In 2009, NASA claimed that East Antarctica was losing ice.
NASA satellites detect unexpected ice loss in East Antarctica — ScienceDaily
I explained a few months later what they were doing wrong.
Amazing Grace – Watts Up With That?
And a few months later even TIME Magazine acknowledged the error.
Climate Change: New Study Halves the Rate of Ice Cap Melt |
In 2015 NASA’s Jay Zwally acknowledged the obvious – that East Antarctica was not losing ice.
NASA Study: Mass Gains of Antarctic Ice Sheet Greater than Losses | NASA
And now, NASA is back claiming the same nonsense.
Video: Antarctic Ice Mass Loss 2002-2020 – Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet
In 1984, NASA’s James Hansen predicted 4C global warming and 5-8C warming in Antarctica.
Meanwhile, Antarctica probably just had their coldest winter on record.
The South Pole just had its most severe cold season on record – The Washington Post
Hansen’s warming estimates were off by a factor of ten.
By 1906, Antarctic sea ice had retreated thirty miles – during NASA’s coldest years on record.