Al Gore – Legitimate Science Is Unethical

In 1990, Al Gore announced that anyone who didn’t agree with his misinterpretation of Antarctic ice core data was “unethical.”

“The Indianapolis Star
12 Aug 1990, Sun -Page 102

THEN IN March 1990, in the Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, MIT’s Richard Lindzen pointed out that whereas all of the
climate models predict a warming of 5 degrees to 14 degrees Celsius in the Arctic during the winter, from 1940-87, the Atlantic Arctic winter
temperatures have fallen 2.5 degrees.

At his largely ignored April Interparliamentary Conference on Climate Change, Sen. Albert Gore, D-Tenn., was so frustrated by this, he charged any scientist who studied the Antarctic ice cores and did not consider global warming an immediate “‘crisis was being ‘‘unethical.”

12 Aug 1990, Page 102 – The Indianapolis Star at

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to Al Gore – Legitimate Science Is Unethical

  1. Laurie says:

    History shows one cannot lie to ‘success’ – which truth people need to hear, repeatedly.

  2. arn says:

    So this was the foundation and MOD global warming science was built upon from the very beginning as it was turned into politics.
    Of course Al Gore would have never gotten away with this strategy and behaviorwithout the monopolisation of all Media by a hand full of compays as result of the telecommunication act he and war criminal drug importer bodycount Bill Clinton(no ethical problems here) have initiated.

    Lie,Censor and attack and shame everyone who disagrees.
    Therefore it was no surprise that at the same time democrats became the party of compulsery tolerance to set the Orwellian frame.

    And who is better suited to be the untouchable reference in any science then a dude with a bachelor in Arts and a journalistic scholarship paid by the Rockefellers and who inherited his political carreer by his dad.

  3. conrad ziefle says:

    Journalism translates to “I graduated because I came to some of the classes and always agreed enthusiastically with my professors.”

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