Ten Years Left For The Planet

For more than 50 years, experts have been saying we only have ten years left to save the planet.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to Ten Years Left For The Planet

  1. D. Boss says:

    It’s even worse than touting some ill conceived notions and repeating slogans. Greens and radical environmentalists have in fact killed more people in the last 120 years, than all of the evil dictators combined:


    And it’s not just the Club of Rome who profess to want to eliminate humans, as per the section 8 in the above essay, quotes a host of radical environmentalist public statements.

    Anyone supporting this climate cult narrative, is in fact serving pure evil intent as per their leaders own words, and the actual death toll of radical greens.

    • Michael Peinsipp says:

      I want those ‘greenies’ to stop the use of ALL Oil/Coal based products. That includes Electric, plastic, food, clothing, roads etc etc etc. Go live NAKED in a cave for a month and than kiss the feet of Oil/Coal.
      If they still believe in their ‘ideology,…send them to an Island in the South Pacific.

  2. John Francis says:

    In fairness to Al Gore and his minions, they didn’t state from which date we have 10 years.
    Surely Greta knows

  3. conrad ziefle says:

    I hope the planet only exists ten more years for them.

  4. Disillusioned says:

    There is more disillusionment in that three minute video than any other you will find on the Interweb.

    • Michael Peinsipp says:

      I am 68 yrs old and have gone thru a coming ICE AGE, Acid Rain (actually bark beetles), Ozone hole [turns out to be natural] and now THE EARTH IS BURNING….AAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH…fools and idjits all.

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