Academics Want Power

“The prospect of domination of the nation’s scholars by Federal employment, project allocations, and the power of money is ever present and is gravely to be regarded.

Yet, in holding scientific research and discovery in respect, as we should, we must also be alert to the equal and opposite danger that public policy could itself become the captive of a scientific-technological elite.”

  • President Eisenhower  January 17, 1961

Academics who know nothing about delivering energy want to control energy policy.

“We need power to prescribe climate policy, IPCC scientists say”

We need power to prescribe climate policy, IPCC scientists say | Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) | The Guardian

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to Academics Want Power

  1. Yammobethere says:

    I never get tired of Ike’s Farewell Address — and I’m Canadian.

    Boy, do we need leader like that, again, here in the West.

  2. Luigi says:

    Hi Tony,
    you know that Germans have put the topic “fighting the climate change” in their constitution.

    That’s mad.

    And in fact the new law forcing houses to install heat pumps has been introduced. So, you have a 30-year old heating? you must change it and install a heat pump . This needs heating pipes in the floor. Total price for a normal (130m2) house is around 40-50k €.

    Of course people have realised the problem only when they began to collect information about the costs to be borne. And imagine: suddenly many began to feel simpathy for AfD: AfD party rose from 13% to 23% this year.

    CDU began to state that actually AfD is a normal party and it (CDU) could imagine to form a government with AfD.
    Just a few month ago, the same CDU was vehemently stating the opposite: it would never agree to a government with the Nazi AfD!

    • conrad ziefle says:

      Sp I don’t know what those initials stand for. In any case those dumb Germans better wake up, or they will be going through their third incarnation of the nazi Party, essentially. Nazi, DDR, CCP -EU blend.
      What is AfD? I assume CDU is Christian Democrat something.
      Has the Neiderlander Bauer Party caught on in Germany? It should spread through the EU and wipe it out.

  3. Russell Cook says:

    — “We need power to prescribe climate policy….”

    Endlessly amusing how the extreme far-left are so spectacularly oblivious about their own condition. All their latest blather about the dictatorial direction President Trump would take in a second term, combined with with their total freakout about his joke of being a dictator for just day 1, is pure psychological projection of their own intentions when THEY seize power. If they want to see dictators firsthand, all they need to do is look in the mirror.

    • arn says:

      After lockdowns,
      forced vaccines,
      the use of dozens high ranked CiA operatives to protect Biden by pretending that Hunters Laptop is fake,
      the jan 6 false flag,
      the fascist merger of government,big tech and even universities to censor speach and violate constitution,
      and sending billions to Nazi dictator Zelensky
      any Trump dictatorship would only result in a massive push towards democracy.

    • conrad ziefle says:

      After 3.5 years of Biden, with executive orders more numerous than all the other presidents combined, they should be used to dictatorial powers. But one must remember that when they talk about blabla ending our democracy, it translates to blabla ending our free wheeling Marxist rule.

  4. The way of the fool is right in his own eyes; Prov 12:15

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