“unprecedented melting of the arctic ice fields.”

The Atlanta Constitution 17 Sep 1911, Sun -Page 6″Ice Shortage Even in Arctic.

Reports from Baffin bay and the other waters around Greenland also tell of an unprecedented melting of the arctic ice fields.”

17 Sep 1911, Page 6 – The Atlanta Constitution at Newspapers.com

According to Michael Mann, that period of time was the coldest in a millennium.


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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One Response to “unprecedented melting of the arctic ice fields.”

  1. conrad ziefle says:

    I guess Michael Mann thinks that the Little Ice Age began about 1500 and ended about 1900? He is so smart that he can ignore all the literature, paintings, other scientists, measurements, etc. that established the LIA and MWP. He is such a genius. You can tell from his Xceptional account.

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