Gore – China Overachieving Towards Net Zero

“Former Vice President Al Gore on Thursday said China will “overachieve” in its pledge to reach net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2060”

Gore believes China will ‘overachieve’ on emissions goal | The Hill

Gore is concerned about Australia however.

Annual CO? emissions

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to Gore – China Overachieving Towards Net Zero

  1. arn says:

    I guess thw world record number and the major global share in new coal plants lead Mr Gore to this conclusion.

    Mr Gore whose interest in a warming climate started during his College years according to himself has completely studied during the ice age scare ,
    so I guess he is once again using the same logic in this case.

    Now if we take all coal plants china built during the last 3 decades + those that are planned to be built in the coming years (+ many more as Gore oppened up a window with the claim that China is overachieving)
    there is a growing problem.

    The more coal plants China builts and the less time remains till 2060,
    the more and faster the switch towards renewables must happen.
    Where should all the ressources and infrastructure come from?
    And as everyone is going green at the same time the prize for all these ressources will increase and will explode the higher the percentage of green energy is.

    And why building all these new plants if there are plans to shut them down anyway.

    Btw – that’s some very impressive co2 hockeystick made in China (like everything else).
    I really wonder why none of the climate lunatics cares?

  2. Michael Abbott says:

    2060? What is the point of that as we’ll all have perished by then according to the Alarmists?

  3. Billyjack says:

    Actually, Algore makes Greta look intelligent.

  4. conrad ziefle says:

    How much you want to bet that the Chinese coal plants are not hampered by our modern effluent cleansing, pollution capturing technologies? Based on the Chinese products we receive here, I doubt those systems would work even if they attempted to install them.

  5. Richard E Fritz says:

    Al Gore classes with Professor Reveille who was working to use CO2 to measure temperatures in ice core samples never stated CO2 makes earth hotter – that why Al Gore was given D- in his classes

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