Feeding The Crocodile

The geophysical profession exists largely to find and produce oil.

Geophysicist salary in United States

The American Geophysical Union has been feeding the anti-fossil fuel agenda for a long time, and now the crocodile has come back to eat them.

Position Statement on Climate Change | AGU

Will the American Geophysical Union Cut All Ties With the Fossil Fuel Industry? – Inside Climate News

There is no indication that any of the things these people are protesting have suffered ill effects from the use of fossil fuels.

Crop Yields – Our World in Data

Crop Yields – Our World in Data

Global Tropical Cyclone Activity | Ryan Maue

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to Feeding The Crocodile

  1. conrad ziefle says:

    I don’t think that the government can afford to buy off the majority of geophysicists. I also think that the best geophysicists are employed by the oil industry and other similar industries, and maybe the worst get jobs with the government or magazines. The pay scales aren’t even close. And only a fool would think that the fossil fuel industries have done over all harm to the world. People are living longer, eating better, living better, enjoying more, sharing more, learning more–All because of fossil fuel use. Anyone who focuses on the negative only, is not fit to make important decisions. That’s why they work for a magazine rather than for industry.

  2. conrad ziefle says:

    It’s just like the American Medical Association. Everyone of worth is too busy managing their medical practice to pay attention to who is running for the board, and suddenly they have a bunch of Marxists on their board making all kinds of crazy statements about how to achieve medical equity, which is declared to be the primary goal, rather than healing people. only thing to do is start a recall petition, pass it around, and pull these jerks from the board, and then start paying attention after that.

  3. Mike says:

    Let them live ONE month without Oil/Coal/Plastic of any kind including medications. They must not use any coal/ oil produced item period In one week they will starve or freeze to death trust me. EVERYTHING we have and use is possible because of coal/ oil!!!

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