Ominous Changes In The World’s Weather

Fortune Magazine February 1974

“Climatologists now blame those recurring droughts and floods on a global cooling trend.

It could bring massive tragedies for mankind.

The changes, which are charted on the facing page, began with a pronounced warming trend after about 1890. Mean temperatures peaked in 1945 and have been dropping sharply ever since. The total drop since the Forties — about 2.7° F.—hardly seems dramatic, but the effects have been substantial.
Icelandic fishing fleets that learned to range northward during the warm period have now had to return to traditional waters to the south. For the first time in this century, ships making for Iceland’s ports have found navigation impeded by drifting ice. Since the late Fifties, Iceland’s per-acre yield of hay has dropped 25 percent.

In North America, the armadillo extended its range as far north as Nebraska during the warming trend, and now is beating a retreat southward again. In England, the average growing season is two weeks shorter than it was prior to 1950. As Lamb puts it, “Global temperatures since 1945 constitute, we believe, the longest unbroken trend downward in hundreds of years.”

“A grim prospect for India is suggested by the chart below drawn from data compiled by Reid Bryson. Droughts in northern India declined in frequency during the period when the world was getting warmer, but have been increasing in recent years. Points on the chart indicate the proportion of weather stations whose average rainfall for the previous ten years was less than 50 percent of normal. The red line shows India’s population growth, which Bryson contends was encouraged by the unusual interlude of favorable climate.”








About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to Ominous Changes In The World’s Weather

  1. LexingtonGreen says:

    Great find! Thank you!

  2. Bill says:

    From the magazine:

    “Long-range climate forecasting is still pretty much beyond the grip of science, but in recent months highly respected climatologists have been risking their reputations to predict that things will get worse.”

    I predict that long-range climate forecasting will not get much better, and that climatologists will nevertheless double down on predicting that things will get worse.

    • Disillusioned says:

      With their record – always and still at zero – whatever a gubmint-paid climatologist forecasts/fearmongers, the polar opposite is probably a safer bet.

  3. Ulric Lyons says:

    The cooling of the AMO in the 1970’s was not due to aerosol cooling, but by stronger solar wind states driving positive North Atlantic Oscillation regimes.

    solar plasma temperature and pressure:

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