“COP28 is now on the verge of complete failure.”
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- Bob G on California Governor Refused Firefighting Help
Al makes it sound like bad news.
Al made 200 mio + with this.
Of course it is bad news when the scam collapses.
This would make it impossible to get another 200 mio – that’s really bad news.
He may need to create a foundation to compensate for the loss,
but Epstein is no more to help him to do so.
There is another problem with the climate scam(just as with wars,sanctions and other tyrannical tools).
They only works top down – from a position of power.
Once the west becomes financially instable
forcing others to comply will become way harder,
as only billionaire&corporate owned NGO’s will remain a effectiv tool.
I think Al Gore may be projecting. Perhaps it is he who is on the verge of complete failure.
Fail! Fail!! Fail!!!
Fail! Fail!! Fail!!!
Gore made megabucks out of scaring children and retarded adults. So not a total failure.
Is this the beginning of the end or the end of the beginning of the collapse of the climate hoax?
This may be the moment when reality caught up with the climate scam.
The moment when they realised that the only thing collapsing is the scam and not the climate.
Thought experiment – Read Gore’s statement out loud in a voice that combines Homer Simpson with his annoying Tennessee preacher drawl. It’s HILARIOUS ?
I sympathize greatly with Al, I really really do.
Not a mention, not one word, in the draft about the latest, newest, most up-to-date, super scary, climate change revelation, “Fatal Humidity”!
The “Fatal Humidity Global Council”, issued an open letter to world leaders, that was signed by no less than, 57 sciency type people, and it was ignored!
Is there no hope at all for the human race?