There appears to be one-upmanship in climate academia, where each new baseless prediction is substantially more ridiculous than previous ones. All peer-reviewed of course.
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As for Stephan Hawking. I don’t take anything he supposedly said seriously during the last 3 years or so of his life. I believe his condition had deteriorated to the point where his handlers were putting words into his mouth during the last couple or three years of his time on earth.
Ding, ding, ding!
We have a winner!
Seawalls are strictly forbidden along the coast of Maui and for good reason. But guess who was able to build one anyway? Rules for thee but not for me.
Venus is hot because the gases circulating in its troposphere undergo a 400:1 pressure ratio. On the Earth it is closer to 2.5:1. I suggest these ‘experts’ read chapter 1 of any standard thermodynamics text book.
They’re supposedly astronomers.
How did they graduate from high school without covering Boyle’s Law and Charles’ Law? It is sad that intellectual snobbery prefers astrophysicists over aerodynamicists when it comes to understanding the behaviour of gases. Mere base mechanicals who build aircraft that fly and engines that work, are obviously inferior to ivory tower navel gazers
I read that the pressure on Venus is the equivalent of the pressure in Earth’s oceans at 1 km deep. that’s more than enough to crush a standard submarine
To get “hell on earth” the model must include Mannkind overwhelming natural processes in more ways than adding greenhouse gases. More specifically, the assumptions must eliminate water vapor’s moderating effect on air temperature.
Increasing atmospheric water vapor increases cloud cover, and increasing cloud cover increases the amount of solar energy clouds reflect into space. The net result profoundly moderates air temperatures below the clouds–all around the globe. Observation during recent decades confirms this process. The geologic record suggests this process helped moderate continental and ocean temperatures for millions of years.
Given the above, inquiring minds should ask how the hell on earth study’s authors Mannipulated atmospheric dynamics.
The more drastic effect is that of latent heat, which reduces the temperature lapse rate having a drastic negative feedback effect. It is why arid deserts are hot. This fundamental premise that it is radiative properties of matter that determine the temperature distribution arose mainly because the early protagonists of the greenhouse effect apparently knew nothing of thermodynamics. The dominant effect of clouds is their capacity for storing heat in the form of latent heat. The effect of their radiative properties is ambiguous, to say the least. The radiative theory, beyond the radiation balance in the tropopause, is very much a red herring, but like the belief in Martian canals, will remain central to climate science, and the source of ridiculous prognostications for at least another generation.
Take a control volume, which is the surface of Earth. Every unit of water vapor that leaves the control volume has the latent heat of vaporization. Every unit of water that returns to the Earth is minus the latent heat of vaporization, and sometimes also the latent heat of lignification. Where does all that latent heat go? I think it radiates to space. Water has stronger radiative properties than CO2, and a high-flying cloud has less atmosphere to block the outgoing radiation.
What is radiated to space is power. Latent heat is energy. This confusion of Watts with Joules is the fundamental reason why the greenhouse effect theory is arrant nonsense, The power balance is at all times equal to the solar constant modified by the albedo, otherwise power is being generated from nothing.
Wait, what?
Power is a rate, not a quantity.
In a control volume is a conservation of mass and energy issue. What goes in must come out or stay. Add it all up. I’m not doing a complete energy balance, but only examining what the water cycle does, and saying that the water cycle is a conveyor belt that takes energy out of the system and disposes it to space. (Water vapor enthalpy) x mass flow out- (liquid water enthalpy) x mass flow in = is a net flow of energy out of the control volume which is described by the surface of the planet. Power is a rate. What about a rate is not quantifiable? I have 12 eggs. My chickens lay 6 eggs a day. How many eggs will I have in 4 days?
Conrad & Gordan, you substantially enhanced my comment. So, I humbly defer to you two.
It would be a good thing I think for someone to keep a database that shows the names of such alarmist paper’s authors. I honestly believe there is going to come a day where the system corrects itself. And when that day comes it should be a day of reckoning for every alarmist whore “scientist” that pumped out this kind of crap AND for those that supposedly performed the “peer reviews”.
I appreciate your optimism. I wish I had it. ? They work for a very powerful cabal that protects them, no matter what they do, inasmuch as most politicians are protected, no matter what they do, like Edward Kennedy, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Joe Joe Biden and many more., inasmuch as heads of federal agencies are protected, no matter what they do, like Fauxi.
How do you stop a steamroller if you aren’t controlling it? ?
speaking of one-upsmanship Al Gore recently said we’re going to see a billion refugees from climate change. I’ve seen a lot of interviews of people flowing across the southern open border and not one of them ever mentioned climate. lucky for them we’ve had a warm December but that’s going to change in January and those Chicago illegals are going to freeze their fannies off
On refugees – long story short.
Five days after French authorities grounded a plane carrying 303 people after a tip about human trafficking, the plane departed today Monday 25th Dec for India with 276 Indians on board.
French police stopped the plane last Thursday when it landed to refuel at Paris-Vatry Airport. They had received an anonymous tip about the flight being used for human smuggling.
The aircraft was operated by Legend Airlines, a small Romania-based charter company, and was traveling from Fujairah airport in the United Arab Emirates to Managua, Nicaragua. All 303 passengers were Indian, according to officials.
Nicaragua is well known entry route for illegals to cross the USA southern border.