and 1980’s, some of the worst on record.

      No wonder more recent winters seems milder, they are more typical of the mild winters of the early 1950’s and other years past. It was the cold, snowy winters of your youth that were unusual, not the relatively mild winters of some recent years. That is the problem with anecdotal evidence without full knowledge of a place’s weather history.


    • Greg,

      I don’t understand how someone from the Midwest would use a bombastic phrase like “wean ourselves off our oil addiction”. Have you lived since somewhere else in the leftist coastal enclaves?

      I agree with some of your prudent points about debt and corruption but “oil addiction”? I’m sure you know as well as I do the relationship between the lack of affordable energy and human misery. Providing and using affordable energy has nothing to do with addiction.

    • rah says:

      Missouri is a large state and your description indicates you were from somewhere well north of I-70 because in SE Missouri the winter conditions rarely get anything close to what you describe.

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