The Single Mission Of Climate Academics

“One core point I want to make is that we have one single mission, one single job at this point, and it’s to stop the fossil fuel industry”

2:48 PM · Jul 26, 2023

“She is Lead Author for the IPCC’s 6th Assessment Report with Working Group 3.”

About me – Professor Julia K. Steinberger

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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12 Responses to The Single Mission Of Climate Academics

  1. conrad ziefle says:

    Is it possible that the higher you get in climate “science” the less you argue with your peers about stuff, and the more you look to one person to tell you what your purpose is? That seems more like a fanatical religion or political party.

    • arn says:

      When you have one single Mission, and this single job is to stop something
      than you may be a religious zealot,a saboteur or a neocommunist hiding behind a new fancy name,
      but you are for sure no scientist.

      The quest for knowledge and therefore science was abandoned when the consensus appeared and is since then being protected by the totalitarian dogma called settled science.

      Now here statement is next level as this is not longer even pretending to be science but the intention to destroy an entire branch – and by some strange Malthusian coincidence – the most important branch that keeps civilization alive.
      If you have 1000 branches to chose from – how comes you chose exactly that one that benefits the Malthusian spirit the most?

      Yet there is a lot of interesting information in her short statement from an analytic, maybe even scientific point of view.
      1) If you would accuse her(and the IPCC) of what she said not long ago , she, her woke friends, the MSM ,politicians would call you a crazy conspiracy theorist.
      But now it’s OK.

      2)Only a Megalomaniac would dare to make such a statement – and only on a regional level .But she makes it on a global one.
      Where does her confidence to have and execute that power come from?
      This once again can only be explained with a huge conspiracy theory, but not by using official standards.
      And how humanistic and democratic(all people like her are superhumanistic lovers of democracy )is it when 95% of world population won’t go along with that.
      I am still waiting for an explanation about this new political system.
      Imagine the 0.1% want to enforce their plans and the 99.9% won’t go along with it?
      How shall we call this system and how will they enforce it?
      War?Blackmail?Destruction of energy,money,food supply and infrastructure?
      IMF,WHO,BiZ, UN pressure?Annual Pandemics?

      3) She is an unproductive bureaucrat with 0 power, working for an institution that produces nothing and completely relies on what others pay and produce.Its existence, territory, building were all paid by someone else
      and it is located in a place – Manhattan – that literally produces nothing.
      Everything has to be imported from outside and if NY would abandon fossil fuels tomorrow it would lose 90% of its population within a month as result of her low carb die-t society.
      And wasn’t Manhattan supposed to drown according to experts like her.
      What happened to the science in this case?

      4) What crime is she talking about?
      The fossil fuel industry existed for 150+ years, yet it was never accused of these kind of ‘crimes’ until recently.
      The only big climate related crimes are the climate gates, the trillions wasted for dysfunctionial alternative energy production, the weaponisation of science and the global power grab the UN is trying to achieve with the climate scam.

  2. Walter says:

    Her one objective will kills hundreds of millions of people.

  3. Petit_Barde says:

    Science is all about seeking the truth to advance knowledge, it has nothing to do with autoritarianism, coercion or even politics. She is anything but a scientist. Her only achievement is to show how corrupt and anti-science the IPPC is.

    • arn says:

      You obviously have not heard about Feudal Science 🙂

      Where a group of experts are above the laws (even those of science) and can overrule any democratic process

      Now this chick is indeed a scientist – and this is where things get really funny – not in terms of climate but cosmic background radiation.
      Yet she is completely ignoring the possibility of cosmic radiation as driver of warming.
      Another thing – she has been studying at Brown University.
      The same University where dozens of climate experts met dec. 3rd 1972 to write a letter to Nixon suggesting to melt the arctic ice to save us from the coming ice age.
      How comes this chick is smarter than 40+ of her peers combined.
      And how comes she does not give a crap about their conclusion.

      While she is no climate expert she has a degree in the most Club of Rome way – ecological economics.
      And she also glued herself to the pavement during a protest.
      I would not be surprised if this was just a fingertip or very weak glue that she used.

  4. D. Boss says:

    I think we need to round up all of these outright evil, misanthropes and force them to attempt to survive with their “low carbon” prescription.

    No clothes, no plastics, metals or chemicals all of which require hydrocarbons to produce. Nothing but natural substances or implements – out in the wilderness somewhere. I suppose we’d have to at least give them a few books on how to survive in the wild, as hunter-gatherer groups would have that knowledge passed down through their generations….

    Not one of them would survive a winter in a cold climate, nor would they survive in a jungle for very long. Check in on them periodically and film/video their progress to be broadcast everywhere, even if it is their slow and certain demise under their low carbon ideology.

    That would serve as the figurative slap upside the head to all those useful idiots who buy into this anti human crusade of bull manure!

    Call it an experiment/demonstration in the certain reality of what happens if hydrocarbon fuels are eliminated. And no they cannot have solar panels or wind turbines, all those require actual hydrocarbon fuels to mine, transport and manufacture.

    Or perhaps not as draconian as forcing them, tell them all that they cannot get any more funding or employment in their field, unless they can demonstrate they can survive at least one year without anything produced by fossil fuels. Call it the entrance fee to become a climate change zealot.

    She is in fact no different than Jim Jones and the People’s Temple cult committing mass murder/suicide, except her poison kool aid is a slow painful death for humanity as a whole.

  5. William says:

    She’s wrong, the greatest crime will prove to be The Climate scam, constructed to “thin the herd” drastically with mass starvation and forcing people to subsist on bugs and Mr Bill’s Mystery Meat Substitute, aka Soylent Green. To appease Gaia. The second greatest crime was The Pandemic illusion but it’s a distant second

  6. Disillusioned says:

    Steinberger is Agenda-driven.

  7. Francis Barnett says:

    The IPCC was formed by the UN and populated by anti-fossil-fuel activists from the start, using climate propaganda as the lever to promote theit conspiracy to bring the industrial western world down.

    As per Maurice Strong of the UN his statement here:-

    “What if a small group of world leaders were to conclude that the principal risk to the Earth comes from the actions of the rich countries?… In order to save the planet, the group decides: Isn’t the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn’t it our responsibility to bring that about?”
    Maurice Strong

    And this, showing his true feelings:-

    “Current lifestyles and consumption patterns of the affluent middle class…involving high meat intake, consumption of large amounts of frozen and convenience foods, ownership of motor vehicles, golf courses, small electric appliances, home and work place air-conditioning, and suburban housing are not sustainable…”
    Maurice Strong

    This is before he wrote himself a cheque for X million dollars from UN funds and skipped to China where he died.

  8. Francis Barnett says:

    It just gets more wierd the more you dig into Strong’s back catalogue.

    Maurice Strong- Climate Crook

    “Investigations into the UN’s Oil-for-Food-Program found that Strong had endorsed a cheque for $988,885 made out to M. Strong — issued by a Jordanian bank. The man who gave the cheque, South Korean business man Tongsun Park was convicted in 2006 in a US Federal court of conspiring to bribe UN officials. Strong resigned and fled to Canada and thence to China where he has been living ever since.
    (Ok I got the X million $ figure wrong, but it’s the thought that counts!)

    Strong is believed to have sanctuary in China because of his cousin, Anne Louise Strong, a Marxist who lived with Mao Tse Tung for two years, and when she died in 1970, her funeral was arranged by Premier Chou En-Lai. Anne Louise Strong was a Comintern member — an organization formed in 1919 as the Third International, with one of its aims to use “by all available means, including armed force, for the overthrow of the international bourgeoisie…”

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