Summer Heat And Burn Area

US burn acreage does not correlate with atmospheric CO2, but it does correlate with the percent of hot days in the summer.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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2 Responses to Summer Heat And Burn Area

  1. Bob G says:

    Drought (dry kindling) and Smokey Bear (practice of fire prevention) are factors. I don’t really understand how there’s a correlation between a hot day of 88 not starting a fire and a super hot day of 100 alleged to start a fire. Doesn’t it need to be close to 500 degrees to start a fire? Fires don’t start just because it’s 100°

  2. Bill says:

    In the song Lumberjack, written in the 1950’s, we can find some basic facts:

    “Well, I learned this fact from a logger named Ray
    You don’t cut timber on a windy day
    Stay out of the woods when the moisture’s low
    Or you ain’t gonna live to collect your dough.”

    Johnny Cash does a great job with this song, which you can find online.

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