Popular Science : China’s Electricity To Be One Third Renewable By 2025

“China is installing new renewable energy rapidly, expecting to hit about a third of its total grid energy use from renewables by 2025”

Why China just can’t seem to quit coal | Popular Science

Electricity production by source, China

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to Popular Science : China’s Electricity To Be One Third Renewable By 2025

  1. Timo, not that one! says:

    You have to think about what a medeival place China must have been before 1985, when they had almost no electricity.

    • conrad ziefle says:

      We should have left them there. Instead a bunch of industrialists who did not understand the long term implications thought that cheap labor was more important. Really? Labor all over the world is easily replaced by machinery.

  2. Margaret Smith says:

    yes, they need electricity to introduce the total surveillance society. 5G everywhere!
    Here, they intend this also while destroying the electrical supply.

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