“Coronavirus pandemic could have caused 40 million deaths if left unchecked”
26 March 2020
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- arn on Visitech – Data Made Simple – Antarctic Sea Ice
- dm on Visitech – Data Made Simple – Antarctic Sea Ice
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- arn on California Governor Refused Firefighting Help
- Bob G on California Governor Refused Firefighting Help
- Bob G on California Governor Refused Firefighting Help
- arn on California Governor Refused Firefighting Help
- Disillusioned on California Governor Refused Firefighting Help
Masks didn’t work.
Lockdowns didn’t work.
Countries like Belarus and Namibia where the virus was left completely unchecked and with no vaccines had the lowest numbers.
Must be the checks that lead to such high predictions , because the checks would not be coming without apocalyptical numbers.
And most of the checks went to big pharma and online monopols who massivly benefitted from the the deliberate destruction of small businesses.
how many did remdesivir kill? a lot!!
Bob G won’t get it.
The plandemic would have killed a hell of a lot fewer people if world governments hadn’t banned Hydroxychloroquine & Ivermectin and forced everyone to take that poison they called a vaccine.
Never again!
It also would have killed a lot fewer people
if several vaccine related adverse reactions would not have been blamed on Covid.
by analysing exess death data from all Countries we may find out that the o real Covid bodycount is significantly lower than the official one,
as they systematically used to blame covid whenever they could to increase the official numbers.
And keep in mind that they deliberately attacked nursing homes to inflate the numbers.
We study what we don’t know in order to gain knowledge. Studying what is known is wasted effort. To write a model we must know the subject matter well enough to specify it, ergo we can only write a model to confirm existing knowledge, i.e. one that is superfluous for actual study activity, because it cannot yield new knowledge. You cannot create information from nothing; all you are doing is responding to noise.
Models are only useful for subject matter whose fundamentals are fully understood, and running them involves varying parameter values to gain definitive results for specific cases. They are useless for seeking the fundamentals themselves – that is the business of experiment.
None of the much vaunted models used to determine policy are of this nature, nor can they claim to be validated against real world data. They are the modern equivalent of Tarot cards, and belief in them involves a similar level og gullible superstition.
Thanks for that…
It eases my mind.
Never in the history of mankind have we been able to stop the stop or even control the spread of a viral contagion transmitted by aerosol that has a nonhuman animal reservoir.
Even if the “vaccine” had been effective in preventing symptoms it still would not have stopped the spread be because even the “vaccinated” are carriers of such contagions.
A UK study showed that in 2022 80% of all covid related deaths were of people who were triple vaccinated.