Climate Heresy

The press is upset that a fictional movie doesn’t blame their plot on fossil fuels.

Why ‘Twisters’ Refuses to Mention Climate Change

When the press says a connection to fossil fuels is complicated, they mean it is non-existent.

Sorry, President Joe, Your Claim That Climate Change Is Making Tornadoes Worse Is False – ClimateRealism

US Tornado Deaths Per Million People

US Annual Tornado Death Tolls, 1875-present – NSSL News

25 Nov 1927, Page 7 – The News-Review at

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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15 Responses to Climate Heresy

  1. Conrad Ziefle says:

    I don’t want to offend anyone, but journalists reporting on the climate reminds me of listening to religious fanatics talking about seeing the Virgin Mary while they were walking in the woods.

  2. Scott Allen says:

    The numbers of tornadoes are down even after they DECREASED the speed of winds to qualify as a tornado and DECREASED the speed of each catigory of tornado

    Old Fujita scale

    F0—–under 73 mph
    F1——73-112 mph

    New Enhanced Fujita scale

    EF0——65-85 mph
    EF5——-greater than 200 mph

    They tried to make tornadoes appear to be getting worse, but mother nature is not cooperating
    And they didn’t go back and adjust that past records (which would make past tornadoes worse) like they did for the past temperature records

    • Conrad Ziefle says:

      They actually decreased the wild speeds of the classes of tornadoes? Nothing could be more demonstrative of the climate fanatics cooking the books. Well, maybe there are a few other things they did as well.

      • D. Boss says:

        Oh they are doing it everywhere… The National Hurricane Center, et al have been bumping up the official wind speeds of Tropical Storms and Hurricanes since about 2017. They can get away with it when storms are way out to sea, but have to be more careful with their manipulations when it gets close to land, as Radar, and weather stations can debunk their fingers on the scale.

        You used to be able to get the data from the Hurricane hunter aircraft dropsondes online, but now it’s nearly impossible to acquire the raw data – why? Because they got caught using the wind speed at 10,000 feet above sea level as the wind speed at the ground/sea surface.

        I have recorded almost every single storm since 2017 as being artificially inflated wind speeds, and most often at least one if not two Category reported value compared to actual strength.

        The most glaring was with landfall of Ian in SE Florida. There was a Hurricane hunter flying a pattern just as the eyewall was making landfall. You could not get the dropsonde info, but the plane’s transponder delivers ADS-B data every 10 seconds. Tracing the ADS-B data, against the position within the eyewall, and knowing the max maneuvering speed of the plane (the max speed in heavy turbulence so the wings don’t fall off), and some simple math – the storm’s eye wall was some 30-40 knots slower winds and 2 categories less than reported at landfall.

        It was still seriously destructive, but not nearly what was reported. (and numerous ground stations confirm this as well – but you don’t hear that in the lamestream media)

      • Scott allen says:

        Old Fujita scale error on my part


  3. dearieme says:

    The obvious way to reduce the frequency of tornados in the USA is that y’all start to drive on the left.

  4. Bob G says:

    climate change is a fickle thing. climate change caused a water shortage at the Panama canal, which greatly limited the number of ships that could Transit through the canal. but then climate change decided to refill Gatun lake and now things are back to normal at the canal. πŸ™‚

    • Francis Barnett says:

      I have a theory about that, it’s called “The weather”

      • Bob G says:

        no it can’t be the weather. I saw a video on it just a few months ago and the guy in the video said it was climate change. take it to the bank. lol. ?

  5. Disillusioned says:

    When the press says a connection to fossil fuels is complicated, they mean it is non-existent.

    Bingo! πŸ™‚

  6. Peter Carroll says:

    Oh golly gosh! That chart showing a decrease in the number and severity of tornadoes, bears a striking similarity to Australia’s, Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) Tropical Cyclone Chart for the same period. That also shows a steady DECREASE, in the number and severity of storms.
    Is this evidence for, climate change???? I must ask Michael Mann, he’s the “expert” on this. Isn’t he?

  7. Correct me if I am wrong, but the AGW scare claims that polar regions warm up more quickly than equatorial regions. That is when the protagonists aren’t claiming everywhere is warming up twice as quickly as everywhere else. It is basic thermodynamics that if the temperature gradient is reduced wind strengths of all classes will be reduced. So, according to global warming theory, otherwise known as bunk, increased tornadoes and hurricanes must be interpreted as cooling, and not heating, of the atmosphere.

  8. Bruce says:

    β€œthe climate crisis is forcing the American Red Cross to respond to nearly twice as many large disasters as we did a decade ago.”

    Another reason might be, more people living in areas that were formerly a corn field.
    Red Cross don’t plant no corn

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