“An example of the rising temperature is that of Spitzbergen, only 800 miles from the North Pole. In 30 years the average winter level of the thermometer has gone up by nine degrees Celsius.
Vanishing ice
The ice-packs which once used to ring the north coast of Iceland for several months of the year allowing no passage, now only span the same area for 60 days. The almost impenetrable barrier in the Polar Sea has been replaced by ineffective floes lashing through the waves.”
“So much ice has vanished on Greenland,” the Swedish scientist explained after a careful survey, “that the entire character of this northern country has changed.”
Turning to Alaska, Professor Ahlmann estimates that the glaciers are retreating at the rate of 900 feet a year. Some of them have presented a unique sight for decades, their sheer drop into the water from high altitudes displaying a rare spectacle.
Meanwhile the people in Europe have again wondered at the lack of snow in the valleys. And it certainly was not a white Christmas for those who can remember the heavy snow falls last century.
Scientists believe that the melting of ice in the polar regions indicates a radical change in climatic conditions.”
World’s News (Sydney, NSW : 1901 – 1955), Saturday 4 March 1950,
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Hans W Ahlmann saw the benefice of a warmer climate.
Nice to see his work as a proof of the changing climate with no human influence.
In Svalbard it is differences in currents that is causing the great shifts.
Something to be concerned about
There has been a 40% reduction in the strength of the planets magnetic field, and it is accelerating.
40 percent over the last 400 years
How could they know what the earth’s magnetic field strength was 400 years ago, 300, 200 or even 100 years ago? Oh, I see, it’s a model. Never mind.
When you know how the temperature was in 1884 by looking at the tree ring(while they tell you at the same time that experts a 100 years ago were too dumb to readd thermometers) , you know how the magnetic field was 1000 years ago.
These people can declare something irrelevant a 5 Sigma weather event,
though they only have data for a few centuries,
yet they can tell you it was a 1 :3.5 mio event.
But they can not tell you next weeks weather.
Jimmy Dore just released a video titled “The pandemic destroyed the scientific community (in fact it was the AGW scam, but both are part of the same agenda control tool )” it shows how science really works below the surface
All designed to create fear and economic destruction… to take over the world.
Q. How fast is the U.S. now going further into debt?
A. 1 $trillion more in debt every 14 weeks.
Q. What did the lab rat say when he got his tail caught in the fan?
A. It won’t be long now.
No it’s not a model, you can definitively determine past magnetic field strength and direction by the orientation of magnetic materials formed or constructed at that time.
Example is in lava flows, containing iron or nickel, etc. Other examples are from plants that incorporate magnetic minerals.
And the sun regularly flips it’s magnetic poles every 11 years. This is in fact far more potentially worrisome than any climate change nonsense, because with a pole reversal on earth, which has occurred numerous times in geologic history, our magnetic shield from the solar wind is diminished and tons of harmful particle and radiation can get to the ground. (and/or will in fact bring down or kill most satellites too)
D. Boss,
Almost all of what you said, I agree – and I have reason to. It is because I have understood for a long time that there is empirical evidence for pole shifts, that the poles move and are moving, that the magnetic field has weakened – and I recall that the bottom (of the Atlantic ocean, I think) clearly shows us that magnetic reversals have occurred time and again.
Concerning models, on second look (my first was cursory) it appears the models and modeling in the report mwhite provided really only concern recent, present data and forward projections. And perhaps you are correct that no model is necessary to determine what the strength was 400 years ago – that mathematical calculations are all that is necessary to accurately determine strength going back in time.
And that’s where my antennae go up. Given what we have witnessed from the shenanigans in the scientific community and government funded research, I am skeptical (and I admit, sometimes even cynical). I think there are plenty reasons for healthy skepticism with government-funded studies, models and forward-looking projections/conclusions. But, what am I? I am just an observer and … I guess, a ‘pontificator’. 🙂
I do see and acknowledge that you know much more about this than I. I appreciate your compassion on this topic.
State of the Geomagnetic Field.
” Since 2020, the north magnetic dip pole has moved at an average speed of 41 km/yr, and the south magnetic dip pole at 9 km/yr.”
NASA says so????
And… how do you explain the 32 km difference in the shift?
Just curious.
Williams,Tyler J.
Author Organization(s):
The shifting of the magnetic poles is empirical, and can be determined with any sensitive magnetic compass. In fact all aircraft, aviation charts, and even runway designations are based on magnetic headings. And the charts for example show the magnetic deviation between true north and magnetic north.
Being a pilot this is one of the first things you learn in groundschool, regards dead reckoning navigation. In fact every small and large plane has a table of correction values for the magnetic compass, and small planes go to a marking on an airport apron (compass rose), away from everything magnetic, with all the cardinal points in relation to true north are marked, and you orient the plane on each and record where the magnetic compass points, and use this as the deviation for navigation purposes.
Runways are not numbered arbitrarily, they reflect the magnetic heading of the runway centerline. And in fact many runways have changed designation over the past 50 years as a result of the magnetic pole shifting. (runways are marked according to their magnetic heading, with the last digit dropped, so are designated by tens of degrees from north, being 360 and 0 degrees. So runway 09 is in fact facing east at 90 degrees. It’s opposite direction runway is then 27 or 270 degrees, due west)
So yes all you pontificators, the pole is shifting location, by a lot, and it is empirically based, not modeled. The runway I learned to fly on, back in 1977 has changed from 09-27 to 08-26. And right now the actual magnetic heading of those runways is 75 degrees and 255 degrees magnetic.
Governments around the world need to implement a “Geomagnetic Field Tax” to fix this! We can see how well the Carbon Tax is working to reduce the natural outgassing of CO2 from our oceans.
Since magnetism is bipolar, you would expect both poles to shift the same amount. They say that Earth is really pear shaped, so maybe that is the difference. Apparently, geologists have strong evidence that the poles have shifted many times during Earth’s history. They know this by the ocean floor, where the earth is spreading apart. I believe that is called a constructive zone because as the earth spreads, it creates a new surface. In any case, where this happens, there are strips of the new surface that are polarized one direction, and followed by strips that are polarized the opposite direction. It implies to me that it happens quickly, otherwise they would see a gradual transition from one to the other. It sounds like they see a sudden shift. A sudden shift in geological terms might be 41km/year, but then you have to wonder what causes it to shift slowly. The magnetic field is supposedly caused by the flow of outer core, I suppose like an electric current, the magma must have a charge associated with it. So is the magma (I call it that, it might not be the right term), slowing down by any noticeable amount? That might be catastrophic, a lot more than any CO2 could cause, and it would end the magnetism if it stopped. Any comments from higher authorities?
I quickly looked at this report, and I mean quickly, because it is something out of my control and therefore I have little interest in it. But it seems in a quick read of the first section that something akin to the standard deviation was less than 10% of the average over the last 4 years (?) and they didn’t seem too worried about it. I didn’t read future, but wonder it the shift of41km/yr is random walk.
It is NOT some statistical anomaly. The position of the poles has been moving a lot in our lifetime. And it does matter, as all maritime and aviation navigation depends on the relationship between true north and magnetic north, known as the magnetic deviation. And it is empirically known and routinely measured for aviation as all maps and the magnetic compass in every single aircraft large and small must be calibrated to reflect the current deviation.
On the above website, turn off the modeled values and select only the observed pole locations to see it is not a statistical anomaly!
And yes a complete reversal has happened many times and it is far more worrisome than climate CO2 nonsense, because without the earth’s magnetic field acting as shield from the solar wind, we get irradiated massively, and the sun will blow our atmosphere away into space!
Shouldn’t the climate get warmer during such a reversal period as result of less shielding?
The “experts” have been saying for the last 60 years that the world will end in 20 years if we don’t do what they say.
And the sky has been falling for centuries.
Hmmm . . . they’ve been saying for the last 60 years that we would have fusion reactors in 20 years. Coincidence?
In graduate school we had a guest professor on nuclear fusion, and one day after class several of us got a chance to talk to him about fusion. His assessment was that it would require a magnetic bottle 1 km in diameter. He also said at that point in time, 1979, they had been working of fusion for 20 years, with no progress, whereas Fermi achieved fission in a few years. He didn’t think we would have fusion in the foreseeable future. When I hear, over and over, about the new breakthrough, I think about what he said. Invariably, the rumor of a breakthrough is followed by more grant money, after which no more is said until more funding is needed, and the rumor resurfaces.
“Vanishing ice – radical change in climatic conditions”
I am aware of weather conditions. What are ‘climatic conditions?’
I don’t get it. you directly quote the weather propagandists without providing your side of the story. If people were to come here and not know what you were trying to say, it looks like you’re supporting global warming.
Usually when he does that, it is because the article is a rehash of a similar article, done decades ago. The point is they have cited these conditions over and over, but the dire end never happens, because the weather trends/climate is cyclical not linear.