Monthly Archives: August 2023

Man Nearly Freezes In The Boiling Oceans

A Long Island swimmer nearly froze in the oceans which the UN describes as boiling. LI swimmer reunites with his rescuers who found him ‘frozen’ and barely above water level

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“INTERVIEW: Tony Heller – Debunking the ‘Record Heat’ Climate Scam”

INTERVIEW: Tony Heller – Debunking the ‘Record Heat’ Climate Scam

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Global Boiling

The United Nations says the globe is boiling. Kirye, Toki and Sakura have been exploring this world-ending crisis.

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They Are All Joe McCarthy Now

The left is currently engaged in another round of hand-wringing over Oppenheimer’s loss of his security clearance, while engaging in far worse behavior themselves. 6:35 PM · Aug 1, 2023

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Shortest Summer on Record In The Arctic

After 45 days above freezing, temperatures at the North Pole have dropped back to the freezing mark.  This is about two weeks shorter than the 1958-2002 average. Ocean and Ice Services | Danmarks Meteorologiske Institut Same story with the Greenland … Continue reading

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Hansen Mathematics

In 1988, James Hansen predicted a large increase in the frequency of droughts since the 1950s, when he said the odds were one in twenty. “Dr. James E. Hansen, director of the Goddard Institute for Space Studies, who presented recent … Continue reading

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Creating Hysteria Through Fake News

Reuters is reporting unprecedented heat in Iran. Both Iran and the US were much hotter seventy years ago in 1953. 3:09 AM · Aug 2, 2023 Iran shuts down for two days due to extreme heat “IN Iran the thermometer … Continue reading

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Creating A Fake Temperature Trend

Measured US afternoon temperatures have declined about one degree over the past century. But NOAA shows about three degrees warming in the graphs they release to the public. National Time Series | Climate at a Glance | National Centers … Continue reading

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Climate Fakery Part 19

NOAA and NASA have altered the US temperature data to turn a long-term cooling trend into a warming trend. In this video I explain the data tampering being done to hide the decline in US temperatures.

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Unprecedented Fake News

The usual perpetrators of the climate scam are claiming unprecedented ocean temperatures for a thermometer reading which was neither in the ocean nor unusual for that location. 10:30 AM · Jul 31, 2023 Florida ocean records ‘unprecedented’ temperatures similar to … Continue reading

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