“nothing can save the Pacific island of Tuvalu”

“Sinking atolls

I hate to put this so bluntly, but in all probability nothing can save the Pacific island of Tuvalu. Like a slowly boiling kettle, the oceanic system has very long response time to changing conditions, and the seas will go on slowly rising for centuries even if all greenhouse gas emissions stopped tomorrow. With Tuvalu already experiencing regular flooding events due to past sea level rise-as I documented in High Tide-this extra rise in the world’s oceans will sound the death knell for this fascinating and lively island society.”

Six Degrees: Our Future on a Hotter Planet:

Tuvalu is growing.

“Here we present analysis of shoreline change in all 101 islands in the Pacific atoll nation of Tuvalu. Using remotely sensed data, change is analysed over the past four decades, a period when local sea level has risen at twice the global average (~3.90?±?0.4?mm.yr?1). Results highlight a net increase in land area in Tuvalu of 73.5?ha (2.9%)”

Patterns of island change and persistence offer alternate adaptation pathways for atoll nations | Nature Communications

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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10 Responses to “nothing can save the Pacific island of Tuvalu”

  1. Francis Barnett says:

    A one star review from Amazon.co.uk of “Six Degrees”
    “I believe Mr Lynas is a journalist and what you get is his skilled journalism to create environmental propaganda.
    There are contradictions throughout which means if the book is simply read at face value, it is full of doom. The last chapter exemplifies this, when the book more or less declares it’s already too late and there’s nothing we can do to stop runaway greenhouse warming. It’s as if the author finally lost all sense of balance by the end. Quite comical if read with an open and enquiring mind!
    Watch out for generalisations, vagueness and lack of scientific integrity and you’ll perhaps see it in it’s true light.
    My final warning, it you believe every word you may well develop environmental anxiety”

    Basically this book is a load of lies.

    • conrad ziefle says:

      Even if it were true, what makes the island of Tuvalu warrant continual existence? Nothing on Earth is guaranteed continual existence, particularly fringe areas along seashores, or in Arctic environments. Complaining about Tuvalu, would be like the Danes continuing to complain that Greenland froze over, killing their settlers and ruining their farms, which it did about a 1000 years ago. Or the Pueblos complaining that a drought came and drove their ancestors off the plateaus and onto the rivers, caused them to lose control of large tracts of land; which happened about 800 years ago. Or Netherlanders
      and other dwellers along the North Sea complaining that the North Sea periodically wiped out 1000s of farms and killed 10,000s of people in storms that have reoccurred many times. The Earth is a nasty place, that is why we use science to help us and not against us.

      • Mike says:

        You Sir know History which terrifies the uneducated and fools who want to control others. Thank you and PLEASE continue your good work. Mike

  2. czechlist says:

    Almanac for Dallas-Fort Worth Area, TX
    December 18, 2023 (normal temps predicted today)
    Daily Data Observed Normal Record Highest Record Lowest
    Max Temperature M 57 81 in 1980 23 in 1909
    Min Temperature M 38 60 in 2002 15 in 1964
    Avg Temperature M 47.4 66.0 in 1970 21.0 in 1909
    Wow!! A highest minimum temperature actually occurred in this century!
    I believe I have made my point so I’ll stop now.
    Peace on Earth appears unattainable, and Chanukah has passed, so here’s wishing all a safe and Merry Christmas – or Holiday Season if you prefer !!

    • conrad ziefle says:

      Don’t stop! Please, continue to toss it out there once a month or something. By the way, do you know where your Czech ancestors came from? My mother was Czech. Her family continues to live in the central Oklahoma area, around Yukon.

      • czechlist says:

        jak se mas?
        Paternals immigrated in 1907 from Zlin region of Moravia Valasske Mizirici/Stritez area. Maternal side also came from Moravia mid 1800s

        • conrad ziefle says:

          I speak about two words of Czech. Dobre den, which I think is good in any Slovak language.
          My Czech side came from North of Pilsen, which I have been able to trace, and from Pisek, which I have not been able to trace. They all came over in the 1880s or so, and settled in Iowa and Kansas, then migrated to Oklahoma.

    • Mike says:

      Happy Feast of the new Season OR happy Festivus!!!

  3. John Francis says:


  4. Michael Peinsipp says:

    They actually have a facebook site just for ‘Climate Change for Tuvalu!!! I sent this article to them…they will probably just ERASE the post. Their loss.

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